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                                                                  BUSINESS/TECHNOLOGY Wednesday 25 March 2020
            With billions at stake, banks try to save stunned borrowers

            By KEN SWEET
            AP Business Writer
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Tarred
            as  villains  during  the  2008
            financial  meltdown,  banks
            of all sizes are trying to help
            out Americans reeling from
            the economic crisis caused
            by  the  coronavirus  out-
            Banks  are  scrambling  to
            put into place loan forgive-
            ness  and  relief  programs,
            working  to  keep  their  cus-
            tomers  from  panicking  or
            falling  into  financial  ruin.
            They have a vested interest
            preventing millions of peo-
            ple  and  businesses  from
            defaulting  on  hundreds  of
            billions  of  loans  at  once,
            something  that  would  do
            significant  damage  to  the
            banks' own finances.
            Unlike  2008,  banks  are  not
            the cause of economic cri-   This Oct. 8, 2014, file photo shows a Wall Street address carved in the side of a building, in New York.
            sis gripping the nation. And                                                                                                    Associated Press
            banks  now  have  plenty  of
            capital on hand to handle  is  still  accumulating  while  any  negative  activity  like  tive  credit  reporting  data,  those  companies  would  in
            this crisis, economists say.   in  these  programs.  Others  missed  payments  to  the  which  would  destroy  the  turn  continue  paying  their
            But the potential for millions  have  instituted  forbear-  credit bureaus. So has JPM-  credit  scores  of  millions  of  bills.
            of  their  customers  to  de-  ance   programs,   where  organ  Chase,  Wells  Fargo  Americans  who  were  pay-    "We are in a strong financial
            fault on credit cards, small  there will be no penalty for  and Citigroup.             ing  their  bills  on  time  but  position,  and  because  we
            business  loans  and  mort-  a  customer  who  wants  to  Smaller  banks  are  also  suddenly  find  themselves  are  doing  so  well,  we  can
            gages  means  banks  have  hold off paying debts for 30  acting  to  help  customers.  out  of  a  job.  That  would  hopefully provide some re-
            to do something to protect  or 60 days.                   Southern  Bancorp,  with  make giving loans in the fu-    lief," Williams said.
            borrowers,  many  of  whom  Huntington  Bancshares,  a  roughly  $1.5  billion  in  as-  ture to these impacted bor-  While  the  banks  are  not
            went from having a job or a  $100 billion bank operating  sets  headquartered  in  Ar-  rowers more difficult.      asking  for  a  government
            business  to  nothing,  some-  mostly  in  the  Midwest,  has  kansas,  is  modifying  loans  Lastly there's the politics.   bailout this time, they have
            times in a matter of days.   instituted  30-day  deferral  as  quickly  as  possible  or  The  Great  Recession  was  benefited  from  the  recent
            Husband  and  wife  team  programs for any borrower  charging  only  interests  on  caused  by  careless  banks  moves  by  the  Federal  Re-
            Shari  and  Larry  Kaynen  who asks for help — no pa-     loans where it can for small  making  too  many  bad  serve,  which  has  slashed
            were  forced  last  week  perwork or questions asked  business  borrowers  or  cus-    loans,  which  ultimately  re-  borrowing costs to zero and
            to  close  their  chain  of  six  —  and  is  reaching  out  to  tomers.               quired  U.S.  taxpayers  to  instituted bond-buying pro-
            high-end  clothing  stores  customers  asking  if  they  "We're  telling  our  folks,  'Be  backstop or bail them out.  grams to help banks quickly
            called Shari's Place, based  need more time.              safe.  Be  calm.  We're  here  The  bailouts  of  2008  and  offload  high-quality  assets
            in Greenvale, N.Y. They are  They are extending the de-   to help however we can,'"  2009 have not been forgot-     for  cash.  quickly.  The  Fed-
            now working with their bank  ferrals 30 days at a time, if  said Darrin Williams, CEO of  ten by the industry.      eral Reserve has expanded
            to  rework  their  long-term  necessary.                  Southern Bancorp.            While  other  industries  like  that  to  include  things  like
            debt  into  new  terms  with  "There is a place for our in-  Banks  are  putting  these  the restaurants, hotels and  commercial paper, corpo-
            lower interest rates that will  dustry, in this crisis, to do all  programs  in  place  partly  airlines  have  petitioned  rate debt and other assets
            help their cash flow.        we possibly can to mitigate  because  they  would  be  Washington  for  aid  in  the  in a way not seen since the
            Larry Kaynen said that their  the  damage  that  is  hap-  facing  a  massive  number  aftermath  of  the  coro-    Great Recession.
            bank is polling all of its retail  pening," said Stephen Stei-  of  defaults  and  bad  loans  navirus-fueled   economic  While banks are taking their
            industry clients to figure out  nour,  Huntington's  chair-  on their books without them  meltdown, the banks have  own  actions,  State  and
            how they are going to stay  man and CEO.                  -  causing  billions  of  dollars  largely  remained  on  the  federal  regulators  are  also
            in  business  for  week  with  The bank has even moved  worth of paper losses to the  sidelines - asking for chang-  stepping in to protect bor-
            "zero" sales.                employees  at  its  branches  banking sector. Bank stocks  es  to  how  bank  capital  is  rowers.
            "This  could  mean  a  lot  of  — which are operating un-  have  been  hit  particularly  measured  during  a  crisis  Governor  Andrew  Cuomo
            ruin  to  a  lot  of  small  busi-  der  reduced  or  restricted  hard  this  year  as  they  are  and other minor issues. The  of New York imposed a 90-
            ness"  said  Shari  Kaynen.  "I  hours to protect against vi-  considered a proxy for the  CEOs of the big banks went  day  moratorium  on  mort-
            am  not  corporate  Ameri-   rus transmission — into new  overall economy. The KBW  to  the  White  House  ear-     gage  payments  if  a  bor-
            ca. I have millions of dollars  roles  like  calling  borrowers  Bank   Index,   composed  lier this month to meet with  rower  has  been  financially
            worth of merchandise, but  or potentially even helping  of  banks  from  across  the  President Trump with a "we  struck by the outbreak. The
            I still have to pay my land-  customers  refinance  their  country,  is  down  45%  this  are here to help."        Department  of  Housing
            lord rent."                  mortgage.                    year alone compared with  While  the  banks  are  not  and  Urban  Development
            The  aid  the  bank  provide  The biggest banks are tak-  the  15.5%  decline  of  the  asking for large things in this  has imposed a 60-day mor-
            varies  in  generosity  de-  ing  similar  actions.  Bank  S&P 500.                    bailout bill, they know a lot  atorium on all evictions and
            pending on the bank, how-    of  America  is  allowing  Further,  the  credit  report-  is at stake.                foreclosures  on  all  homes
            ever.  Some  are  just  allow-  customers  to  defer  pay-  ing  companies  like  Ex-  By proxy, banks would ben-   with  a  loan  through  the
            ing customers to defer pay-  ments across all of its prod-  perian  and  Equifax  would  efit  from  any  government  Federal  Housing  Adminis-
            ments,  meaning  interest  ucts  and  is  not  reporting  be  swamped  with  nega-     aid to companies because  tration, or FHA.q
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