Page 12 - HOH
P. 12

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 4 OcTOber 2022
            Artwork artist Omaira Silva at the library

            OrAnjeStAd - the nation-
            al Library of Aruba is happy
            to announce that the local
            mosaic  artist  Mrs.  Omaira
            Silva  will  work  on  an  art
            project at the library.

            The library wants a beauti-
            ful garden around its main
            building  in  George  Madu-
            rostraat  13  and  will  plant
            fruit plants and trees. There
            is also an open-air theatre,
            where  they  show  movies
            during  the  fall  school  va-

            Mrs.  Silva  will  make  flora
            and fauna designs  on the
            library's  back  wall  in  the
            Hofi Joy, that will be includ-
            ing two cement benches.

            Mrs. Silva wants the artwork
            to  be  a  community  proj-
            ect  and  invites  all  young
            people  to  help  work  on  it
            during this ongoing school
            vacation. The library invites
            the youth to visit and make
            an  appointment  with  the

            By helping on this commu-
            nity  project,  they  will  get
            the  opportunity  to  learn
            how  to  make  mosaic  art-
            work. The artist will work on
            the  art  project  during  the
            morning.  It  will  be  a  fabu-
            lous  artwork  and  will  be
            permanently  displayed  on
            the  wall  for  all  of  the  Aru-
            ban community as well as
            its visitors to visit and enjoy.

            Mrs.  Silva  is  known  for  her
            mural  art  in  Aruba  which
            ar displayed at Paseo Her-
            encia, Murals in San Nico-
            las  for  the  Aruba  Art  Fair,
            Costa  Linda,  Eagle  Beach
            playground and her studio
            in Ponton.q
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