Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
LOCAL Thursday 6 February 2020
Advocating for Sustainable Aruban Cities and Communities
Continued from Page 14
years and we are now experiencing the harm- conclude that Aruba is currently at a cross road.
Aruba is slowly but surely realizing that self-suf- ful effects thereof. Constant dump fires, caus- Are we going to make the bold and necessary
ficiency is more sustainable in the long run. By ing toxic gases to release into the atmosphere, move which will mean sacrificing our own self-
having the right policies, strategic plans and hazardous gases reaching surrounding neigh- ish behaviors for the progress and well-being of
access to relevant data, Aruba can reduce the borhoods, contamination of soil and life below our communities? Or are we going to continue
risks that come with geographical and environ- water and so on. ignoring the problems we have and are creat-
mental challenges that can’t be ignored for The only step towards stopping this is what we ing?
much longer. know as the “Serlimar Bill”. With its pros and cons As a member of the community of Aruba and
discussed within the community, it is the only so- of the global community, each and every one
6. Air quality and waste management lution presented thus far by the government. of us have a responsibility to participate in this
One of the most discussed topics within our The call goes out to the Government of Aruba dialogue. Politicians, Ministers, Policy advisors,
community is related to waste management, and the Parliament of Aruba to stop this and to Private sector, Public sector, Academia, NGOs,
and the environmental and health concerns the community of Aruba to keep persisting for Advocates, and the Community should realize
that come with it. Aruba has battled year in and change. Not only for us now, but for the future that it is not an individual fight, but a collective
year out with this dilemma on figuring out how generations. one that will require collaboration. Because we
we are going to mitigate the effects is has and are all contributing one way or the other to the
will continue to cause if nothing gets resolved. Moving Forward destruction. Let’s for once contribute to the
In short, Aruba has used the “landfill system” for After exploring the SDG 11 indicators, we can resolution.q
Biography - Thaïs G. Franken (24) is a recently graduated Aruban student at the University of Maastricht
(UM). She obtained her graduate double master of science degree in Public Policy and Human Develop-
ment in collaboration with the United Nations University Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute
on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT). Back home, on the beautiful island of Aruba, she completed
her Bachelor of Arts in Organization, Governance & Management (OGM) at the University of Aruba (UA),
where she successfully defended her thesis titled “Placing Culture and Creativity at the Heart of the Aru-
ban Sustainable Development”. It was precisely this research project that inspired the emergence of the
“Creative Islander” column in 2018. Thaïs is very passionate about topics such as sustainability, innovation,
culture, creativity, social entrepreneurship and their role in public management. Next to her academic in-
terests, she enjoys reading, writing, dancing and cooking.