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u.s. news Diahuebs 10 December 2020
Biden’s Pentagon nominee puts some Democrats in a bind
(AP) — President-elect ing a trend, and I don’t like it.
Joe Biden’s nomination of It is difficult to imagine vot-
retired Army Gen. Lloyd ing for a Mattis.”
Austin to be secretary of And, with the Senate al-
defense has put some Sen- most evenly divided politi-
ate Democrats in a bind. In cally — with the outcome
the past, they’ve opposed of two Georgia special elec-
naming recently retired tions pending next month —
military officers to the Biden can only lose so many
post, yet they don’t want Democrats, which is unusual
to be seen as blocking the for an incoming president
first African American to from the same party. That
lead the Pentagon. means he’ll need some Re-
publican support to get Aus-
Congress waived a law pro- tin confirmed, though, that
hibiting the appointment of will be forthcoming, at least
such officers in confirming in some quarters.
President Donald Trump’s Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla.,
choice for the post, retired the current chairman of the
U.S. Marine Gen. Jim Mat- Armed Services Committee,
tis, in 2017. But that came said, “I always support waiv-
over the objections of some ers.”
Democrats, who may now
have to reverse themselves to Austin was an unexpected
back Austin, who served 41 choice as Biden’s secretary of
years in the Army and retired defense nominee. Most spec-
in 2016. ulation centered on Michele
Flournoy, an experienced
Sticking to their past stands Similarly, Illinois Sen Dick experience. Now the Mat- Sen. Richard Blumenthal Washington hand and Biden
would mean defying a presi- Durbin opposed the waiver tis period at the Pentagon is said despite the historic racial supporter. She would have
dent from their own party for Mattis but now says, “I viewed by some as an argu- angle of Austin’s nomination, been the first woman to run
just as he takes office. In was so impressed with his ment against waiving the rule he would not vote for a waiv- the Pentagon.
announcing Austin’s pick, performance that I would again. er because it “would contra- Austin is widely admired for
Biden said he hoped the Sen- consider a waiver for Austin, Mattis’ critics say he sur- vene the basic principle that his military service, which
ate would grant Austin the once I get to know him.” rounded himself with mili- there should be civilian con- includes leading troops in
same waiver it did Mattis. Civilian control of the mili- tary officers at the expense of trol over a nonpolitical mili- combat in Iraq and Afghani-
Introducing Austin Wednes- tary has long been rooted a broader civilian perspective. tary.” stan and overseeing U.S.
day at an event in Wilming- in Americans’ wariness of He resigned in December military operations through-
ton, Delaware, Biden said, large standing armies with 2018 in protest of Trump’s “That principle is essential to out the greater Middle East as
“He is the right person for the power to overthrow the policies. our democracy. … I think (it) head of Central Command.
this job at the right moment.” government it is intended has to be applied, unfortu- Still, opposition to another
He said Austin is “feared by to serve. That is why the Chuck Schumer, the Dem- nately, in this instance,” Blu- waiver has also come from
our adversaries, known and president is the civilian com- ocratic leader in the Sen- menthal said Tuesday. outside the Senate. Kori
respected by our allies.” mander in chief, and it is the ate, struck a cautious tone Sen. Tim Kaine, a Virginia Schake, director of foreign
He would be the first Black rationale behind the prohibi- Wednesday, when asked Democrat, was non-commit- and defense policy studies
leader of the Pentagon, a his- tion against a recently retired about a wavier for Austin, tal, saying in a statement he’d at the American Enterprise
toric nomination that could military officer serving as de- saying, “I’m gonna have to “closely evaluate the implica- Institute think tank, tweeted
have even more resonance fense secretary. study that.” tions for waiving the Nation- that she had reluctantly sup-
at a time of extraordinary ra- Some Democrats who agreed “Bottom line is that Austin’s al Security Act requirement ported a waiver for Mat-
cial tension in the country. to the 2017 waiver saw Mat- a very good nominee and twice in just four years.” But tis because she believed
Before announcing Austin tis as tempering Trump’s im- we’ll figure out where to go Hawaii Democratic Sen. Bri- Trump posed “a threat to
as his pick, Biden was facing pulsive nature and offsetting from there,” Schumer said. an Schatz, went further Tues- Constitutional governance
pressure from activists over his lack of national security Connecticut Democratic day, saying, “This is becom- domestically and the liberal
a lack of diversity in some of order internationally. Thank-
the key posts of the Cabinet fully, Biden is neither, so the
he was building. circumstances don’t support
Before Mattis, the only oth- a waiver.”
er time Congress approved
a waiver was in 1950, for Biden has countered con-
George Marshall. cerns by arguing that Austin
Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed, knows that a Pentagon chief’s
the ranking Democrat on the duties are different from
Senate Armed Services Com- those of a military officer. He
mittee, said at the time of the said Austin is aware that “the
Mattis confirmation, “Waiv- civil-military dynamic has
ing the law should happen no been under great stress these
more than once in a genera- past four years,” an allusion
tion. ... Therefore, I will not to Trump’s hiring of numer-
support a waiver for future ous retired generals for key
nominees.” posts early in his administra-
tion, including Mattis.
Now Reed is suggesting he’d House Speaker Nancy Pe-
be open to the possibility for losi, D-Calif., has followed
Austin: “I feel, in all fairness, Biden’s lead, announcing her
you have to give the oppor- support and calling Austin
tunity to the nominee to ex- “particularly well-positioned
plain himself or herself,” he to lead during this precarious
told reporters Tuesday. moment.”