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locAl SPoRTS Friday 6 OctOber 2017
South American Youth Games Santiago 2017
Silver linings: Sophia Petrocchi wins Aruba’s first medal
ORANJESTAD- Sophia Pet- and the opponent was the chi and the Brazilian did
rocchi came close to hometown favorite from not want to lose the match
bringing home gold against Chile. carelessly.
her Brazilian opponent in The match was a seesaw A controversial call gave
the South American Youth battle until Petrocchi pulled her Brazilian opponent the
Games Santiago 2017. it out on the final point. final point and victory, after
The opening ceremony This set up Petrocchi’s op- Petrocchi touched the mat
flag-bearer was fighting in portunity to take home with both hands.
the 52kg, weight class. gold against Brazil. Petrocchi ended up bring-
Petrocchi started her com- Everyone was waiting, hop- ing home the silver medal.
petition in Chile against ing not to miss this match. Congratulations to Sophia
Panama, and won by In the final, which is won Petrocchi, her coach Fi-
points. by the `golden point’ (the derd Vis, the Aruba Judo
Her next was much closer first to score wins,) Petroc- Federation.q
Keeley Maduro wins a bronze medal in 50m fly in Chile
ORANJESTAD - Team Aruba The day started with Daniel her form and strength until
collected its second med- Jacobs in the 400m free- the final meters where she
al in the Youth Games in style. and her Brazilian competi-
Santiago, Chile. Swimmer He was swimming his favor- tor touched wall together
Keely Maduro raced to a ite event in Lane 7 where with a time of 28.72 sec-
third-place tie in the 50 me- he finished with a time of onds leaving both ladies to
ter butterfly giving Aruba a 4:09:96 minutes. Unfortu- collect bronze medals.
share of the bronze medal nately this was well-below Of course the Aruban del-
with Brazil. his personal-best time of egation went crazy cheer-
This was the Aruban team’s 4.01.85 minutes he had re- ing on their swimmer in the
final chance to win a med- cently set in a competition finals meters of a tight race.
al in the swimming com- in Colombia. Congratulations to Keely
petition. They had entered Next up was the 50m free- Maduro, the coaches
five finals with only Madura style. Maduro had a tre- and the Aruban swimming
leaving with hardware. mendous start and held federation.q
Aruban Lorenzo Leeuwe sows
success at the Arnold Classic
ORANJESTAD – During Sep- This year’s event boasted building and eventually win
tember 22nd thru 24th, roughly 1300 particpants. his pro card. Leeuwe wants
the Arnold Classic Europe Leeuwe is a law student in to thank Thay Arendsz,
Bodybuilding and Fitness Holland yet in April of this Giovanni Arendsz of Hard
took place in Barcelona, year won the title of the ju- core Gym in Aruba, Kneets
Spain. 22-year-old Lorenzo nior, heavyweight y overall Gym in Hulanda, his coach
Leeuwe won Junior Cham- bodybuilding chamionship coach Milos Sarcev and
pion Overall title and run- of Holland. his sponsor XXL Nutrition for
ner up in the heavyweight Leeuwe’s goal is to con- their tremendous support
100kg category. tinue competing in body- and guidance.q