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A28 u.s. news
Diabierna 5 augustus 2022
Ousted prosecutor Chesa Boudin won’t run for his old seat
the same support she has offered my accused fentanyl dealers presented by
work.” Boudin’s administration, saying the
deals’ terms were too lenient.
Boudin said that sitting out the No-
vember election does not preclude Jenkins plans to run in November
him for running for district attorney in an attempt to serve the rest of
in 2023 for a full four-year term. Boudin’s term through 2023. Also
in the race is Joe Alioto Veronese, a
Boudin, 41, was recalled from of- civil rights attorney and grandson of
fice in June barely three years after former San Francisco Mayor Joseph
he won office in November 2019 — Alioto.
amid frustration and anxiety over the
pandemic and viral footage of Asian Boudin said in his announcement
seniors being assaulted in San Fran- that he was “gravely concerned” that
cisco. the progessive policies implemented
by his administration are being rolled
His platform of seeking alternatives back by Jenkins.
to incarceration, offering restorative
justice and giving defendants second Boudin, whose mother died in May,
chances did not resonate with some said the demands of his job had pre-
voters who became convinced that vented him from has cleaning out her
(AP) — Ousted San Francisco September and his elderly father, a the city was sinking into petty law- apartment and planning her memo-
District Attorney Chesa Boudin, former Weather Underground radi- lessness. rial.
who was recalled from his post in cal who was released from prison
June, said Thursday that he will after serving more than four decades San Francisco Mayor London Breed His mother was Kathy Boudin, also
not campaign for his old seat in for his role in a fatal robbery. appointed Boudin recall campaign a former Weather Underground
the November election. leader Brooke Jenkins as interim dis- radical. She served more than two
“My son is on the verge of taking his trict attorney until the November decades in prison for her role in the
The progressive criminal justice re- first step and speaking his first word,” election. 1981 armored truck robbery and died
former tweeted that nonstop cam- Boudin said. “My wife’s research on of cancer. Her husband, David Gil-
paigning has taken a toll on his fam- multiple sclerosis at (University of Jenkins on Wednesday announced bert, was granted parole last October.
ily, which includes his son born last California, San Francisco) deserves she has revoked 30 open plea offers to
Dried blood and roses: Jury gets rare look at Parkland scene
(AP) — Roses that had rested on the floor where The door of Room 1255, open on his desk. Student — all aggravating factors un-
been brought to honor one of the victims’ bod- teacher Stacey Lippel’s class- assignments comparing der Florida’s capital punish-
love on that Valentine’s ies once lay. A single black room, was pushed open — the tenets of Christianity ment law.
Day in 2018 lay withered, rubber shoe was in a hall- like others to signify that and Islam remained there,
their dried and cracked way. Browned rose petals Cruz shot into it. Hanging some graded, some not. On Under Florida court rules,
petals scattered across were strewn across a hallway on a wall inside was a sign his whiteboard, Beigel, the neither the judge nor the
classroom floors still where six people died. reading, “No Bully Zone.” school’s cross-country coach, attorneys were allowed to
smeared with the blood of The creative writing assign- had been writing the gold, speak to the jurors — and
victims gunned down by a In classroom after classroom, ment for the day was written silver and bronze medalists the jurors weren’t allowed
former student more than open notebooks displayed on the whiteboard: “How to in each event at the Winter to converse with each other
four years earlier. uncompleted lesson plans: write the perfect love letter.” Olympics, which had begun — when they retraced the
A blood-coated book called five days earlier. path Cruz followed on Feb.
Bullet holes pocked walls “Tell Them We Remem- And still hanging on the wall 14, 2018, as he methodically
and shards of glass from win- ber” sat atop a bullet-riddled of a second-floor hallway was Prosecutors, who rested their moved from floor to floor,
dows shattered by gunfire desk in the classroom where a quote from James Dean: case following the jury’s tour, firing down hallways and
crunched eerily underfoot at teacher Ivy Schamis taught “Dream as if you’ll live forev- hope the visit will help prove into classrooms as he went.
Parkland’s Marjory Stone- students about the Holo- er, live as if you’ll die today.” that Cruz’s actions were cold, Prior to the tour, the jurors
man Douglas High School, caust. Attached to a bulle- calculated, heinous and cruel; had already seen surveillance
where shooter Nikolas Cruz tin board in the room a sign Inside slain teacher Scott created a great risk of death to video of the shooting and
murdered 14 students and read: “We will never forget.” Beigel’s geography class- many people and “interfered photographs of its aftermath.
three staff members. Noth- room, his laptop was still with a government function”
ing had been changed, except In the classroom of English
for the removal of the vic- teacher Dara Hass, where
tims’ bodies and some per- the most students were
sonal items. gunned down, students had
written papers about Malala
The 12 jurors and 10 alter- Yousafzai, the Pakistani teen-
nates who will decide wheth- ager who was shot by the Tal-
er Cruz gets the death penalty iban for going to school and
or life in prison made a rare has since been a global advo-
visit to the massacre scene cate for educational access for
Thursday, tracing Cruz’s women and girls.
steps through the three-story
freshman building, known as One of the students wrote:
“Building 12.” After they left, “A bullet went straight to her
a group of journalists was al- head but not her brain.” An-
lowed in for a much quicker other read: “We go to school
first public view. every day of the week and we
take it all for granted. We cry
The sight was deeply unset- and complain without know-
tling: Large pools of dried ing how lucky we are to be
blood still stained classroom able to learn.”
floors. A lock of dark hair