Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200325
P. 31
locAl Wednesday 25 March 2020
Aruba has a total of 156
guests at the moment
ORANJESTAD – CEO of Aru- today. In some of the hotels
ba Hotel & Tourism Associ- with a few guests remain-
ation (AHATA), Tisa LaSorte, ing, there is still minimum
is reporting that more than service being provided.
80% of all hotels have sus-
pended operations imme- During the public health
diately and have closed and economic crisis, all ho-
their doors until further no- tels keep a team of secu-
tice. rity and a minimum mainte-
nance team to keep their
According to AHATA’s cal- properties in good condi-
culations, there is a total tion; this with the goal to be
of 156 tourists in a few dif- able to be operational as
ferent hotels remaining in soon as possible when tour-
Aruba. Most of them have ists start traveling back to
left the island last night or Aruba.q
Send us your positive message from home
ORANJESTAD — In these difficult times or any other materials, you give permis-
we would like to reach out to our friends sion to The Aruba Today newspaper, Ca-
abroad who were supposed to spend ribbean Speed Printers and any of its af-
their tropical vacation on Aruba or who filiated companies to use said materials,
had to break up their vacation due to the as well as names, likeness, etc. for promo-
COVID-19 situation. Aruba Today invites tional purposes without compensation.
you to send us your picture and words Take a look at the pictures we received
expressing your memory of our island or from our readers these last days. Thank
your dream vacation for the future. You you for sharing and do keep them com-
may also just say hello and show us how ing.
you feel because we are all in the same Last but not least: check out our web-
boat right now. site and Facebook page! Thank you for
supporting our free newspaper, we strive
Send us your picture(s) together with to make you a happy reader every day
completing the sentence: Aruba to me again and look forward to have you here
is …….. (Email: with us soon again! Stay healthy and
Please do note: By submitting photos, text keep safe! q
“Aruba to me is our 2nd home!”
Happy days in Aruba at Guido Loseto
Casa Del Mar, Feb.2020