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A28     u.s. news
                Diahuebs 10 December 2020

                                Minneapolis eyes deep police cuts after Floyd's death

            (AP) — Minneapolis City                                                                                             “Combined  those  invest-
            Council  members  who                                                                                               ments add up to a safer city
            tried  unsuccessfully  to                                                                                           for  everybody  and  an  ap-
            dismantle  the  police  de-                                                                                         proach  that  creates  a  more
            partment     in   response                                                                                          sustainable public safety sys-
            to  George  Floyd's  death                                                                                          tem  for  our  city,”  Fletcher
            are  voting  Wednesday  on                                                                                          said in an interview.
            whether  to  shrink  it,  a                                                                                         On  the  other  side  are  those
            move  that  could  imperil                                                                                          like  Frey  and  Police  Chief
            the entire city budget be-                                                                                          Medaria  Arradondo  who
            cause the mayor is threat-                                                                                          say  there’s  no  need  for  an
            ening  to  use  his  veto  to                                                                                       either-or decision — that it’s
            protect public safety amid                                                                                          possible  to  reform  policing
            soaring crime rates.                                                                                                without cutting officers. The
                                                                                                                                mayor and 12 of the 13 coun-
            The  plan,  which  supporters                                                                                       cil members are Democrats;
            call “Safety for All,” is the lat-                                                                                  one council member is from
            est version of the “defund the                                                                                      the Green Party.
            police” movement that Min-                                                                                          If  the  council  approves  the
            neapolis and other cities have                                                                                      plan  Wednesday  night,  Frey
            considered since Floyd’s May                                                                                        would have five days to veto
            25  death  ignited  mass  dem-                                                                                      if  he  chooses.  The  council
            onstrations  against  police                                                                                        could  override  him  with  a
            brutality  and  a  nationwide  fort to provide new solutions  same period in 2019.     ment  is  already  down  by  two-thirds  majority,  or  nine
            reckoning with racism.       for  problems  traditionally  “This  summer  happened  about  120  —  partly  due  to  council  members,  but  it’s
            Eleven  of  the  13  council  handled by police. Such cuts  because  George  Floyd  was  officers  claiming  post-trau-  not clear whether those nine
            members  have  already  cast  have  led  some  departments  murdered by the Minneapo-  matic  stress  disorder  from  votes  exist.  The  proposal  to
            committee  votes  in  favor  of  to lay off officers, cancel re-  lis Police Department and it  a summer of unrest — with  cap  the  number  of  officers
            the largest parts of the plan,  cruiting  classes  or  retreat  wasn't  an  accident,  it's  be-  more preparing to leave amid  passed with just 7 of 13 votes
            signaling that passage is like-  from hiring goals.       cause the system of policing  retirements and poor morale.  in committee Monday.
            ly. It would cut nearly $8 mil-  In   Minneapolis,   violent  we know now is not just rac-  Passions  ran  hot  on  both  A proposal over the summer
            lion from Mayor Jacob Frey’s  crime rates have surged since  ist, but it doesn't create safety  sides  as  more  than  400  citi-  to dismantle the department
            $179  million  policing  bud-  the  death  of  Floyd,  a  Black  for all,” said Oluchi Omeoga,  zens signed up to speak dur-  and replace it with a “Depart-
            get and redirect it to mental  man  who  was  handcuffed  a cofounder of Black Visions,  ing  a  marathon  hearing  last  ment  of  Community  Safety
            health  teams,  violence  pre-  and pleading for air for sev-  which  supports  “Safety  for  week  that  ran  into  the  early  and  Violence  Prevention”
            vention  programs  and  other  eral  minutes  while  Derek  All”  as  a  step  toward  more  hours  Thursday,  with  many  initially  had  support  from  a
            initiatives.                 Chauvin, a white former of-  transformational change.     expressing  alarm  that  the  majority  of  the  council  but
            “I  am  actively  considering  a  ficer, pressed his knee against  Due  to  austerity  forced  by  council  was  even  contem-  faltered when a separate city
            veto due to the massive, per-  his neck. Chauvin and three  the  coronavirus  pandemic,  plating cuts.              commission  voted  against
            manent cut to officer capac-  others  were  charged  in  the mayor’s proposal already  “I think we need to make bold  putting  it  on  the  Novem-
            ity," Frey said in a statement  Floyd’s death and are expect-  bakes in a $14 million cut to  decisions on a path forward,”  ber ballot. The city was pay-
            Monday night. Reducing the  ed to stand trial in March.   the  department  compared  said  Council  Member  Steve  ing $4,500 a day at one point
            authorized  size  of  the  force  Police  have  recorded  532  with  its  original  2020  bud-  Fletcher,  a  coauthor  of  the  for private security for three
            by 138 officers before enact-  gunshot  victims  this  year  as  get, mostly through attrition.  proposal. While acknowledg-  council  members  who  re-
            ing  alternatives  is  ”irrespon-  of  last  Thursday,  more  than  Frey aims to hold the num-  ing that it would mean fewer  ported  getting  threats  after
            sible,” he said.             double the same period a year  ber of sworn officers around  officers, he defended the plan  supporting defunding.
            Cities  around  the  U.S.,  in-  ago.  Carjackings  have  also  770 through 2021 with hopes  by saying it would reduce the  Bill  Rodriguez  of  Minne-
            cluding  Los  Angeles,  New  spiked to 375 so far this year,  of  eventually  increasing  the  department’s  workload  by  apolis,  part  of  a  community
            York City and Portland, Or-  up 331% from the same pe-    force  to  its  current  autho-  shifting 911 calls away from  group  called  Safety  Now
            egon, are shifting funds from  riod last year. Violent crimes  rized cap of 888. “Safety for  armed  officers  to  other  spe-  Minneapolis that formed re-
            police  departments  to  social  have topped 5,100, compared  All”  would  cap  the  number  cialists such as mental health  cently  in  response  to  rising
            services  programs  in  an  ef-  with  just  over  4,000  for  the  at 750 by 2022. The depart-  professionals.     crime,  said  his  group  sup-
                                                                                                                                ports police reform by fund-
                                                                                                                                ing many of the programs the
                                                                                                                                council  wants  to  fund:  ex-
                                                                                                                                panding  violence  prevention
                                                                                                                                programs, programs aimed at
                                                                                                                                intervening  safely  with  peo-
                                                                                                                                ple  suffering  mental  health
                                                                                                                                issues and finding ways to re-
                                                                                                                                spond to some 911 incidents
                                                                                                                                without police officers.
                                                                                                                                But he said cutting police of-
                                                                                                                                ficers  is  a  bad  idea  and  was
                                                                                                                                sharply  critical  of  council
                                                                                                                                members who he said “can’t
                                                                                                                                get  beyond”  their  vow  this
                                                                                                                                summer to abolish or defund
                                                                                                                                “They are hell-bent on their
                                                                                                                                agenda,” Rodriguez said. “Ev-
                                                                                                                                erything they do has that taste
                                                                                                                                on  it.  ...  They’re  still  mak-
                                                                                                                                ing this up as they go along.
                                                                                                                                We’ve got a City Council be-
                                                                                                                                ing run by a bunch of inex-
                                                                                                                                perienced activists who have
                                                                                                                                never  run  anything  in  their
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