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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 4 OcTOber 2022

            In the name of the government of Aruba,
            Prime Minister expresses profound condolences to families who

            tragically lost their loved ones during weekend

            ORANJESTAD  –  Yesterday  as  an  older  person  to  the  barely  19  years  old  lost  his  if  there  are  people  who  least  regrettable  incidents
            morning, Prime Minister Ev-  hospital.  And  by  11:28am,  life  in  a  motorcycle  acci-  need  to  be  held  responsi-  possible.  We  can  achieve
            elyn  Wever-Croes,  in  the  Doctor  De  Cuba  pro-       dent.                        ble for their actions, justice  this by being more prudent
            name of the government of  nounced the death of the  “On  Sunday,  4  citizens  of  will take its course and deal  in  every  aspect  of  what
            Aruba, expressed profound  three victims at the scene,  our  country  suddenly  lost  with those involved in caus-  we  do.  When  you  are  on
            condolences  and  wished  Joanne  Carolina  Wout-         their lives in tragic incidents  ing this horrible accident.  the road, think that it’s not
            strength to families who last  ers  (34),  Mirella  Jennyfer  in only one day. Two sisters                          just you on the road, there
            week and during the week-    Wouters (35), and Rendrick  together.  One  who  died  “Another       tragic    case  are  other  cars  that  have
            end  lost  their  family  mem-  Wouters (2).              with  her  own  2-year-old  that  shocked  us  was  the  family   members,    moth-
            bers tragically.                                          baby,  and  together  with  24-year-old  young  man  ers, children, grandparents
                                         Also during the early hours of  her  another  sibling  passed  who  drowned  during  a  aboard.
            At the same time, the Prime  the morning, a person was  away  and  together  leav-     pool  party.  This  incident  is  “For  a  small  island  like
            Minister urged each citizen  transported  to  the  emer-  ing young children behind.  also  currently  under  inves-  Aruba,  to  have  four  tragic
            to be more prudent in every  gency at the hospital by a  A  profound  sadness  for  tigation  and  I  expect  that  deaths in one weekend is a
            aspect,  particularly  when  group of people, as he was  the  families  who  lost  three  soon this report will also be  very hard blow for our com-
            leaving home to think that  giving no signs of life. Signs  beloved  family  members,  ready.  The  Government  munity. It affected me a lot,
            there  are  limits,  and  that  indicate that a 24-year-old  and there are more mem-   sends  condolences  to  his  as it affected thousands of
            each of us has to take care  man  named  Daniel  pre-     bers  of  this  family,  in  this  family.                families in Aruba.
            of each other.               sumably drowned during a  case  young  children,  who
                                         pool party that started Sat-  are fighting for their life. An  “It’s  true  that  the  investi-  “I  ask  that  we  all  join  in
            Last Sunday at 10:35am, a  urday night and continued  enormous pain.                   gations  that  have  already  heart  and  pray  for  the
            traffic accident took place  in  the  early  hours  of  Sun-                           started, however I must say  families of the victims. I wish
            at Colorado, Aruba. Ambu-    day.  Doctors  at  the  emer-  “From  the  government  of  that  investigation  reports  our prayers and feelings of
            lance  was  sent  with  maxi-  gency room of the hospital  Aruba, we wish the Wouters  will  not  ease  the  immense  compassion can be a con-
            mum  urgency  because  in  pronounced the death.          family and their friends a lot  pain  of  children,  mother,  solation to the families. Let
            one of the cars, three peo-                               of strength during these ex-  father,  grandparents  and  us also pray for those who
            ple showed no signs of life  The Prime Minister said:     tremely difficult and painful  other family members.      are in the hospital for their
            and other four people were  “This  week  starts  with  im-  moments.                   We are now in the last three  recovery. And that Mirella,
            heavily wounded. The am-     mense  pain  in  our  hearts  The  tragic  accident  is  al-  months of 2022. It is our wish  Joanne,  Rendrick,  Daniel
            bulance  transported  three  due to the tragic weekend  ready  under  investigation  that  together  we  will  get  and Angel Gabriel may rest
            children,  aged  10  months,  we went through. This after  and I expect that soon the  through  to  the  next  day,  in peace in the arms of the
            3 years and 5 years, as well  last week, a young man of  report  will  be  ready,  and  week and months with the  Lord.”q
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