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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 6 February 2020
            Companies offer rebuke of Tennessee's anti-LGBT adoption law

            By JONATHAN MATTISE          question,  especially  when
            Associated Press             we have bills like what were
            NASHVILLE,  Tenn.  (AP)  —  introduced this year."
            Almost  three  dozen  big  The  new  law  would  assure
            companies and more than  continued  taxpayer  fund-
            100 small businesses in Ten-  ing  of  faith-based  foster
            nessee on Wednesday pre-     care  and  adoption  agen-
            dicted economic backlash  cies  even  if  they  exclude
            from a newly enacted state  LGBT  families  and  others
            adoption  law  and  other  based  on  religious  beliefs.
            proposals  that  target  LGBT  Current  adoption  prac-
            people, with one company  tices  in  Tennessee  are  not
            saying  plans  to  add  jobs  expected  to  change,  as
            in  Nashville  are  "in  doubt"  some faith-based agencies
            over the legislation.        had  already  not  allowed
            The  letter  from  the  likes  of  gay couples to adopt.
            Amazon,  Nike  and  Nissan  Lee, a religiously conserva-
            to  state  officials  offered  tive  businessman,  argued
            the biggest rebuke to date  the  law  would  better  pro-
            from  the  business  com-    tect  religious  liberty.  It  was
            munity  after  GOP  Gov.  Bill  the first proposal he signed
            Lee  last  month  signed  the  into law this year.
            adoption  bill  and  made  The state House passed the     LGBT advocacy group leaders and representatives from businesses gathered at the Cordell Hull
            it  effective  immediately.  bill last year and the Senate   legislative building in Nashville on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2020 for a news conference to oppose a
            Representatives  from  Dell,  passed the adoption bill on   state adoption law and other proposals that target the LGBT community.
            Warner  Music  Nashville,  the  first  day  of  legislative                                                                     Associated Press
            Postmates,  Nashville  Soc-  session last month, sending
            cer Club spoke at a Nash-    it to Lee for approval.      science"  as  long  as  other  hasn't lost any business yet  tors  warned  that  "passing
            ville  news  conference  an-  "We thought we had more  child-placing       agencies  due  to  the  adoption  law,  discriminatory   legislation
            nouncing the letter.         time  this  session,"  said  Joe  and the state keep provid-  but  has  "fielded  many,  would limit revenue for the
            Donna  Drehmann  of  Post-   Woolley, CEO of the Nash-    ing  readily  available  alter-  many  calls"  about  meet-  city  of  Nashville  and  the
            mates  said  the  food  deliv-  ville  LGBT  Chamber.  "I  am  natives.                ings  and  conventions  that  state  of  Tennessee  by  in-
            ery company might not go  surprised  and  upset  that  The  law  kicks  in  at  a  time  have shortlisted or are con-  hibiting our ability to secure
            through  with  plans  to  add  that  is  the  first  bill  that  the  when  Tennessee  contin-  sidering Nashville, said cor-  events like those and future
            to its base of 650 account  Tennessee  Senate  took  up  ues to grow, with booming  poration  senior  vice  presi-  events such as league mar-
            managers,  support  work-    this  legislative  session,  es-  Nashville setting the pace.  dent  for  public  affairs  An-  quee events, NCAA games,
            ers and tech employees in  pecially  when  you  look  at  The  Nashville  Convention  drea Arnold.                  award shows and countless
            Nashville,  saying  the  com-  the  issues  that  this  state  is  and  Visitors  Corporation  The  NHL's  Nashville  Preda-  potential concerts."q
            pany is "alarmed by the Lee  facing."
            administration's  anti-LGBTQ  Email  records  show  a  pri-
            agenda" and that bills tar-  vate  outside  legal  opin-
            geting that community are  ion  was  forwarded  to  the
            "just plain wrong" and pro-  governor's  senior  staff  by
            mote "flagrant hatred."      a member of the Southern
            "We  do  look  at  expand-   Baptist  Convention's  pub-
            ing  additional  technology  lic  policy  arm.  The  opinion
            jobs here in Nashville," said  was  written  by  a  group  of
            Drehmann,  Postmates  di-    attorneys with expertise on
            rector of service quality and  religious  liberty  laws,  and
            training. "However, that is in  said   "religious   providers
            doubt and that is always in  need not violate their con-
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