Page 9 - HOH SEPT 16 2020
P. 9

A4   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 16 september 2020
            Virus death toll linked to Maine wedding grows to 7

            By PATRICK WHITTLE                                                                                                  has  a  legal  right  to  meet.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The  authority  of  a  local
            PORTLAND,  Maine  (AP)  —                                                                                           Christian  church,  a  Jew-
            At least seven people have                                                                                          ish synagogue, or a Muslim
            died  in  connection  to  a                                                                                         mosque to gather for their
            coronavirus  outbreak  that                                                                                         respective religious services
            continues to sicken people                                                                                          is  a  time-honored  part  of
            in  Maine  following  a  wed-                                                                                       our nation's history since its
            ding  reception  held  over                                                                                         inception,"  the  statement
            the  summer  that  violated                                                                                         said. "These religious activi-
            state  virus  guidelines,  pub-                                                                                     ties are also fully protected
            lic health authorities said.                                                                                        under the First Amendment
            The August wedding recep-                                                                                           to our United States Consti-
            tion at the Big Moose Inn in                                                                                        tution."
            Millinocket is linked to more                                                                                       Bell  has  been  critical  of
            than  175  confirmed  cases                                                                                         government  attempts  to
            of the virus, the Maine Cen-                                                                                        control  coronavirus,  and
            ter for Disease Control and                                                                                         videos  show  he  has  held
            Prevention said Tuesday.                                                                                            services without the use of
            Maine    authorities   have                                                                                         social  distancing.  He  hired
            identified   overlaps   be-                                                                                         a  lawyer  known  nationally
            tween the wedding recep-     This Aug. 18, 2020, file photo shows the Big Moose Inn on Millinocket Lake in Millinocket, Maine.   for  defending  the  religious
            tion  and  outbreaks  else-                                                                        Associated Press  rights  of  churches.  Neither
            where in the state. An em-                                                                                          Bell  nor  an  attorney  work-
            ployee of the York County  es of the virus in total since  said Nirav Shah, director of  is  currently  investigating  to  ing with the church, David
            Jail attended the wedding,  March.                        Maine CDC.                   determine  if  an  outbreak  Gibbs  of  Florida,  person-
            Maine  CDC  officials  have  But the growing number of  "Maine  CDC  is  concerned  at the church is connected  ally responded to a request
            said.  Maine  health  offi-  cases  related  to  the  wed-  about  where  we  are,  and  to  the  wedding  outbreak.  Tuesday for comment.
            cials have also said a staff  ding, which exceeded the  I'm asking everyone else to  That outbreak has sickened  Maine  CDC  was  unaware
            member  from  a  Madison  state's guidelines of 50 peo-   share in that concern. CO-   10 people, Shah said.        of  the  church's  statement
            rehabilitation center, which  ple or less at indoor gather-  VID-19, right now, is not on  Calvary  Baptist  Church  is-  and couldn't comment on
            is the site of six of the sev-  ings,  could  undo  some  of  the other side of the fence.  sued a statement on Tues-  it, Shah said.
            en  deaths,  attended  the  that progress if it continues  It is in our yards," Shah said.  day  that  said  "a  number  Shah  said  the  state's  per-
            event.                       to  swell.  Authorities  have  "The  gains  that  Maine  has  of  Calvary  Baptist  Church  cent  positivity  rate  has
            The  virus  cases  stemming  said  more  than  65  people  made  against  COVID-19  members  attended"  the  ticked  up  to  0.63%  for  the
            from  the  wedding  have  attended the wedding.           are  ones  that  could,  and  wedding  reception.  The  previous  seven  days.  At
            spanned hundreds of miles  The  six  people  from  the  unfortunately     can,    be  statement  said  the  church  one  point,  the  rate  was
            in a state that had largely  Madison  rehabilitation  fa-  washed away."               is taking precautions to limit  less  than  half  a  percent-
            controlled  the  spread  of  cility  who  died  were  all  The wedding was also offi-  the spread of the virus, and  age point. The rate remains
            the  coronavirus  through  residents of that facility and  ciated by pastor Todd Bell  it will defend its right to con-  well below the national av-
            the summer. Maine has re-    none  of  them  attended  of  Calvary  Baptist  Church  tinue holding services.        erage  of  about  5%,  Shah
            ported less than 5,000 cas-  the  wedding  reception,  in Sanford. The Maine CDC  "The Calvary Baptist Church  said.q

            States face pressure to ban race-based hairstyle prejudice

                                                                      hairstyles in schools and the  in  New  Mexico  will  have  in  January.  New  Mexico's
                                                                      workplace.                   far-reaching   implications  Legislature is dominated by
                                                                      Advocates  this  week  pre-  to protect our diverse com-  Democrats  and  the  state
                                                                      sented  a  draft  proposal  munity from egregious acts  has  a  Democratic  gover-
                                                                      to  New  Mexico  state  law-  of  hatred,"  Watson  said.  nor.
                                                                      makers  that  would  outlaw  "Hair discrimination is racial  Earlier this year, Democrat-
                                                                      employers    and   schools  discrimination."              ic Washington Gov. Jay In-
                                                                      from discriminating against  New Mexico Black Lawyers  slee signed a bill that made
                                                                      Black and Native American  Association  President  Aja  Washington the latest state
                                                                      women's  hairstyles.  It's  the  Brooks said job offers have  to  pass  a  version  of  the
                                                                      latest  state  targeted  by  a  been  rescinded  to  Black  CROWN Act.
                                                                      national campaign.           women  in  other  states  be-  It  stands  for  "Create  a  Re-
                                                                      Devont'e  Kurt  Watson,  a  cause of hairstyles and that  spectful  and  Open  World
                                                                      member of Black Lives Mat-   students  in  New  Mexico  for Natural Hair" and is part
                                                                      ter  in  Albuquerque,  told  and  in  other  states  have  of  a  national  campaign
                                                                      New  Mexico  lawmakers  been told in class by teach-      promoted by Dove, the Na-
                                                                      on  Monday  that  the  state  ers their hair was a distrac-  tional Urban League, Color
            In this Jan. 28, 2020, file photo, Michele Watley, founder of Shir-  should  amend  its  Human  tion.               Of Change and West
            ley's Kitchen Cabinet, testifies in favor of a bill before the Kansas   Rights  law  to  protect  peo-  "Hair discrimination for peo-  ern  Center  on  Law  and
            Legislature to ban discrimination based on hairstyles in employ-
            ment, housing and public accommodations during a commit-  ple  with  Afros,  cornrows,  ple of color in New Mexico  Poverty.
            tee hearing at the Statehouse in Topeka, Kansas.          dreadlocks    and   head-    is real," Brooks said.       California, Colorado, Mary-
                                                     Associated Press  wraps. The state should also  The  draft  evaluated  by  a  land,  New  York,  New  Jer-
                                                                      provide protections for Na-  New  Mexico  legislative  in-  sey,  and  Virginia  have  al-
            By RUSSELL CONTRERAS         are facing pressure to ban  tive  Americans  who  face  terim  committee  was  the  ready  passed  similar  laws,
            RIO RANCHO, N.M. (AP) —  race-based  discrimination  hair discrimination, he said.     first step for a bill that is ex-  according  to  people  in-
            A growing number of states  against  hair  texture  and  "Passing the (the proposal)  pected  to  be  introduced  volved in the campaign.q
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