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A26    U.S. NEWS
                 Wednesday 25 March 2020

            People practice social distancing as they sit on chairs spread
            apart in a waiting area for take-away food orders at a shopping
            mall  in  hopes  of  preventing  the  spread  of  the  coronavirus  in
            Bangkok, Thailand, Tuesday, March 24, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press
            U.S. climate activists

            to livestream Earth                                       Commuters cross 42nd Street in front of Grand Central Terminal during morning rush hour, Monday,
                                                                      March 23, 2020, in New York.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            Day due to virus                                          'A bullet train': Virus peak may

            By MARTHA IRVINE             that  are  coordinating  the
             Associated Press            event.                       come soon, swamp hospitals
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  As  the  "We  are  really  looking  at
            coronavirus  causes  shut-   this as a way to reimagine
            downs  across  the  U.S.,  what  a  social  movement      By  JOHN  MINCHILLO  and  MARINA  VILLE-   called for a national push to send ventila-
            a  coalition  of  youth-led  can  look  like  in  a  digital   NEUVE                                 tors to New York now, saying the city needs
            organizations   that   had  age."                         Associated Press                           20,000  of  them  in  a  matter  of  weeks.  He
            planned  massive  marches  The  first  Earth  Day,  the   NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Gov.  Andrew  Cuomo  said the equipment could then be rede-
            for  the  50th  anniversary  of  brainchild  of  the  late  Sen.   sounded his most dire warning yet about  ployed to different areas once the peak
            Earth  Day  next  month  are  Gaylord Nelson of Wiscon-   the  coronavirus  pandemic  Tuesday,  say-  passes in New York.
            now  planning  a  three-day  sin, happened in 1970 and    ing  the  infection  rate  in  New  York  is  ac-  "I will take personal responsibility for trans-
            livestream  event  instead,  sparked  an  environmental   celerating and the state could be as close  porting the 20,000 ventilators anywhere in
            organizers said Tuesday.     movement  that  led  to  the   as two weeks away from a crisis that sees  this country that they want, once we are
            " Earth Day Live " will hap-  creation  of  the  Environ-  40,000 people in intensive care.          passed our apex," Cuomo said. "But don't
            pen April 22-24 and will in-  mental  Protection  Agency   Such a surge would overwhelm hospitals,  leave them sitting in a stockpile."
            clude  speakers,  voter  reg-  and many laws to protect   which now have just 3,000 intensive care  Peter  Pitts,  a  former  associate  commis-
            istration,  protests  against  water, air and wildlife.   unit beds statewide.                       sioner  at  the  Food  and  Drug  Administra-
            financial  institutions  that  While led by youth organi-  The  rate  of  new  infections,  Cuomo  said,  tion and president of the New York-based
            support the fossil fuel indus-  zations,  including  the  Sun-  is doubling about every three days. While  Center for Medicine in the Public Interest,
            try, and entertainment.      rise  Movement,  Zero  Hour   officials once projected the peak in New  said  that  ventilators  —  about  the  size  of
            The event will be accessible  and Amazon Watch, the in-   York would come in early May, they now  two  old  VCR  machines  —  are  certainly
            on  computers  and  mobile  vent is intended to be inter-  say it could come in two to three weeks.  portable. But he said there would need to
            devices  in  the  hopes  that  generational,  with  an  eye   "We are not slowing it. And it is accelerat-  be  a  regional  or  national  coordinator  of
            it  will  encourage  engage-  on building on momentum     ing  on its  own," he said  during a  briefing  medical products "to make sure that the
            ment  and  action  among  from  a  massive  global  cli-  at  the  Jacob  K.  Javits  Convention  Cen-  goods  needed  are  where  they  need  to
            people  who  are  secluded  mate march in September.      ter.  "One  of  the  forecasters  said  to  me  be."
            at  home  and  who  may  Members  of  these  groups       we were looking at a freight train coming  THE TOLL
            have  planned  to  march  said they are very much fo-     across the country. We're now looking at a  The death toll from COVID-19 has left peo-
            in  Washington  and  other  cused on the crisis at hand   bullet train."                             ple in mourning around the state.
            places.                      —  the  coronavirus  —  but   New York officials have been racing to es-  In Brooklyn, Dez-Ann Romain, 36, principal
            "It's a time to really rethink  they  say  climate  change   sentially double their hospital capacity to  of a school for students who had struggled
            our  strategy,"  said  Katie  also  will  affect  vulnerable   up to 110,000 beds. Cuomo now said there  in  traditional  high  schools,  was  remem-
            Eder,  the  20-year-old  ex-  populations the most.       could be a peak need of 140,000 beds.      bered  as  a  dedicated  educator  who
            ecutive  director  of  the  Fu-  "It's not just about the envi-  There  were  more  than  25,000  positive  gave her all to her students and staff.
            ture Coalition, one of nine  ronment and the climate,"    cases in New York state and at least 210  In  the  Albany  area,  92-year-old  technol-
            youth-led     organizations  said   17-year-old   Naina   deaths, according to state figures. Most of  ogy  pioneer  Walter  Robb  died  just  days
                                         Agrawal-Hardin,   of   the   the cases and deaths have been in New  after being admitted to the hospital with a
                                         Sunrise Movement.            York City, an emerging worldwide hotspot  severe cough and being put on a respira-
                                         "It's  also  about  building  a   in the outbreak.                      tor. Robb had spent years working at Gen-
                                         society  and  an  economy    New York officials are planning to add at  eral  Electric  Co.,  pushing  advancements
                                         that's  going  to  take  care   least 1,000 temporary hospital beds at the  in imaging equipment used in health care.
                                         of  the  people  who've      Javits  Center  for  non-COVID-19  patients  Alan Finder, a former reporter at The New
                                         been  affected  by  this  cri-  and  thousands  of  beds  elsewhere.  But  York  Times,  was  remembered  for  his  de-
                                         sis,  the  people  who  are   Cuomo  said  "they're  nowhere  near"  the  cency  and  kindness.  Current  Times  re-
                                         on the front lines of this cri-  number that will be needed. The state also  porter  Kevin  Sack  said  on  social  media
                                         sis,  whether  that's  through   faces shortages of ventilators and protec-  that Finder was a terrific reporter, a calm-
                                         health care efforts or eco-  tive equipment for medical workers.        ing presence and one of the "menschiest"
                                         nomic efforts."q             New  York  has  7,000  ventilators.  Cuomo  guys around. q
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