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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 25 March 2020
            Volunteers sew masks for health workers facing shortages

            Continued from Front                                                                                                declined  volunteers’  offers
                                                                                                                                to  make  masks.  She  said
            And  for  those  sitting  at                                                                                        construction  and  manu-
            home  worrying  as  the  vi-                                                                                        facturing  industries  instead
            rus strains hospitals and the                                                                                       should  donate  or  sell  the
            economy  teeters,  sewing                                                                                           high-grade   masks    they
            masks makes them feel less                                                                                          have to hospitals.
            helpless.                                                                                                           “It would be only an extre-
            “Whatever  it  takes  to  get                                                                                       mely,  extremely  last  resort
            the  job  done,  that’s  what                                                                                       that I would have my staff”
            I want to do,” said Purdue,                                                                                         wear  homemade  masks,
            57,  whose  daughter  works                                                                                         she  said.  “I  really  hope  it
            at the women’s hospital in                                                                                          doesn’t get to that point in
            Evansville, Indiana. He and                                                                                         the U.S.”
            his friend Mike Rice respon-                                                                                        At  the  Missouri  Quilt  Mu-
            ded  to  a  Facebook  post                                                                                          seum in Hamilton, Missouri,
            last  week  from  Deaconess                                                                                         board  members  asked  lo-
            Health System in Evansville                                                                                         cal hospitals if masks were
            asking the public for help.                                                                                         needed and “they empha-
            The  efforts  mirror  those  in                                                                                     tically said yes,” said direc-
            other  countries,  including                                                                                        tor  Dakota  Redford.  Soon
            Spain, where mask-making                                                                                            other  health  care  provi-
            volunteers include a group                                                                                          ders, including ambulance
            of  nuns  and  members       In this Sunday, March 22, 2020 photo, Bill Purdue, left, cuts pieces of fabric while Mike Rice sews   crews  and  nursing  homes,
            of  the  Spanish  Air  Force.   them into face masks in Rice's autobody and upholstery shop in Washington, Ind.     were requesting masks.
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            Around  500  masks  a  day                                                                                          “This has been a true grass-
            are coming off sewing ma-    good.”                       don’t have a frontline any-  ways  to  reuse  them  or  to  roots effort that has explo-
            chines  at  the  Paratroop  She  said  Deaconess  ex-     more,”  said  Wendy  Byard  use  them  through  an  en-   ded  across  the  country
            School  in  Murcia,  in  the  pects to collect thousands   of  Lapeer,  Michigan.  She  tire shift. And if hospitals run  in  the  quilting  world,”  she
            country’s southeast, accor-  of  masks  this  week  at  an   began organizing friends to  out, the CDC said, scarfs or  said.
            ding to the Air Force’s Twit-  off-hospital site and sanitize   make  masks  after  learning  bandanas  could  be  used  Businesses  also  are  step-
            ter account.                 them  before  distributing   her daughter, a nurse at a  “as  a  last  resort,”  thou-  ping up.
            In Belgium, what began as  them to nurses and doctors     suburban  Detroit  hospital,  gh  some  health  officials  Crafts  chain  Joann  Stores
            a  one-woman  operation  or  sending  them  to  local     was told to wear the same  warned  cloth  masks  might  is  making  all  of  its  800-plus
            about  a  week  ago  grew  nursing  homes  and  home-     mask all day.                not work.                    stores available for up to 10
            to  a  small  army  of  home-  less shelters.             Last  week  the  Centers  for  Mary  Dale  Peterson,  presi-  people  at  each  location
            sewing mask-makers  within  Dartmouth-Hitchcock  Me-      Disease  Control  and  Pre-  dent  of  the  American  So-  to  sew  masks  and  hospi-
            days. In Kosovo, inmates in  dical  Center,  New  Hamp-   vention  quietly  updated  ciety  of  Anesthesiologists  tal  gowns,  offering  sewing
            a  women’s  prison  volun-   shire’s  largest  hospital,  is   its guidance, saying hospi-  and chief operating officer  machines  and  supplies,
            teered to make masks.        preparing  kits  with  fabric   tals  that  run  low  on  surgi-  at  a  Corpus  Christi,  Texas,  spokeswoman   Amanda
            For  most  people,  the  new  and  elastic  and  encoura-  cal  masks  should  consider  children’s hospital, said she  Hayes said. q
            virus  causes  only  mild  or  ging volunteers to sew face
            moderate symptoms,  such  masks  for  patients,  visitors   Census mails out more notices, judge
            as  fever  and  cough.  For  and staff so medical-grade
            adults  and  people  with  be conserved for front-line  tosses lawsuit by group
                                  older  protective equipment can
            existing health problems, it  health care workers.
            can cause more severe ill-   Providence  St.  Joseph’s      By MIKE SCHNEIDER
            ness, including pneumonia.  Health in the hard-hit Seat-    Associated Press
            The vast majority recover.   tle area last week put toge-   ORLANDO,  Fla.  (AP)  —
            But  the  virus  is  spreading  ther kits using special mate-  The  U.S.  Census  Bureau
            rapidly and starting to max  rial and distributed them to   has  mailed  out  a  second
            out  health  care  systems  in  people willing to sew them.   round  of  notices  remind-
            several cities.              But the company said Tues-     ing people to participate
            Deaconess  spokeswoman  day that it was discontinu-         in  the  2020  census,  offi-  Residents  have  begun  receiving  the  U.S.  Census  Bureau's
                                                                                                    request  for  information  receiving  letters  with  a  census
            Pam  Hight  said  the  hospi-  ing the effort because local   cials said Tuesday.       identification  number  to  answer  questions  about  their
            tal system realized it could  manufacturing  companies      The  bureau  also  said  it   households online.
            face a shortage if local in-  had  begun  making  masks     now has more than 37,000                                          Associated Press
            fections skyrocket like they  and  face  shields  quickly   temporary  workers  and
            have  elsewhere.  So  offi-  and on a larger scale.         hopes to hire as many as  deadline  for  finishing  the  ter  for  Popular  Democra-
            cials produced and posted  Federal officials had previ-     500,000  temporary  work-   count  by  two  weeks  to  cy Action and the City of
            a  how-to  video  that  has  ously advised hospital wor-    ers to help with its once-a-  mid-August.              Newburgh  accused  the
            been  shared  across  the  kers  to  use  surgical  masks   decade head count.          Meanwhile,    a   federal  Census  Bureau  of  reduc-
            country.                     when treating patients who     Bureau  officials  said  last  judge  in  New  York  has  ing  staffing  and  offices
            “We had people who wan-      might be infected with co-     week they may hire even  tossed  out  a  lawsuit  from  for  the  2020  census  com-
            ted to ship them to us from  ronavirus  amid  reports  of   more  to  make  up  for  lost  an  advocacy  group  and  pared  to  earlier  counts.
            all  over  the  United  States  dwindling supplies of fitted   time due to the spread of  a  small  New  York  city  The  lawsuit  demanded
            and  we  started  saying,  and  more  protective  N95       the novel coronavirus. The  that  argued  the  Census  that  the  agency  spend
            ‘Please,  please  use  them  respirator masks.              Census  Bureau  last  week  Bureau  wasn't  devoting  more money, arguing not
            in   your   communities,’”  “If  nurses  quit  or  become   suspended  field  opera-    enough  resources  to  the  doing  so  would  result  in
            she  said.  “It  makes  your  too fatigued or even beco-    tions until the start of April,  2020 count.           an undercount of minority
            heart warm; people are so  me ill themselves, then we       and  pushed  back  the  The lawsuit from the Cen-      groups.q
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