Page 13 - HOH
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Tuesday 4 OcTOber 2022 locAl
Chabad Jewish Center Of Aruba To
Commemorate Lost Loved Ones On
Yom Kippur
Synagogue will hold “Yiz- sonal growth. viduals and as a communi-
kor” service for community Rabbi Ahron Blasberg will ty. By the same token, Jews
during Year of Jewish Unity lead Yizkor at Chabad around the world will spend
On Yom Kippur, the day Jewish Center of Aruba the day in prayer — aton-
when Jewish communi- from 11;30am to 12:30pm ing for their sins, thanking
ties across the world unite on October 5, which is Yom G d for his forgiveness and
in atonement and for- Kippur morning. Services for focusing on self-improve-
giveness, Chabad Jewish the day begin at 10:00am. ment for the year to come.
Center of Aruba will hold All community members Because of the day’s im-
a Yizkor memorial service who wish to attend Yizkor portance, Jews focus on
during Yom Kippur prayers. are welcome to join the prayer so much that they
community in remember- do not eat, drink or work.
Recited by community ing their loved ones. Yizkor adds to the day’s
members who have ex- Coming on Tuesday eve- solemnity and brings com-
perienced the death (G d ning, October 4 and munity members together
forbid) of a parent, sibling, Wednesday, October 5 un- as they begin a new year.
spouse or child, Yizkor gives til nightfall, on the 10th day For decades, Chabad- a birthright of every Jew States—is expecting record
space to remember one’s after Rosh Hashanah, Yom Lubavitch, an interna- and that every Jew should crowds at High Holiday ser-
loved ones communally Kippur is the day when G tional Jewish organization have access to them, has vices, with a 15% increase
on a day that emphasizes d forgives all of the Jewish that firmly believes Jewish made High Holiday ser- in attendance expected
communal unity and per- people’s sins, both as indi- traditions and customs is vices available free of at this year’s High Holiday
charge, a model that other services.
synagogues and organiza- In the Temple Era, Hakhel
tions around the world are was an event that saw the
now looking at to replicate. Jewish people gather in
The Yizkor service is one of the Holy Temple in Jerusa-
many Chabad holiday lem in the year following
programs, which give Jews the Sabbatical Year.
the opportunity to perform In modern times, the obser-
Jewish holiday rituals and vance of Hakhel as a year
remember their ancestors. of Jewish unity was estab-
“Yizkor is one of the most lished in 1966 by the Rebbe
powerful moments of Yom — Rabbi Menachem M.
Kippur,” said Rabbi Ah- Schneerson, of righteous
ron Blasb. “The memorial memory, the most influen-
service allows community tial rabbi in modern history.
members to make space Born in Ukraine 120 years
for lost loved ones on this ago, the Rebbe built back
important day, and to re- Jewish life there after the
member those family mem- fall of Communism and led
bers as a new year begins.” Judaism’s global post-Ho-
“Yizkor allows me to con- locaust renaissance.
nect not just with my fam- The Rebbe called for the
ily, but also with family year of Hakhel to be a
members who are no lon- time for people to come
ger with us,” said Joseph. together in unity. Syna-
“Yizkor puts Yom Kippur in gogues, Jewish institutions
perspective: As we move and individuals will host
forward in our lives, it allows communal gatherings to
us to look back and un- encourage Jewish obser-
derstand where we came vance and the study of
from.” This year’s communi- Torah. Today, the Rebbe’s
ty Yom Kippur services and campaign promoting the
Yizkor prayers bring add- Year of Hakhel is widely ob-
ed significance as Jewish served in all segments of
communities worldwide the Jewish community.
celebrate the beginning Other Yom Kippur programs
of the year of Hakhel, a include Kol Nidrie Tuesday
once-in-seven-years effort October 4th 6:30pm.
to organize and host Jew- Neilah Wednesday Octo-
ish gatherings focused on ber 5th 5:30pm followed by
unity and Torah learning. break-fast
The marking of this special For more information about
occasion is part of the rea- Yom Kippur visit JewishAru-
son Chabad-Lubavitch—
with more than 1,100 cen- or contact Rabbi Ahron
ters, the largest network of Blasberg at JewishAruba.
synagogues in the United comq