Page 10 - AHATA
P. 10

                Thursday 6 February 2020
            Masha Danki                                                                            Aruba Airport:

                                                                                                   Increased passenger
                                                                                                   figures for 2019!

                                                                      Aruba for 25 years, Steven   ORANJESTAD  –  As  Aruba  Air Canada:
                                                                      and Rebecca Gidseg for 28    Airport  kicked  off  2020  -  Additional  2  mid-week
                                                                      years,  Randy  and  Barbara   with  a  successful  Super  service for the winter sea-
                                                                      Gidseg for 30 years, David   Weekend processing a to-    son
                                                                      and  Lauren  Gidseg  for  30   tal of 24,627 passengers in  Avianca:
                                                                      years  and  Emerald  Am-     and out of the airport and  Initially  decided  to  cut
                                                                                                   handled  111  flight  move-
                                                                      bassadors  Michael  and  Jill                            back    flights   but   was
                                                                      Gidseg have been coming      ments,  Aruba  Airport  Au-  turned  around  after  col-
                                                                      to Aruba for 36 years.       thority  N.V.  (AAA)  is  also  laborating  back  to  cur-
                                                                                                   very happy to report an in-  rent schedule
                                                                                                   crease in the total number  Wingo:
                                                                      Representatives   of   the
                                                                      Costa  Linda  Beach  Resort   of  passengers  who  have  Up  gauging  of  twice
                                                                                                   visited Aruba in 2019.
                                                                      were  also  present  at  this                            weekly service to a B737-
                                                                      special  ceremony  where                                 800  aircraft  and  will  ser-
                                                                      they  celebrated  the  long-  Aruba  Airport  has  experi-  vice  the  destination  for
                                                                      time  friendship  and  loyalty   enced  a  strong  increase  a total of 9 out of the 12
                                                                      of  these  lovely  visitors.  The   of 3% totaling to approxi-  months
                                                                      honorees  stated  that  Aru-  mately 2.53 million (in and  Aruba Airlines:
                                                                      ba is their favorite island for   out)  passengers,  served  Last December launched
                                                                      so  many  reasons,  but  spe-  by  27  airlines,  compared  new nonstop service from
                                                                      cially its beautiful beaches,   to 2018 and now provides  Aruba to Barranquilla and
                                                                      friendly  people  and  great   service to 32 international  Medellin.
                                                                      weather.                     airports  in  12  countries,
            EAGLE  BEACH  —  Aruba  ba  for  over  25  years.  They                                and 28 destinations.        Coming  back  to  Super
            Tourism Authority represen-  received  their  distinctive  The Aruba Tourism Authority   Below are a few of the de-  Weekend  2020  (January
            tative,  Marouska  Heyliger,  certificate of Goodwill and  and Costa Linda Beach Re-   velopments that have led  5 & 6, 2020) Aruba Airport
            had  the  privilege  in  hon-  Emerald Ambassadors.       sort would like to say ‘Ma-  to  the  remarkable  results  processed a total of 24,627
            oring a group of loyal visi-                              sha Danki” to all of them for   of 2019:                 passengers  in  and  out  of
            tors. What made this group  The honorees are:             choosing Aruba as their fa-                              the  airport  and  handled
            extra special is that they all  Stefanie and Edward Levin  vorite vacation destination   American Airlines:        111  flight  movements.  At
            have been coming to Aru-     who have been coming to  for so many years. q             -  New  La  Guardia-Aruba  the screening points over
                                                                                                   year-round service          28,000 pieces of luggage
                                                                                                   - Expands Chicago-Aruba  were processed.
                                                                                                   seasonal operation          The  staff  has  shown  the
                                                                                                   Delta Air Lines:            passengers  that  Aruba
                                                                                                   -  Additional  mid-week  Airport  can  truly  provide
                                                                                                   Boston service in Decem-    them  with  a  positive  last
                                                                                                   ber  2019  and  January  impression while using the
                                                                                                   2020.                       airport facilities. This could
                                                                                                   JetBlue:                    only  be  possible  with  the
                                                                                                   -  Adding  additional  rota-  dedication  and  commit-
                                                                                                   tions  from  New  York  from  ment  of  each  of  the  air-
                                                                                                   11 to 16 weekly flights from  port  employees  working
                                                                                                   June  2019  to  October  as a team together at the
                                                                                                   2019                        airport.
                                                                                                   Spirit:                     Aruba  Airport  thanks  the
                                                                                                   - Two additional flights for  entire  airport  community
                                                                                                   the  summer  season  and  for their remarkable efforts
                                                                                                   a total of 3 weekly flights  in 2019 and congratulates
                                                                                                   from  Fort  Lauderdale  –  them  for  the  impressive
                                                                                                   Aruba during peak weeks     results.  2020  has  already
                                                                                                   United:                     shown  that  the  enthusi-
                                                                                                   -  Expansion  of  seasonal  asm  to  provide  quality
                                                                                                   service to Chicago from 2  service to Aruba’s passen-
                                                                                                   weekly to 5 weekly flights  gers is strong and stable.q
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