Page 4 - MIN JUS 5 DEC 2015
P. 4

                                                                                                                                 Saturday 5 December 2015

California killing spurs concerns                          California shootings:
about fiancé visa program in US
                                                            FBI investigates attack as act of terrorism 
ALICIA A. CALDWELL                                         AMANDA MYERS                   anyone affiliated with the     ily urged the public not to
Associated Press                                           TAMI ABDOLLAH                  Islamic State communicat-      rush to judgment.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The woman who carried out the            Associated Press               ed back to Malik, but he       “If the most evidence
San Bernardino massacre with her husband came to           SAN BERNARDINO, Cali-          said there was no indica-      there is to any affiliation is
the U.S. last year on a special visa for fiances of U.S.   fornia (AP) — The FBI an-      tion yet that the plot was     a Facebook account un-
citizens, raising questions about whether the process      nounced Friday that it is in-  directed by ISIS or any oth-   der another person’s name
can adequately vet people who may sympathize               vestigating the mass shoot-    er foreign terror group.       ... then that’s hardly any-
with terrorist groups.                                     ing at a California office     “The investigation so far has  thing at all,” attorney David
Authorities said Friday that Pakistani citizen Tashfeen    party as an act of terrorism,  developed indications of       Chesley said.
Malik, 27, pledged allegiance to the Islamic State         but the agency’s director      radicalization by the killers  Farook and Malik rented a
group and its leader under an alias account on Face-       said there is no indication    and of potential inspiration   townhome where investi-
book just moments before she and her husband, Syed         that the husband and wife      by foreign terrorist organi-   gators said they found an
Farook, opened fire on a holiday banquet for his co-       who killed 14 were part of a   zations,” Comey said.          arsenal of ammunition and
workers Wednesday, killing 14. They later died in a gun
battle with police.                                        Attorneys David Chesley, left, and Mohammad Abuershaid speak to reporters, Friday, Dec. 4,
Malik, who had been living with her family in Saudi        2015, in Los Angeles. The two are attorneys for the family of Syed Farook, one of the heavily armed
Arabia and Pakistan, passed several government             shooters that opened fire Wednesday at a banquet, killing multiple people and seriously wound-
background checks and entered the U.S. in July 2014        ing others in a precision assault.
on a K-1 visa, which allowed her to travel to the U.S.
and get married within 90 days of arrival.                                                                                                                          (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)
Malik was subjected to a vetting process the U.S. gov-
ernment describes as vigorous, including in-person         larger plot or members of a    Despite mounting signs of      homemade bombs. On
interviews, fingerprints, checks against  U.S. terrorist   terror cell.                   the couple’s radicalization,   Friday morning, the prop-
watch lists and reviews of her family members, travel      Authorities did not cite       there “is a lot of evidence    erty’s owner allowed re-
history and places where she lived and worked. The         specific evidence that led     that doesn’t quite make        porters inside. An upstairs
process began when she applied for a visa to move          them to the terrorism focus,   sense,” Comey added.           bedroom had a crib, boxes
to the United States and marry Farook, a 28-year-old       but a U.S. law enforcement     The  U.S. official who re-     of diapers and a computer.
Pakistani-American restaurant health inspector who         official said the wife, Tash-  vealed the Facebook post       The couple had a 6-month-
was raised in California.                                  feen Malik, under a Face-      was not authorized to dis-     old daughter.
Foreigners applying from countries recognized as           book alias had pledged         cuss the case publicly and     The FBI said analysts were
home to Islamic extremists, such as Pakistan, undergo      allegiance to the Islamic      spoke on condition of ano-     trying to retrieve data
additional scrutiny before the State Department and        State group and its leader.    nymity.                        from two cellphones found
Homeland Security Department approve permission            A Facebook official said       The Facebook official, who     near there that had been
for a K-1 visa.                                            Malik praised the group in     also spoke on condition of     crushed in an apparent at-
“This is not a visa that someone would  use  because       a post at 11 a.m. Wednes-      anonymity because the          tempt to destroy the infor-
it is easy to get into the US, because there are more      day, when the couple were      person was not allowed         mation inside.
background checks on this type of visa than just           believed to have stormed       under corporate policy         Farook had no criminal re-
about anything else,” said Palma Yanni, a Washing-         a social service center and    to be quoted by name,          cord, and neither he nor
ton-based attorney who has processed dozens of             opened fire.                   said the company discov-       his wife was under scrutiny
K-1 visas. “But fingerprints and biometrics and names      Malik and her husband,         ered Wednesday’s post on       by local or federal law en-
aren’t going to tell you what is in somebody’s head        Syed Farook, died several      Thursday, removed the pro-     forcement before the at-
unless they somewhere have taken some action.”             hours later in a gunbattle     file from public view and      tack, authorities said.
The shooting will undoubtedly have implications on         with police.                   reported its contents to law   Malik, 27, was a Pakistani
the debate over the Obama administration’s plans           The IS-affiliated news ser-    enforcement.                   who grew up in Saudi Ara-
to accept more Syrian refugees. The vetting process        vice Aamaq called Malik        Attorneys representing Fa-     bia and came to the U.S. in
for refugees is similar, though not identical, to the one  and Farook “supporters”        rook’s family said Friday      2014 on a fiancée visa. Fa-
for fiance visa applicants. Republican lawmakers and       of their cause but stopped     that none of his family        rook, a 28-year-old restau-
governors across the  U.S., as well as advocates for       short of claiming responsi-    members had any indica-        rant health inspector, was
stricter immigration enforcement, have challenged          bility for the attack.         tion either he or his wife     born in Chicago to Paki-
the effectiveness of the vetting process.                  FBI Director James Comey       held extremist views.          stani parents and raised in
Refugees submit to in-person interviews overseas,          would not discuss whether      Attorneys for Farook’s fam-    California.q
where they provide biographical details about them-
selves, including their families, friendships, social or
political activities, employment, phone numbers and
email accounts.
They provide biometric information, including finger-
prints. Syrians are subject to additional classified con-
Those who come to the  U.S. on a fiance visa must
marry a U.S. citizen within 90 days or leave the coun-
try. Following the marriage, the immigrant becomes
a conditional resident for two years and must ask
the  U.S. government to remove those conditions at
the end of that waiting period and undergo another
background check. If the request is approved, the im-
migrant receives a green card. Immigrants can ap-
ply to become U.S. citizens five years after winning a
green card.q
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