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A28    u.s. news
              Diabierna 11 September 2020

                         Congress questions sale of US residence in Israel to Adelson

                                                                                                   and  Israeli  Prime  Minister  market  rate,  it  would  raise
                                                                                                   Benjamin Netanyahu. It said  concerns, the aide said. Sena-
                                                                                                   the  price  was  over  $80  mil-  tors from the Senate Foreign
                                                                                                   lion, making it the most ex-  Relations  Committee  have
                                                                                                   pensive residential real-estate  requested a briefing from the
                                                                                                   transaction  in  Israeli  history.  State Department, according
                                                                                                   Representatives  for  Adelson,  to a Senate Democratic aide,
                                                                                                   a billionaire casino magnate,  who  requested  anonym-
                                                                                                   did not respond to messages  ity  to  discuss  the  situation.
                                                                                                   seeking comment.             The  State  Department  has
                                                                                                                                said  the  buyer  was  selected
                                                                                                   A congressional aide said the  solely on the basis of having
                                                                                                   State  Department  has  con-  submitted  the  highest  and
                                                                                                   firmed  public  reports  of  the  best offer. The selected buyer
                                                                                                   sale  to  Adelson.  The  aide  and the unsuccessful bidders
                                                                                                   said  the  “biggest  question”  have  been  notified,  the  de-
                                                                                                   now  is  how  much  rent  will  partment said.
                                                                                                   be  paid  by  U.S.  taxpayers  However,  the  State  Depart-
                                                                                                   while  Friedman  remains  at  ment also said it is not at lib-
                                                                                                   the property. The aide spoke  erty to comment on the de-
                                                                                                   on condition of anonymity to  tails related to contracts un-
                                                                                                   discuss  private  information.  derway with private entities.
                                                                                                   The  House  Foreign  Affairs  The  Trump  administration
                                                                                                   Committee  has  submitted  moved the embassy from Tel
              (AP)  —  The  State  Depart-  to Jerusalem. But the embas-  tion’s  decision  to  move  the  several requests for informa-  Aviv  to  Jerusalem  in  2018,
            ment  has  informally  con-  sy refused to identify the buy-  embassy  “short-sighted  and  tion  from  the  State  Depart-  shortly  after  recognizing  Je-
            firmed to Congress that Re-  er  or  disclose  the  sale  price  frivolous,”  but  he  has  said  ment about whether the sale  rusalem  as  Israel’s  capital.
            publican  super-donor  Shel-  of  the  sprawling  beachfront  he  would  not  move  it  back  followed regulations, the aide  The  move  is  one  of  several
            don Adelson is the buyer of  compound in the upscale Tel  to  Tel  Aviv  if  elected  presi-  said.                 steps  the  administration  has
            the  U.S.  ambassador’s  offi-  Aviv suburb of Herzliya. The  dent in November. The U.S.                            taken  in  favor  of  Israel,  and
            cial residence in Israel, a con-  Trump  administration  ap-  Embassy  has  only  said  the  Among the questions:   led the Palestinians to cut off
            gressional aide told The As-  pears to have been in a rush  buyer  submitted  the  “high-  Whether a real-estate broker  ties with the White House.
            sociated Press on Wednesday.  to sell the property ahead of  est  and  best  offer.”  Under  was used and an independent  Nearly all foreign delegations
            Lawmakers in the House and  the  November  presidential  the  deal,  Ambassador  David  appraisal of the property was  have  their  embassies  in  Tel
            Senate are now looking into  election,  both  as  a  gesture  Friedman, a driving force in  conducted.  The  panel  also  Aviv  because  of  Jerusalem’s
            whether  the  deal  complied  to  Trump’s  pro-Israel  evan-  the move of the embassy, will  wants  to  know  whether  the  contested  status.  The  Pales-
            with regulations.            gelical Christian base, and to  continue  living  at  the  estate  agent had any political ties.  tinians  seek  east  Jerusalem,
                                         complicate  any  attempts  to  until the spring of 2021, with  Federal regulations often pro-  captured by Israel in the 1967
            The  U.S.  Embassy  in  Is-  move the embassy back to Tel  the  U.S.  government  leas-  vide wide discretion for such  Mideast war, as the capital of
            rael announced the deal this  Aviv if he is not re-elected.  ing  the  property  until  then.  arrangements  and  it’s  un-  a future state. Israel’s annexa-
            week  --  a  sale  that  is  meant                        The Israeli business newspa-  clear if the rental agreement  tion of east Jerusalem, home
            to cement President Donald  The  Democratic  presiden-    per Globes has identified the  violates  any  regulations,  the  to  the  city’s  most  sensitive
            Trump's  controversial  move  tial nominee, Joe Biden, has  buyer  as  Adelson,  a  strong  aide said. But if the rent be-  religious sites, is not interna-
            of the embassy from Tel Aviv  called the Trump administra-  supporter  of  both  Trump  ing charged is above or below  tionally recognized.

