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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 5 augustus 2022

                         Russian judge sentences WNBA's Griner to 9 years in prison

            (AP) — A judge in Russia has con-   of the Ural Mountains, had become
            victed  and  sentenced  American  her "second home."
            basketball star Brittney Griner to
            nine years in prison for drug pos-  Prosecutor Nikolai Vlasenko insisted
            session and smuggling.              that  Griner  packed  the  cannabis  oil
                                                deliberately, and he asked the court to
            Judge Anna Sotnikova said the time  hand Briner a fine of 1 million rubles
            Griner  has  served  in  custody  since  (about  $16,700)  in  addition  to  the
            her  arrest  in  February  would  count  prison sentence.
            toward the sentence.
                                                Lawyers  for  the  Phoenix  Mercury
            Griner  reacted  to  the  sentence  with  center  and  two-time  Olympic  gold
            little  emotion.  She  listened  to  the  medalist have sought to bolster Gri-
            verdict with a blank stare on her face.  ner's  contention  that  she  had  no
            While  recapping  the  evidence  and  criminal intent and that the canisters
            giving  her  findings  Thursday,  the  ended up in her luggage by mistake.
            judge said the 31-year-old Griner il-  They  presented  character  witnesses
            legally brought drugs into Russia.  from  the  Yekaterinburg  team  that
                                                she plays for in the WNBA offseason
            Before  the  unusually  quick  verdict  and written testimony from a doctor
            was  announced,  Griner  made  a  fi-  who said he prescribed her cannabis
            nal appeal to the court . She said she  for pain treatment from injuries sus-  sia's efforts to develop national sports  sia  sent  troops  into  Ukraine  more
            had no intention to break the law by  tained in her basketball career.  and make Moscow's call to depoliti-  than five months ago. The direct out-
            bringing vape cartridges with canna-                                    cize sports sound shallow.          reach over Griner is at odds with U.S.
            bis oil into the country when she flew  Her  lawyer,  Maria  Blagovolina,  ar-                              efforts to isolate the Kremlin.
            to Moscow in February to play bas-  gued  that  Griner  used  the  cannabis  Boykov added that even after her ar-
            ketball in the city of Yekaterinburg.  only in Arizona, where medical mari-  rest,  Griner  won  the  sympathy  of  People  familiar  with  the  proposal
                                                juana is legal.                     both her guards and prison inmates,  say  it  envisions  trading  Griner  and
            Earlier in the session, with a convic-  She  emphasized  that  Griner  was  who  supported  her  by  shouting,  Whelan for the notorious arms trader
            tion all but certain, an emotional Gri-  packing in haste after a grueling flight  "Brittney,  everything  will  be  OK!"  Viktor Bout, who is serving a prison
            ner made a final appeal to the court  and suffering from the consequenc-  when she went on walks at the jail.  sentence in the United States. It un-
            for  leniency.  She  said  she  had  no  es  of  COVID-19.  Blagovolina  also  Before  her  trial  began  in  July,  the  derlines the public pressure that the
            intention to break the law by bring-  pointed out that the analysis of can-  State  Department  designated  her  as  White House has faced to get Griner
            ing vape cartridges with cannabis oil  nabis  found  in  Griner's  possession  "wrongfully  detained,"  moving  her  released.
            when she flew to Moscow in Febru-   was flawed and violated legal proce-  case under the supervision of its spe-
            ary  to  play  basketball  in  the  city  of  dures.                    cial  presidential  envoy  for  hostage  White House Press Secretary Karine
            Yekaterinburg.                                                          affairs,  effectively  the  government's  Jean-Pierre  said  Monday  that  Rus-
                                                Blagovolina asked the court to acquit  chief hostage negotiator.        sia has made a "bad faith" response to
            "I  want  to  apologize  to  my  team-  Griner,  noting  that  she  had  no  past                           the U.S. government's offer, a coun-
            mates, my club, my fans and the city  criminal record and hailing her role  Then  last  week,  in  an  extraordinary  teroffer that American officials don't
            of  (Yekaterinburg)  for  my  mistake  in "the development of Russian bas-  move, Blinken spoke to Russian For-  regard  as  serious.  She  declined  to
            that  I  made  and  the  embarrassment  ketball."                       eign Minister  Sergey Lavrov, urging  elaborate.
            that I brought on them," Griner said,                                   him  to  accept  a  deal  under  which
            her  voice  cracking.  "I  want  to  also  Another defense attorney, Alexander  Griner and Paul Whelan, an Ameri-  Russian officials have scoffed at U.S.
            apologize to my parents, my siblings,  Boykov, emphasized Griner's role in  can  imprisoned  in  Russia  on  an  es-  statements about the case, saying they
            the  Phoenix  Mercury  organization  taking her Yekaterinburg team to win  pionage conviction, would go free.  show  a  disrespect  for  Russian  law.
            back at home, the amazing women of  multiple championships, noting that                                     They  remained  poker-faced,  urg-
            the WNBA, and my amazing spouse  she  was  loved  and  admired  by  her  The Lavrov-Blinken call marked the  ing  Washington  to  discuss  the  issue
            back at home."                      teammates. He told the judge that a  highest-level known contact between  through  "quiet  diplomacy  without
            Griner said Yekaterinburg, a city east  conviction  would  undermine  Rus-  Washington and Moscow since Rus-  releases of speculative information."

