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A30    world news
                Diabierna 5 augustus 2022

                           Norway's king hospitalized due to fever; in stable condition

                                                                      (AP) — Norway's 85-year-     fever,"  the  royal  household  tion  to  replace  a  heart  valve
                                                                      old  King  Harald  V  has  said,  adding  that  the  mon-  in  October  2020  after  being
                                                                      been admitted to a hospi-    arch's condition is stable.  hospitalized  with  breathing
                                                                      tal in the capital Oslo due                               difficulties.
                                                                      to  an  examination  relat-  Rikshospitalet  is  part  of  the
                                                                      ing  to  fever,  the  Norwe-  Oslo  University  Hospital,  Harald's  duties  as  Norway's
                                                                      gian palace said in a brief  the main hospital in Oslo.   head  of  state  are  ceremoni-
                                                                      statement Thursday.                                       al, and he holds no political
                                                                                                   In March, Harald tested posi-  power.  He  ascended  to  the
                                                                      "His  Majesty  The  King  was  tive  for  COVID-19,  with  throne following the death of
                                                                      admitted  to  Rikshospitalet  mild  symptoms.  He  went  his father, King Olav, on Jan.
                                                                      today  for  investigation  for  through  a  successful  opera-  17, 1991.

                   French PM announces the creation of new LGBTQ ambassador job

            (AP)  —  French  Prime  be  in  charge  of  pushing  for  Asked  about  her  opposition
            Minister  Elisabeth  Borne  universal  decriminalization  to  France's  2013  law  autho-
            on  Thursday  announced  of  homosexuality  and  trans  rizing gay marriage and adop-
            the creation of a new po-    identity.                    tion,  the  minister,  Caroline
            sition  of  ambassador  for                               Cayeux, said: "I have a lot of
            LGBTQ  rights  in  efforts  She also announced the cre-   friends among all those peo-
            to  fight  discrimination  ation  of  a  3  million-euro  ple. " The remarks last month
            across the world.            ($3.05  million)  fund  to  fi-  shocked many LGBTQ peo-
                                         nance ten new LGBT+ cen-     ple  and  activists  against  dis-
            Borne spoke while visiting an  ters, in addition to the 35 al-  crimination  and  abuse,  and
            LGBTQ  center  in  Orleans,  ready existing in France.    provoked calls for her resig-
            central  France,  on  the  40th                           nation.
            anniversary  of  the  decrimi-  Borne's  announcements  fol-
            nalization  of  homosexuality  lowed  criticism  of  the  gov-  On Thursday, Borne said that
            in the country.              ernment  after  one  minister  "the President of the Repub-
                                         made comments seen as stig-  lic's  approach,  my  approach,
            Borne  said  an  ambassador  matizing  homosexuality  and  the  government's  approach  progress on the rights of the  Borne added that the minis-
            will  be  named  by  the  end  LGBTQ people.              is  not  ambiguous:  we  will  LGBTQ."                    ter  "made  unfortunate  com-
            of  the  year  and  will  notably                         continue  to  fight  to  make                             ments, she apologized."