                         Top Homeland Security official defends response to protests

            (AP)  —  The  head  of  the  the  Homeland"  speech  that  response to the civil unrest in  Washington,  dismissed  the  sault the men and women of
            U.S.  Department  of  Home-  spelled out  the  department's  Portland  and  elsewhere  but  critics as “a vocal and ill-in-  law enforcement,” he said.
            land  Security  on  Wednes-  priorities. Trump last month  it  was  notable  that  the  sub-  formed minority” for accus-  He  also  tallied  what  he
            day  defended  his  response  nominated  Wolf  to  be  the  ject  figured  so  prominently  ing  the  agency  of  “mission  viewed as other successes by
            to  protests  in  Portland,  Or-  secretary  of  the  department  in  a  speech  on  the  activities  drift" or politicizing its role.  DHS,  including  efforts  by
            egon, amid criticism that the  but it's not yet clear when the  of an agency created after the  He noted that 240 federal of-  the  Cybersecurity  and  In-
            agency  overstepped  its  au-  Senate will take up the nomi-  Sept.  11  attacks  to  respond  ficers  have  been  injured  in  frastructure  Security  Agency
            thority with a heavy-handed  nation.  DHS  is  the  third-  to  threats  from  outside  the  protests and disputed that the  to  protect  the  2020  election
            deployment that reflected the  largest  agency  in  the  federal  United States.       demonstrations  have  been  from  interference  by  Russia
            law-and-order    re-election  government. It includes U.S.                             largely peaceful.“There is no  and  other  nations,  and  the
            campaign of President Don-   Customs and Border Protec-   Former  DHS  officials  and  constitutional  right  to  burn  work  of  CBP  to  secure  the
            ald  Trump.  Acting  Home-   tion  and  the  Federal  Emer-  other  critics  said  the  agency  cities  to  the  ground  and  as-  border.
            land Security Secretary Chad  gency  Management  Agency,  traditionally  would  support
            Wolf  ranked  the  civil  unrest  which has had a leading role  law  enforcement  only  with
            in  downtown  Portland  as  in the COVID-19 response.     the  cooperation  of  local  au-
            among  the  top  threats  fac-                            thorities. The use of tear-gas
            ing the United States, along  Protests  have  been  held  in  and batons against some pro-
            with  the  COVID-19  pan-    downtown  Portland  since  testers  and  arrests  in  which
            demic,  election  interference  late  May,  when  police  of-  agents swept suspects off the
            and drug trafficking along the  ficers  in  Minneapolis  killed  streets  without  identifying
            southern border.             George Floyd. Wolf deployed  themselves  also  prompted
                                         large  numbers  of  DHS  of-  criticism.The   deployment,
            “Let me be clear. those who  ficers  and  agents  in  tactical  which  included  elite  law
            seek to undermine our demo-  gear  to  protect  the  federal  enforcement  units,  came
            cratic institutions, indiscrim-  courthouse complex over the  shortly  after  Trump  issued
            inately  destroy  businesses,  objections  of  state  and  local  an executive order to protect
            and  attack  law  enforcement  officials, who said their pres-  federal buildings and monu-
            officers  and  fellow  citizens  ence  inflamed  the  situation.  ments amid nationwide racial
            are  a  threat  to  the  Home-  Wolf  has  been  a  vocal  de-  justice  protests.Wolf,  speak-
            land," Wolf said in a “State of  fender of the administration's  ing  at  the  DHS  campus  in
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