Page 5 - MIN JUS 5 DEC 2015
P. 5

                                                                                                        Saturday 5 December 2015

Planned Parenthood clinics are open, on guard after shooting 

KRISTEN WYATT                 “There a vitriol, there’s a
                              hate speech in our coun-
Associated Press              try going on right now that
                              could be causing more vio-
DENVER (AP) — Bulletproof     lence than we might other-
                              wise see.” But the clinic in
glass and armed security      Colorado Springs remains
                              closed, heavily damaged
are nothing new at medi-      during an hours-long stand-
                              off last Friday.
cal clinics that provide      The FBI sent a bulletin in
                              September warning such
abortions. But in the wake    clinics that “it is likely crimi-
                              nal or suspicious incidents
of a deadly shooting last     will continue to be direct-
                              ed against reproductive
week at a Planned Parent-     health care providers, their
                              staff and facilities.”
hood clinic in Colorado,      There have been 11 mur-
                              ders and more than 220
clinics nationwide are re-    bombings and arson at-
                              tacks at abortion facilities
doubling security efforts,    in the  U.S. since 1977, ac-
                              cording to the National
checking       surveillance   Abortion Foundation.
                              NAF President Vicki Saporta
cameras and reviewing         said her group sent adviso-
                              ries to clinics and hospitals
evacuation plans.             providing abortions to be
                              on heightened alert follow-
Police say they’re adding     ing the Colorado shooting.

patrols to clinics to guard

against those who might

be inspired to mimic a                                           A sign in support of Planned Parenthood stands south of a clinic in northwest Colorado Springs,
                                                                 Colo. Bulletproof glass and armed security are nothing new at medical clinics that provide abor-
shootout that killed three                                       tions. But in the wake of a deadly shooting last week at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado,
                                                                 clinics nationwide are redoubling security efforts, checking surveillance cameras and reviewing
people and injured nine.                                         evacuation plans.

For the folks who work in                                                                                                                                          (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)

the nation’s 400 or so clin-

ics that provide abortions,

it’s a time of resolve and

also reflection about the

dangers they face.

“It is an unusual time,”

said Vicki Cowart, CEO for

Planned Parenthood in the

Rocky Mountain Region.

Federal funds frozen, child-support
data contractors fired in Texas mess

DALLAS (AP) — Texas Attor-    the state’s Legislative Bud-
ney General Ken Paxton’s      get Board of the federal
office says the federal gov-  move on Friday. The con-
ernment has frozen funds      tractors and at least one di-
and the state has dismissed   rector had been dismissed
11 technology contractors     in recent weeks, the Dallas
amid delays in upgrading      Morning News reported.
the state’s child support     The dismissals came after
data system                   reports of failures by state
The shakeup comes as          officials and vendor, Ac-
state House members are       centure, to deliver prom-
set to begin an investiga-    ised work on time.
tion into how the costs       The project was launched
for a project known as T2     by Paxton’s predecessor,
climbed to $310 million.      Gov. Greg Abbott.
Initial estimates said the    Late Friday, Accenture said
project would cost just over  that it was selected for the
$202 million.                 project through a competi-
The project was supposed      tive bid process in 2010 with
to streamline the data sys-   an original contract worth
tem used to process child-    $69 million that later was
support payments and sup-     revised to $79 million — but
port investigations.          that it had only been paid
Paxton’s office informed      $25 million to date.q
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