Page 19 - AAA
P. 19
Saturday 2 december 2017
Aruba Tourism
Authority Hosts
Travel Partners
PALM BEACH - Aruba host- ATA Colombia also recent-
ed the first SITE “Certified ly organized two press trips
Incentive Specialist” edu- in partnership with the air-
cational program recently lines.The first FAM trip was
at the Hyatt Regency. This done in partnership with
half day course is designed Copa airlines who invited
for professionals who work a total of 11 agents that
in the incentive travel in- visited the island for the first
dustry. time. The host hotel was
the Mill resort. The group
ACB is brought this program represented various CIC
to Aruba to certify our local agencies in Barranquilla,
partners. There was a total Sincelejo and Monteria.
of 36 graduates for the CIS And they were extremely
course. impressed with the variety
Companies that partici- that the island has to offer.
pated included Eco DMS, A second FAM trip was or-
Ritz Carlton Aruba, Aruba ganized by ATA Colombia
Marriott Resort & Stellaris and LATAM Airlines where
Casino, Divi Resorts, Hyatt different travel agents
Regency Aruba Resort & were invited. The Colom-
Casino, Renaissance Re- bian travel agents were
sort & Casino Aruba, Elite hosted by Tropicana Aru-
productions, Red Sail DMC, ba Beach Resort & Casino.
Tierra del Sol, Epic DMC, A total of 11 people was
Holiday Inn Resort Aru- invited representing the
ba, Barcelo, High Perfor- agencies and tour op-
mance, ATRE, Mosaic and erators with the highest
Fofoti tours. There were also production and catering
3 international participants, to the leisure and groups
from the US and Bermuda. market.q
Along with other nations, Aruba shines
at ‘Encuentro de Carnavales del Caribe’
participated at the second
Paradise in the Caribbean Encuentro de Carnavales
del Caribe held in Barran-
quilla, Colombia, recent-
ly at the Universidad del
The program included dis-
cussions of creative and
cultural events in the re-
gion and their impact.
Franklin Ridderstaat and
John Franklin Flemming,
members of the Aruba del-
egation, participated in
panel discussions. val costumes. A special cocktail recep-
Dancers Jeanique De Many nations in Latin tion was held in the Casa
Palm, Levi Thode, Mirianne America and the Carib- del Carnaval, attended by
Gomez and Rodney Kam- bean contributed to this Floris van Eijk, First Secretary
SALES OFFICE +297 2801005 perveen also were present interesting and informative of the Embassy of the King-
MOBILE +297 5927275 with their elaborate carni- event. dom of the Netherlands.q