Page 48 - MIN VOS
P. 48
LOCAL Friday 6 OctOber 2017
Strongest Man of Aruba
PALM BEACH - The second Judges will have a diffi-
edition of the Strongest cult task, judging Clean &
Man of Aruba competition Jerk, Truck Pulling, Stone
will be organized at MooM- of Strength, Dead lift, Yoke
ba Beach. From today Carry and The Flipping to
to the 8th of October the get to their final conclu-
beach will be a showcase sion of who is the winner.
of sheer willpower, incred- Ten persons may partici-
ible strength, trembling pate per category; partici-
muscles, bulging biceps pants can be strong and fit
and other well-trained men and women, but also
body parts. CrossFit athletes.
During the competition
MooMba will be ready to
receive loads of fans, fam-
ily members and friends of
the athletes. For the chil-
dren there are daily Kids’
Activities, such as face
painting and Dino Jump.
The beach will be well-lit on
the areas where the com-
petitions take place; there
will be bar on the beach,
live music on Friday and
Sunday evening as well
as daily DJ’s, who will play
until 1 am. On Sunday the
participants are in for a sur-
prise, as they are required various elements should be Happy Hours, from 6 -7 pm py Hour, as a surprise band
to navigate a track during performed. and from 10 – 11 pm, but will take the stage. Muscle
which a combination of MooMba will host daily on Sunday there is no Hap- up & keep strong!q