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Thursday 6 February 2020
Seaside dinner at Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino,
at Gilligan’s Seafood Shack
Palm Beach – The resort’s sual ambiance matching
open-air terrace restaurant the delicious food, guests
at the edge of the Palm entertain no thoughts of
Beach boardwalk is open escaping from Gilligan’s
for dinner, nightly. The pop- Seafood Shack. On the
ular seaside eatery caters contrary, they come back
to resort guests during the to enjoy desserts such as
day, and fun, casual diners Chocolate Surprise, or
in the evening hours – just the famed Homemade
walk in, no reservations re- Cheesecake.
quired. The resort’s Executive Chef
and the mastermind be-
The new dinner menu of- hind the dinner menu,
fers a selection of interest- Matt Boland, is Aruba’s es-
ing salads and a variety teemed celebrity chef. He
of seafood appetizers fol- is often the Tourism Authori-
lowed by fresh fish, beef ty’s popular choice to wow
and chicken entrees, veg- attendees at travel shows
etarian offerings, tasty sides with food demonstrations
and desserts. and tastings. Famous for
You may start your eve- his energy, creativity and
ning’s meal with a Lemon passion for fresh food con-
Caesar or a Garden Salad, cepts, Boland has made
then go on to enjoy Nori ole, Grouper & Crab, Shrimp features two fantastic of- meal also includes 2 for 1 Gilligan’s Seafood Shack
Ahi Tuna, Ceviche de Pes- Tacos and Mahi Mahi Fillet. fers: A Tuesday Shrimp Chill Draft Beer, all at $35 a family favorite, a casual
cado, or Fisherman’s Bas- Landlubbers may pick Jerk Taco Special for $19 per per person. dining destination in a pre-
ket for two, all nicely plat- Prosciutto Chicken or Dijon person, from 5:30 to 8pm The eatery is named after mier location.
ed and plentiful. Classics, Skirt Steak, both innovative and a Wednesday All You a legendary sitcom from Matching the stellar menu,
such as Beef Empanadas chef’s signature dishes. Can Eat, Taste of Aruba, the 60’s, Gilligan’s Island, an equally diverse bev-
or Grilled Shrimp conclude Those in search of vegetari- with skewers of Mahi Mahi, a few years after the resort erage selection to help
the menu’s list of crowd- an options will delight in the Shrimp, Red Snapper, Grou- was originally constructed. guests unwind with refresh-
pleasing appetizers. Green Garden Penne Pas- per, Beef, Chicken and The sitcom told the story of ing cocktails, sparkling,
True to the restaurant’s ta and the Vegetable Tart, Chorizo, a basket of yucca seven tourists accidentally blush, red and white wines,
name, the menu highlights served with a small garden and funchi fries, other tasty stranded on an island, and and local beers, while sa-
a number of fresh seafood salad. sides, and local caramel their failed escapes from voring delightful island
preparations, Shrimp Cre- Gilligan’s Seafood Shack flan for dessert. The collosal it. With a carefree and ca- flavors.q
Distinguished Visitors honored at Divi Phoenix
EAGLE BEACH — Recently, sunny weather, nice sandy
Kimberley Richardson of the beaches and picturesque
Aruba Tourism Authority had sunsets, delicious variety of
the great pleasure to honor foods, its cleanliness, and
Aruba’s loyal and friendly vis- Aruba’s warm and friendly
itors as Distinguished Visitors people who became like
of Aruba. The Distinguished family to them. This couple
Visitor certificate is present- not only fell in-love with the
ed on behalf of the Minister island, but also brought fam-
of Tourism, as a token of ap- ily, grandchildren, friends,
preciation and to say ‘Masha and neighbors to Aruba.
Danki’, to the guests who visit
Aruba 10 years and more Richardson together with
consecutively. the representatives of the
Divi Phoenix presented the
The honorees were couple certificate to the honorees,
Gerard & Beverly Lyons from handed over some presents
Massachusetts, USA. and also thanked them for
choosing Aruba as their fa-
This couple stated that they vorite vacation destination
love the island very much, and as their home-away-
especially for its year-round from-home.q