Page 3 - MIN JUS 5 DEC 2015
P. 3
UP FRONTSaturday 5 December 2015
Paris attacks: UN says 16 mass graves found
after Iraq’s Sinjar freed from IS
Belgians seeking 2 new suspects in probe
LORNE COOK four days after the Paris the information will be kept Associated Press
attacks, the false identity on file for six months. IRBIL, Iraq (AP) — The U.N. human rights office in Iraq
JOHN DAHLBURG card in the name of Bou- Luxembourg Deputy Prime said on Friday that it has received reports of 16 mass
zid was used at a Western Minister Etienne Schneider, graves discovered near the town of Sinjar after it was
Associated Press Union office in the Brussels who chaired the meeting liberated from the Islamic State group last month.
area to send a 750-euro in Brussels, expressed his The reports were the latest among many instances
BRUSSELS (AP) — Belgian ($817) money order to Has- “pride that after so many of mass graves being uncovered in territory wrested
na Ait Boulhacen, cousin years of negotiations, we from IS militants in Iraq and Syria — thousands of peo-
and French authorities of the purported attack have now been able to ple have been killed in summary and extrajudicial kill-
ringleader, Abdelhamid conclude an agreement.” ings by the Sunni militants and the graves have been
were hunting two new sus- Abaaoud. The passenger record a dark testimony to the group’s brutality.
Both Boulhacen and agreement proposal was In June 2014, some 1,700 Iraqi soldiers were captured
pects Friday in the Paris at- Abaaoud died a day first made in 2007, but it and then killed by IS militants when they overran Sad-
later when French police languished in the Euro- dam Hussein’s hometown of Tikrit. At the time, the
tacks who they say used stormed their hideout in a pean Parliament for years soldiers were trying to flee from Camp Speicher, a
Paris suburb. as EU lawmakers struggled nearby army base where they were deployed. Mass
fake identity cards around graves with hundreds of Iraqi soldiers’ bodies were
found after the city was liberated in April.
Europe and sent money to There were no immediate details about how many
bodies might be inside the newly found Sinjar graves,
a relative of the man who according to spokeswoman Cecile Pouilly of the Of-
fice of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
orchestrated the attacks She did not provide the source of the reports but said
that her office has called on Iraq’s government to in-
the day before the ring- vestigate.
Sinjar Mayor Mahma Khalil told The Associated Press
leader died in a shootout that a total of 17 mass and collective graves have
been uncovered inside Sinjar and on the outskirts of
with French police. the town. He did not give any further information or
estimates on the number of bodies the graves could
The two men, carrying hold.
The IS group captured Sinjar during its rampage
Belgium police officers walk through the Galleries Royale Saint-Hubert in Brussels, Belgium. Bel- across northern Iraq in the summer of 2014 and killed
gian and French authorities were hunting two new suspects Friday related to the Paris attacks. and captured thousands of members of the Yazidi
religious minority, including women who were forced
(AP Photo/Michael Probst) into sexual slavery. The extremist group’s rapid ex-
pansion in Iraq’s north, which included a push toward
bogus ID in the names of The two new suspects “are to strike the right balance the city of Irbil — the regional capital of Iraq’s Kurd-
Samir Bouzid and Soufiane being actively sought by between security concerns ish north — spurred the U.S.-led coalition to launch
Kayal, had been traveling Belgian and French police and privacy rights. The as- a campaign of airstrikes against IS in Iraq and later
in a Mercedes with an- services,” the prosecutor’s sembly must still endorse Syria in August 2014. Whenever a discovery of mass
other Paris attacks fugitive, office said. the deal but that is likely graves is made, experts warn that proper excavation
Salah Abdeslam, when the Spurred into action by the to happen within the next and identification of the bodies could take months
car was checked Sept. 9 Paris attacks, the interior month. or longer as many of the sites identified are in close
at the Hungarian-Austrian ministers of the European At least 5,000 Europe- proximity to active front lines. The U.N. uses the term
border, the Belgian Feder- Union moved Friday to ans are believed to have mass grave to refer to a location where three or more
al Prosecutor’s office said grant law-enforcement trained or fought in Syria victims of what the world body defines as extra-ju-
in a statement Friday. agencies access to infor- and Iraq but authorities dicial, summary or arbitrary executions are buried —
The same Kayal ID was mation gathered by air- are struggling to track their not those who have been killed in combat, attacks
used to rent a house in lines — data like passen- movements and prove such as bombings or armed confrontation. Pouilly,
the Belgian town of Auve- gers’ names, travel dates, their activities. French Inte- the U.N. office’s spokeswoman, also expressed con-
lais that authorities have itinerary, credit cards and rior Minister Bernard Caze- cern about increasing discrimination, harassment
searched as a possible contact details. neuve described the new and violence against Sunni Arabs by other groups in
site for making the suicide The sharing of such data is system as “indispensable in parts of Iraq that have been freed from IS’ control, as
bombs used in the Nov. 13 meant to allow better scru- the fight against terrorism.” Sinjar was in mid-November.
Paris attacks, the prosecu- tiny of known or suspected The EU already has such She cautioned that many Sunnis who once lived
tor’s office said. extremists. passenger data deals with under IS control were forced to obey the extremist
The Islamic State group has Under the passenger data the U.S., Canada and Aus- group at the risk of punishment or death. Now freed,
claimed responsibility for deal, details would be col- tralia. they are “perceived as having supported” the mili-
those gun-and-bomb at- lected from European car- In Paris, patrons began re- tant group, which is unfair, Pouilly added.
tacks that killed 130 people rier flights entering or leav- turning as La Bonne Biere, Among the first mass graves uncovered in Sinjar —
and wounded hundreds in ing theEU, as well as from a corner cafe in the trendy within days of IS forces being pushed out of the town
Paris. flights between member central district targeted by — was one near the town’s center that has been es-
Belgian authorities said countries. Charter flights the gunmen, reopened timated to contain the bodies of 78 elderly women,
about 6 p.m. on Nov. 17, will be included, and all Friday.q and another, about 15 kilometers (10 miles) outside of
Sinjar, with between 50 and 60 bodies of men, wom-
en and children, according to Qasim Samir, the Sinjar
head of intelligence.q