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a26    obituario/u.s. news
                Diabierna 5 augustus 2022

                       Trump-aligned challengers ousting GOP legislative incumbents

                                                                                                            sidered the legislation unconstitutional, because it
                                                                                                            lacked an exception for youths already undergoing
                                                                                                            such treatments.

                                                                                                            Vos, who has served as Wisconsin Assembly speaker
                                                                                                            since 2013, has taken sharp criticism for not pursu-
                                                                                                            ing a resolution decertifying Democrat Joe Biden’s
                                                                                                            victory in the state. Trump endorsed his Republi-
                                                                                                            can challenger, Adam Steen, saying that “Vos re-
                                                                                                            fused to do anything to right the wrongs that were
                                                                                                            done” in the 2020 election.
                                                                                                            Under  pressure  from  Trump,  Vos  hired  former
                                                                                                            state  Supreme  Court  Justice  Michael  Gableman
                                                                                                            last year to investigate the election. Gableman said
                                                                                                            decertifying the election was “a practical impossi-

                                                                                                            Steen said he decided to challenge Vos because he
                                                                                                            failed to pass legislation outlawing absentee ballot
                                                                                                            drop boxes ahead of the 2020 election and hasn’t
                                                                                                            pushed for tougher consequences for voter fraud,
                                                                                                            among other things.

                                                                                                            “Conservatism  as  a  whole  has  been  lethargic,”
                                                                                                            Steen said. “We lack vision, and I think that vision
                                                                                                            is coming back.”

                                                                                                            Vos said Steen is running on hyperbole. He said
                                                                                                            Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, poses the real ob-
                                                                                                            stacle to conservatives. Evers, for example, vetoed
            (AP) — As Wisconsin’s longest-serving Assembly  The challenger’s argument: Vos should do more to  Republican bills that would have made it harder to
            speaker, Republican Robin Vos has presided over  respond to former President Donald Trump’s un-  vote absentee.
            efforts to restrict abortions, weaken unions, expand  founded allegations of fraud in the 2020 election.
            gun rights and push back against COVID-19 man-                                                  “If  we  don’t  get  a  Republican  governor,  (Steen)
            dates. Despite that, he’s facing a primary challenger  Primary  challengers  like  the  one  facing  Vos  next  would have less success than I had,” Vos said.
            who claims he’s not conservative enough.        Tuesday  have  been  successfully  targeting  incum-
                                                            bent state lawmakers across the country, and Re-  Vos is one of nine GOP Wisconsin lawmakers fac-
                                                            publicans are taking the brunt of it.           ing primaries. Though the challengers face an up-
                                                                                                            hill fight, they could push the already conservative
                                                            With more than half the state legislative primaries  Legislature even further right if they notch a few
                                                            concluded, Republican incumbents this year have  victories. That would mark a significant shift in a
                                                            been losing at nearly twice the average rate of the  state that plays a crucial role in national elections.
                                                            past decade, according to data compiled for The As-
                                                            sociated Press by the election tracking organization  Twenty-seven states had held legislative primaries
                                                            Ballotpedia. The primary loss rate for Democratic  or  conventions  before  Tuesday.  In  those,  at  least
                                                            state lawmakers is similar to previous elections.  110  Republican  incumbents  and  33  Democrats
                                                                                                            had  been  defeated.  The  Republican  loss  rate  of
                                                            The Republican losses continued to mount Tues-  7.1% far exceeds the Democratic rate of 2.8%. It
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada   day, as Trump-endorsed candidates ousted incum-
                                                                                                            also significantly exceeds the 3.6% average Repub-
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.   bent state senators in Arizona and Michigan and a  lican incumbent loss rate over the previous decade
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                   conservative challenger beat the assistant majority  in those states, as well as the 4.4% Republican loss
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                      leader of the Missouri Senate. Though not techni-  rate in those states during the last redistricting elec-
              Salmo: 23                                     cally an incumbent, Arizona House Speaker Rusty  tion cycle in 2012.
                                                            Bowers also lost a bid for state Senate after being
              Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia  fayecimento   criticized  for  refusing  to  help  Trump’s  efforts  to  Idaho voters have led the way in ousting Repub-
              di:                                           overturn the 2020 election.                     lican  incumbents,  defeating  18  GOP  lawmak-
                                                                                                            ers  —  or  30%  of  those  who  sought  reelection
                                                            In  many  cases,  Republican  lawmakers  are  being  —  even  while  choosing  GOP  Gov.  Brad  Little
                                                            defeated  by  challengers  portraying  themselves  as  over a Trump-backed challenger who claimed he
                                                            more conservative on election integrity, transgen-  wasn’t  conservative  enough.  The  losers  included
                                                            der policies, school instruction and other hot-but-  three lawmakers representing Kootenai County in
                                                            ton issues.                                     northern Idaho, where a local Republican commit-
                                                                                                            tee recommended conservative challengers against
                                                                                                            some incumbents after a lengthy vetting process.
                                                            “We have a far-right faction that is very dissatisfied
                                                            with what’s happening on the left. So if you are not
                                                            rabidly  a  fanatic  that  just  punches  every  button,
                                                            then you’re going to have an issue,” said Arkansas
                                                            state Rep. Craig Christiansen, who lost in a Repub-
                                                            lican primary earlier this year.
              Inocencio A. Ras
              Cariñosamente jama: “Betico”                  Though Christiansen considers himself “very con-
              *08-07-1950 †03-08-2022                       servative,” he drew multiple challengers and failed
                                                            to advance to a runoff. That came after he voted
                                                            against overriding Republican Gov. Asa Hutchin-
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia              son’s veto of legislation making Arkansas the first
              despues.                                      state  banning  gender-confirming  treatments  for
                                                            those younger than 18. Christiansen said he con-
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