                            Ukrainian cities shelled, including one near nuclear plant

            (AP)  —  Powerful  explo-                                 Nikopol  is  located  across  Chuhuiv, a rocket hit a five-  nied Ukrainian involvement.
            sions rattled the southern  Ukraine's  presidential  office  the  Dnieper  river  from  the  story residential building.  He  alleged,  without  offer-
            Ukrainian  city  of  Myko-   said  in  its  daily  update  that  Zaporizhzhia  nuclear  power                       ing evidence, that Russian or
            laiv  on  Thursday  and  a  nine Ukrainian regions came  plant,  which  was  taken  over  Fighting  continued  in  the  separatist forces were respon-
            city close to the country's  under  fire  over  the  previ-  by Russian troops early in the  fiercely  contested  Donetsk  sible for the shelling.
            biggest  nuclear  power  ous  24  hours.  Two  districts  war.                         region,  with  Ukrainian  au-
            plant  sustained  a  barrage  of Mykolaiv, which has been                              thorities saying a school was  Russia and Ukraine have re-
            of shelling, part of a series  targeted frequently in recent  Experts at the U.S.-based In-  destroyed  in  the  village  of  peatedly  accused  each  other
            of new Russian attacks in  weeks,  were  shelled  early  stitute  for  the  Study  of  War  Ocheretyne.  The  region  is  of firing on territories under
            several regions, Ukrainian  Thursday morning.             believe that Russia is shelling  struggling  without  gas  sup-  their own control.
            officials said.                                           the  area  intentionally,  "put-  plies  and,  in  part,  without  Russian  forces  have  already
                                         Russian  forces  reportedly  ting  Ukraine  in  a  difficult  power and water supplies; its  seized  the  Luhansk  region
            Ukrainian  authorities  said  fired  60  rockets  at  Nikopol,  position."             residents are being evacuated.  that  neighbors  Donetsk.  Its
            shelling of a town in the east-  in  the  central  Dnipropetro-                                                     Ukrainian  governor,  Serhiy
            ern  Donetsk  region,  where  vsk region. Some 50 residen-  The head of the U.N. nucle-  In the town of Toretsk, artil-  Haidai, said on social media
            fighting  has  been  focused  tial  buildings  were  damaged  ar  watchdog  agency  earlier  lery  shells  hit  a  bus  stop,  a  that  local  residents  are  be-
            in  recent  weeks,  left  at  least  in  the  city  of  107,000  and  this  week  voiced  alarm  over  church and apartment build-  ing mobilized to fight against
            eight  people  dead.  And  the  some  projectiles  hit  power  the situation at the Zaporizh-  ings,  killing  at  least  eight  Kyiv's  forces  and  that  "even
            mayor  of  the  separatist-held  lines,  leaving  city  residents  zhia plant.         people  and  wounding  four,  indispensable  mine  workers
            city of Donetsk said six were  without electricity, according                          regional   governor   Pavlo  are being taken."
            killed in shelling there.    to Ukrainian authorities.    Russian  Defense  Ministry  Kyrylenko said.
                                                                      spokesman  Lt.  Gen.  Igor                                Ukrainian  authorities  re-
                                                                      Konashenkov  said  Thursday  In the city of Donetsk, Rus-  ported  another  abduction
                                                                      that the Russian military had  sian-backed  separatist  au-  of  a  mayor  who  reportedly
                                                                      struck two Ukrainian muni-   thorities  blamed  Ukrainian  refused  to  collaborate  with
                                                                      tions  depots  near  the  village  forces  for  shelling  the  cen-  the Russians in the southern
                                                                      of  Novoivanivka  in  the  Za-  tral  part  of  the  city  Thurs-  Kherson region, which is also
                                                                      porizhzhia region and a fuel  day. The area hit was near a  almost entirely occupied.
                                                                      depot near the Zaporizhzhia  theater where a farewell cer-
                                                                      railway station.             emony for a prominent sepa-  The  reported  kidnapping  of
                                                                                                   ratist officer killed a few days  Serhiy  Lyakhno,  the  mayor
                                                                      In  northern  Ukraine,  the  ago was being held. Donetsk  of the village of Hornostaiv-
                                                                      country's second-largest city,  Mayor Alexei Kulemzin said  ka, comes as Russia amasses
                                                                      Kharkiv,  was  being  shelled  six  people  were  killed  and  more  troops  in  the  area  in
                                                                      from Russia, the presidential  seven more wounded.        anticipation  of  a  counterof-
                                                                      office said. Several industrial                           fensive by Kyiv and ahead of
                                                                      facilities were hit in the city,  Mykhailo  Podolyak,  an  ad-  a planned referendum on the
                                                                      which  has  been  a  frequent  viser to Ukrainian President  region becoming part of Rus-
                                                                      target.  In  the  nearby  city  of  Volodymyr  Zelenskyy,  de-  sia.
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