                           Jamaica upsets Australia in Commonwealth Games netball

            (AP)  —  Jamaica  caused  for  the  medal  rounds  with  deficit at the start of the last  them, if not better. We have  ed the quickest heat time of
            a  major  upset  in  Com-    their 57-55 triumph over the  quarter  to  clinch  their  first  so much discipline and focus  22.71.
            monwealth Games netball  Australia  Diamonds,  who  triumph over Australia in the  in our squad."
            when it topped gold med-     were also through. They will  Games, with captain Jhaniele                             Four  years  after  being  dis-
            al  favorite  Australia  after  play  England  or  defending  Fowler starring in attack.  Who  Jamaica  or  top-ranked  qualified on the Gold Coast
            a  stunning  comeback  on  champion  New  Zealand  in  Fowler, who plays in Austra-    Australia  face  in  the  semi-  for  impeding  a  rival  before
            Thursday.                    the semifinals on Saturday.  lia's domestic competition for  finals  will  be  decided  after  crossing first in the 200, Eng-
                                                                      the  Perth-based  West  Coast  England  and  New  Zealand  land's Zharnel Hughes post-
            The Sunshine Girls qualified  Jamaica  overcame  a  six-goal  Fever,  scored  47  goals  from  meet late Thursday.  ed the fastest men's heat time
                                                                      50 attempts and said the win                              of 20.30.
                                                                      boosted her confidence in Ja-  In athletics, champion Jamai-  Trinidad and Tabago's Jareem
                                                                      maica's hopes of winning the  can  sprinter  Elaine  Thomp-  Richards, who was promoted
                                                                      gold medal.                  son-Herah returned to Alex-  to the gold medal on the Gold
                                                                                                   ander  Stadium  just  over  12  Coast after being impeded by
                                                                      "It's a bit surreal to beat Aus-  hours  after  her  triumph  in  Hughes, qualified third fast-
                                                                      tralia  in  a  Commonwealth  the  100  meters  on  Wednes-  est in 20.68.
                                                                      Games," she said.            day night.
                                                                      "We've not done that before,  A double Olympic champion  Pre-race    favorite   Grace
                                                                      but  this  team  of  ours  is  in-  in the 200, she qualified sec-  Brown  from  Australia  won
                                                                      credible  and  we  went  out  ond fastest for Friday's semi-  the  women's  road  cycling
                                                                      there  and  proved  everyone  finals in an easy heat win in  time trial in the Black Coun-
                                                                      wrong and it feels so good.  22.80 seconds.               try  around  Wolverhampton
                                                                      "Our mindset from the start                               with  an  outstanding  perfor-
                                                                      was  that  we  are  as  good  as  Nigeria's  Favour  Ofili  post-  mance.
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