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SPORTS Tuesday 4 OcTOber 2022
Happy World Animal Day!
Lorraine Lobacz’ act of love for the Animal Shelter of Aruba
World Animal Day is a day of ac- Building the celebration of this day every year they do a fundraising at the shelter really appreciated all
tion recognised worldwide for ani- brings together the animal welfare for the Animal Shelter of Aruba. the love!
mal rights as well as welfare. It is movement, and mobilises it to be-
celebrated on 4 October, Francis come a global force in making the This year, Lorraine and her group’s Next year, they plan to do coloring
of Assisi feast day, the animals’ pa- world that we live in a better and fundraiser was a coloring contest, canvas contest again. And as an
tron saint. The mission of this day safer place for all animals. And on where they colored on canvas a inspiration for World Animal Day,
is raising the status of animals to this special occasion, we want to beautiful image of a flamingo. “All we leave you with a quote from
improve welfare standards world- highlight the service of love of Lor- the animals got treats and love”, Lorraine: “Being good to animals
wide. raine Lobacz and her group, who Lorraine said, as you can see in the feels good! Go visit the shelter and
have the most beautiful tradition: pictures. We are sure the animals bring these animals LOVE.”q