Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20200325
P. 30
Wednesday 25 March 2020
Groceries to go protected with mask and
gloves when needed, us-
ORANJESTAD — “On be- ‘GroceriesToGo Aruba’ ing hand sanitizer and
half of everyone at ‘Gro- can deliver your grocer- washing hands when and
ceriesToGo Aruba’, our ies, beverages and es- where it is necessary.
hearts go out to all those sentials to you anywhere
impacted by COVID-19— in Aruba. They have the Online grocery shopping
this includes not only those highest standards for food allows you to receive any-
diagnosed with the virus, safety, hygiene and fresh- thing you need while stay-
but also their friends and ness. They are taking ad- ing safe at home. ‘Gro-
family, those whose jobs ditional measures to keep ceriesToGo Aruba’ is very continues to deliver to>.
and schools have been the products, employees easy to use. You can go to homes across the island ev-
impacted and so many and YOU safe during this www.GroceriesToGoAru- ery day. Knowing how im- There is no question this is a
more. Our focus is, as al- time. Their dedicated staff<http://www.Gro- portant it is right now, they time of great uncertainty.
ways, on the health and will not enter the home/> will do anything and ev- While we don't know ex-
safety of our employees, address of delivery, but you will see thousands of erything they can to meet actly what the future may
customers and communi- instead makes plans with items to select. Check off the needs of the people hold, we feel confident
ties.” the people ordering as to what you want, the time of Aruba. For additional that by sticking together
where they would like their you want it delivered and information you can email and supporting each oth-
During this time when it is groceries to be placed. it will be delivered right to info@GroceriesToGoAru- er, we'll emerge from this
safer to stay in your home, The delivery drivers are you. Their dedicated team<mailto:info@Gro- stronger than before.q
Albert Uderzo, a creator of French hero Asterix, dies at 92
PARIS (AP) — Albert Uder- Franck Riester said that Ud-
zo, one of the two creators erzo "found the magic po-
of the beloved comic book tion," referring to his spirit,
character Asterix, who craftsmanship and long
captured the spirit of the hours of work. Riester may
Gauls of yore and grew a also have been making a
reputation worldwide, died reference to the famous
on Tuesday. He was 92. magic potion in the As-
The French press quoted terix series, which gave the
family members as saying hero and his fellow villag-
that Uderzo died of a heart ers temporary superhuman
attack in the Paris suburb of strength.
Neuilly. "Supreme nobility, he ac-
Asterix, portrayed as a short cepted that his heroes sur-
man with a droopy mus- vive him for the happiness
tache always wearing a of the public," Riester said.
helmet with wings, was cre- Uderzo initially illustrated
ated in the early 1960s by the characters created
Uderzo and Rene Goscin- along with writer Rene Gos-
ny. The character lived in a cinny. Together, they cre-
village in Gaul, present-day ated 24 comic books. After
France, resisting Roman Goscinny's death in 1977,
conquerors, along with his Uderzo also took over the In this Oct.23, 2005 file photo, French author and illustrator Albert
inseparable big-bellied comic books' writing duties, Uderzo waves from behind a cardboard cutout showing his
friend, Obelix. deciding to continue with- comic heroes Asterix and Obelix at the 57th Frankfurt Book Fair
"Albert Uderzo died in his out his creative partner. in Frankfurt, Germany. Associated Press
sleep at his Neuilly home Goscinny's daughter, Anne,
of a heart attack with no called the two men "broth- told the French daily Le Pa- quoted Uderzo as saying in
links to the coronavirus," ers" and praised Uderzo's risien. "They were the kind his memoirs.
the French press quoted "courage" for continuing of friends you don't often After collaborating on oth-
his son-in-law, Bernard de without his collaborator. have in life." er projects for some nine
Choisy, as saying. "He had "They were as different as Uderzo, whose father was years, "Asterix Le Gaulois"
been very tired for several fire and water, but they an Italian immigrant, was appeared in 1961.
weeks." lived something that few born on April 25, 1927, in Fans offered thanks on so-
French Culture Minister among us could live," she France's Marne region, but cial media and recollec-
grew up outside Paris. As a tions of childhood memo-
child, he was captivated ries reading the Asterix
by Walt Disney characters, comic books whose fan
notably Mickey Mouse, base includes adults.
one of the inspiration of his The Asterix books have
own artistic talents. been translated into doz-
After numerous jobs and ens of languages.
referrals, he met Goscinny Asterix-based spinoffs in-
when he was 24. An instant clude movies and a theme
friendship developed "and park outside Paris that
we decided to remake the draws tens of thousands
world with all the thought- of fans of the iconic resis-
lessness and the boldness tance hero and his mighty
of our youth," Le Monde sidekick, Obelix.q