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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 11 September 2020

                               US will end current health screening of some travelers

              (AP)  —  The  United  States  health, “has limited effective-  ple coming from those coun-
            plans to end enhanced health  ness”  because  some  infected  tries who aren’t U.S. citizens
            screening  of  travelers  from  people  show  no  symptoms.  have been barred entry to the
            certain  countries  next  week,  The  health  agency  said  in-  country. The Homeland Se-
            and  those  visitors  will  no  stead  it  will  focus  on  other  curity  Department  did  not
            longer  be  funneled  through  measures  including  a  stron-  immediately respond to a re-
            15 large U.S. airports.      ger  response  to  reports  of  quest  for  comment.  A  trade
            Those  requirements  were  illness  at  airports,  collecting  group  representing  the  na-
            imposed in February to pre-  passenger-contact  electroni-  tion's  largest  carriers  praised
            vent  the  spread  of  COV-  cally to avoid long lines, and  the change.
            ID-19. The Centers for Dis-  “potential  testing  to  reduce
            ease Control and Prevention  the  risk  of  travel-related  “We  continue  to  support
            said the government will re-  transmission” of the virus.  spending  scarce  screening
            move those edicts beginning                               resources  where  they  can  ing a health issue, agree that  reopen  international  travel.
            Monday.                      The  extra  health  screening  best  be  utilized,”  Airlines  it  no  longer  makes  sense  to  The groups argue that more
                                         applies  to  people  who  have  for  America  said  in  a  state-  continue  screening  at  these  screening could allow coun-
            The  CDC  said  the  current  been  in  China,  Iran,  most  ment  Thursday,  “and,  given  airports.” Separately, 18 travel  tries to lift travel restrictions
            screening,  which  includes  countries in continental Eu-  the  extremely  low  number  and airline groups asked the  and  quarantines  that  have
            temperature   checks   and  rope,  the  United  Kingdom,  of  passengers  identified  by  administration  to  start  pre-  shut  down  most  travel  be-
            travelers  vouching  for  their  Ireland and Brazil. Most peo-  the CDC as potentially hav-  flight virus testing as a way to  tween the U.S. and Europe.

                        China says ambassador hacked in 'like' of pornographic tweet

                                                                        (AP)  —  The  Chinese  Em-  Twitter  account  and  em-  of which are the ambassador's
                                                                      bassy in the United Kingdom  ployed  despicable  methods  own tweets. Like most popu-
                                                                      has  demanded  that  Twitter  to  deceive  the  public.  The  lar overseas social media plat-
                                                                      investigate after its ambassa-  Embassy has reported this to  forms,  Twitter  is  blocked  in
                                                                      dor's  official  account  liked  a  Twitter  company  and  urged  China,  while  Chinese  social
                                                                      pornographic post on the so-  the  latter  to  make  thorough  media such as Weibo, China's
                                                                      cial media platform.         investigations and handle this  version of Twitter, steer well
                                                                      A human rights advocate on  matter seriously."            clear  of  controversial  topics
                                                                      Twitter  posted  a  screenshot  Twitter declined to comment  to  avoid  repercussions  from
                                                                      on  Wednesday  showing  that  on  the  incident.  The  BBC  the authorities.
                                                                      Chinese  Ambassador  Liu  reported Wednesday that the  However,  Chinese  officials,
                                                                      Xiaoming had liked the post.  ambassador's official account  particularly  in  the  foreign
                                                                                                   had  also  liked  a  tweet  criti-  ministry, have recently taken
                                                                      The    embassy   responded  cal  of  Chinese  officials  and  to  Twitter  and  other  social
                                                                      quickly,  sharing  a  statement  another  critical  of  the  mass  media to advocate for China's
                                                                      Wednesday  night  saying,  detention of China's Uighur  official  positions,  denigrate
                                                                      “Recently,  some  anti-China  Muslims.                    critics and counter criticisms
                                                                      elements  viciously  attacked  But on Thursday the account  over  human  rights,  foreign
                                                                      Ambassador  Liu  Xiaoming’s  only showed two likes -- both  policy and other issues.

                         Asian shares mostly higher as US set to reopen from holiday

              (AP)  —  Asian  shares  were  mostly  option-market after-shocks," he said.  economy  from  China,  as  the  presi-  to $39.13 a barrel in electronic trad-
            higher Tuesday, after European stocks                                   dential campaign heats up.          ing on the New York Mercantile Ex-
            rallied and U.S. markets were closed  Wall  Street’s  slide  on  Friday  fol-  The Asian region depends heavily on  change. Brent crude, the internation-
            for  the  Labor  Day  national  holiday.  lowed  a  Labor  Department  report  a healthy Chinese economy, and trade  al standard, added 6 cents to $42.07
            Investors are focusing on uncertain-  that  showed  U.S.  hiring  slowed  to  with the U.S., as well as with China.  per barrel.
            ties  over  the  coronavirus  pandemic  1.4 million last month. That was the                                The  dollar  inched  down  to  106.23
            and hopes for a vaccine. Attention is  fewest jobs added since the economy  “We  appear  to  be  short  on  clarity,”  Japanese  yen  from  106.27  yen.  The
            now on how Wall Street might pick  started bouncing back from the initial  said Ogawa.                      euro fell to $1.1805 from $1.1817.
            up after the holiday break, given the  shock of the pandemic. The United  Benchmark U.S. crude fell 64 cents
            decline  that  came  last  week  after  States has recovered about half the 22
            months of surging prices.           million jobs lost during the crisis. In
                                                Europe, another round of Brexit trade
            Japan's  benchmark  Nikkei  225  talks is scheduled in London for later
            gained  0.6%  in  morning  trading  to  in the day. On Monday, the European
            23,222.31.  Australia's  S&P/ASX  200  Union  warned  the  British  govern-
            added  0.7%  to  5,986.90.  South  Ko-  ment that any attempt to renege on
            rea's Kospi gained 0.8% to 2,403.53.  commitments made ahead of its de-
            Hong  Kong's  Hang  Seng  was  little  parture from the bloc earlier this year
            changed,  inching  up  less  than  0.1%  could put at risk the hard-won peace
            to  24,599.49,  while  the  Shanghai  in Northern Ireland. Britain left the
            Composite slipped 0.2% to 3,286.01.  bloc on Jan. 31, but the two sides are
            “Traders  and  investors  alike  may  in a transition period that ends at the
            slowly but surely come around to the  end  of  this  year  and  are  negotiating
            idea that last week’s market rout was  their future trade ties.
            tech  sector-specific,  rather  than  any
            real change in underlying sentiment,”  Riki  Ogawa  at  the  Asia  &  Oceania
            said Stephen Innes, chief global mar-  Treasury  Department  at  Mizuho
            kets strategist at AxiCorp. “There was  Bank in Singapore warned that plenty
            nothing  ‘fundamental’  behind  last  of other uncertainties remained, such
            week’s equity sell-off, but it will most  as  President  Donald  Trump's  com-
            certainly take a while to clear all the  ments  about  “decoupling”  the  U.S.
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