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                   Friday 6 OctOber 2017
            “Run For Your Heart” Participating in the Chicago Marathon

                                                                                                   are popular among runners  munity  to  become  active.
                                                                                                   in Aruba. RFYH is very hap-  Runners  vary  in  age  from
                                                                                                   py  with  the  support  of  the  25 to 65, and all share the
                                                                                                   Nike store, and is looking to  same goal of long distance
                                                                                                   continue  their  collabora-  running  all  over  the  world,
                                                                                                   tion on future Marathons as  from 10K to 42.2K The group
                                                                                                   well as local races.         has travelled to major mar-
                                                                                                   Run  For  Your  Heart  -  RFYH   athons in New York, Boston,
                                                                                                   was founded by Dr. Johnny  London,  Berlin,  Chicago
                                                                                                   Cheng in 2012 to promote  and  Tokyo,  and  also  par-
                                                                                                   a  healthy  lifestyle,  and  to  ticipate in all long distance
                                                                                                   encourage the local com-     races in Aruba.q

             ORANJESTAD - Run For Your  After  5  months  of  training  the Philadelphia Marathon
             Heart  is  on  the  run  again!  under guidance of Coach  in November 2017.
             On October 8, 2017 Run For  Koos Veel, the group is well  The  group’s  outfit  for  the
             Your Heart (RFYH) will have  prepared for their next mar-  Chicago  Marathon  was  a
             9  runners  participating  in  athon. The Chicago Mara-  collaboration with the Nike
             the 40th edition of the Bank  thon was carefully selected  Store.  Owner  Francis  Gil
             of America Chicago Mara-    by the Koos Veel, who has  assisted  in  finding  the  best
             thon.  The  runners  are  Eu-  firsthand experience, as he  running  material  for  the
             gene  Martis,  Vince  Solog-  ran the course with a per-  runners’ shirts. The quality of
             nier, Marcus Wiggins, Jamil  sonal best in 2013.         the shirts plays a major role
             Werleman, Ozzy Tromp, Ar-   The  course  has  perfect  in  the  running  experience,
             mando  Melendez,  Suzette  race  conditions  such  as  a  especially  during  a  course
             Geerman,  Jackie  Luidens,  pancake  flat  outline,  and  of 42.2k!
             and  Esmeralda  Hendriks.  cool  temperatures.  Partici-  The  Nike  Dri-Fit  Technolo-
             All will run the full marathon  pating  in  the  race  is  only  gy® shirts deliver improved
             distance  of  42.2  kilome-  possible by lottery. 9 runners  comfort  through  moister
             ters. This year the group will  were fortunate to obtain a  wicking which carries sweat
             also participate in the City  BIB  number.  The  2  runners  away  from  your  body  to
             Charity Run of 5K on Satur-  left out, Kitty Rivera and Ju-  keep  you  cooler.  Another
             day October 7, 2017.        desca  Briceno,  will  opt  for  reason why Nike Dri-Fit shirts

            First copy of the 2018 Donkey Calendar Handed Out

             ORANJESTAD  -  Exactly  on  copy. And all this under the
             October 4th, (World Animal  watchful eyes of volunteers
             Day),  the  first  copy  of  the  and donkeys.
             2018 Donkey Calendar was  The new 2018 Donkey Cal-
             handed  out.  This  year  the  endar is beautiful and col-
             honor went to Mr. Biemans,  orful.
             CEO  of  the  prestigious  Printed  on  thick  A3  format
             Bucuti and Tara Beach Re-   paper, this calendar is full of
             sort, one of the crown jew-  important  local  and  inter-
             els of Aruba’s hotels.      national  information.  Also
                                         included are local activities
             Biemans is known as a very  such  as  the  2018  Carnival
             conscientious  person  that  schedule and feast days.
             is  concerned  with  Aruba’s  The calendar is available at
             natural  environment.  He  is  Superfood, Veterinary Con-
             always willing to contribute  treras,  En  Vogue  Coiffures,
             to  the  Donkey  Sanctuary  and  also  at  the  Donkey
             whenever asked.             Sanctuary in Bringamosa.
             Biemans was not on the is-  All  proceeds  from  the  cal-
             land  to  receive  his  calen-  endar  goes  directly  to  the
             dar,  so  the  honor  went  to  donkeys.
             Bucuti  Resort  Mgr.  Mr.Rick  And the cost of printing the
             van  den  Berg.  Desiree  calendar  is  funded  totally
             Eldering  of  the  Donkey  by  the  12  sponsors  whose
             Sanctuary,  was  proud  to  name  appears  on  the
             hand Van den Berg the first  calendar.q
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