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U.S. NEWS Thursday 23 July 2020
Continued from Front symptoms — including fe-
Frieden and other public ver, diarrhea, chest tight-
health experts have called ness and body aches —
on states to publicly report stopped a few days after
testing turnaround times, he was tested, he wasn't
calling it an essential met- allowed to return to work
ric to measure progress without the result. On
against the virus. Wednesday he got a call
The testing lags in the U.S. telling him he didn't have
come as the number of COVID-19.
people confirmed to be It was "frustrating that I've
infected globally passed missed so much work due
a staggering 15 million on to testing taking forever,"
Wednesday, according to Warner said. "It is what it is
data compiled by Johns ... (but) I'm glad I'm nega-
Hopkins University. The U.S. tive and happy to be able
leads the world in cases to get back to work this
as well as deaths, which week."
stand at more than 142,000 Beyond the economic hurt
nationwide. New York, the testing lags can cause,
once by far the U.S. lead- they pose major health risks
er in infections, has been too.
surpassed by California, In Florida, as the state con- Vehicles line up at the COVID-19 drive-thru testing center at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens
though that is partly due to firmed 9,785 new cases as the coronavirus pandemic continues on Sunday, July 19, 2020.
robust testing in a state with on Wednesday and the Associated Press
more than twice the popu- death toll rose to nearly
lation of New York. 5,500, nursing homes have Washington University said without symptoms or any There is no scientific con-
Guidelines issued by the been under an order to test it's reasonable to tell peo- contact with someone who sensus on the rate of testing
CDC recommend that all employees every two ple awaiting test results to has tested positive. needed to control the virus
states lifting virus restrictions weeks. But long delays for isolate for 24 hours, but the As testing has expanded, in the U.S., but experts have
have testing turnaround results have some question- delays have been unac- so have mask orders and recommended for months
time under four days. The ing the point. ceptable. other measures aimed at that the U.S. test at least 1
agency recently issued Jay Solomon, CEO of Aviva "Imagine, you tell a parent keeping infections down. million to 3 million people
new recommendations in Sarasota, a senior com- with young children to self- Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota daily. Health experts as-
against retesting most CO- munity with a nursing home isolate for 10 days or more and Oregon became the sembled by the Rockefeller
VID-19 patients to confirm and assisted living facility, without knowing they actu- latest to announce state- Foundation said last week
they've recovered. said results were taking up ally have COVID? I mean, wide mandatory mask or- that the U.S. should scale
"It's clogging up the sys- to 10 days to come back. that's ridiculous. That's ac- ders on Wednesday. up to testing 30 million
tem," Adm. Brett Giroir, as- "It's almost like, what are tually absurd," Wen said. The U.S. is testing over Americans per week by the
sistant health secretary, we accomplishing in that U.S. officials have recent- 700,000 people per day, fall, when school reopen-
told reporters last week. time?" Solomon said. "If that ly called for ramping up up from less than 100,000 in ings and flu season are ex-
Zachrey Warner knows it all person is not quarantined screening to include seem- March. Trump administra- pected to further exacer-
too well. in that 7-10 days, are they ingly healthy Americans tion officials point out that bate the virus' spread. The
The 30-year-old waiter from spreading without realizing who may be unknowingly roughly half of U.S. tests group acknowledged that
Columbus, Ohio, was sent it?" spreading the disease are performed on rapid will not be possible with the
home from work on July Test results that come back in their communities. But systems that give results current laboratory-based
5 with a high fever a few after two or three days Quest Diagnostics, one of in about 15 minutes or in testing system.
days after he began feel- are nearly worthless, many the nation's largest testing hospitals, which typically The National Institutes of
ing ill. He went for a test five health experts say, be- chains, said it can't keep process tests in about 24 Health has set up a "shark
days later at the request of cause by then the window up with demand and most hours. But last month, that tank" competition to quick-
his employer. for tracing the persons' patients will face waits of a still left some 9 million tests ly identify promising rapid
Almost two weeks and one contacts to prevent addi- week or longer for results. going through laboratories, tests and has received
missed pay period later, tional infections has essen- Quest has urged health which have been plagued more than 600 applica-
he finally got his answer on tially closed. care providers to cut down by limited chemicals, ma- tions. The goal is to have
Wednesday: negative. Dr. Leana Wen, a public on tests from low-priority chines and kits to develop new testing options in mass
Though Warner said most health professor at George individuals, such as those COVID-19 tests. production by the fall.q
Ex-cop charged in Floyd's death faces tax evasion counts
By AMY FORLITI tax returns for the tax years three other officers who the investigation into the
Associated Press 2014 through 2019 and were at the scene were Chauvins was started in
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The three counts of failing to file fired. June by the Minnesota De-
former Minneapolis po- tax returns for 2016, 2017 Chauvin is in custody on the partment of Revenue and
lice officer charged with and 2018. charges in the Floyd case. Oakdale Police Depart-
murder in the death of Floyd, a Black man who was Kellie Chauvin, who filed for ment.
George Floyd was charged handcuffed, died May 25 divorce after Floyd's death, Authorities allege in the
Wednesday with multiple after Chauvin, who is white, is not in custody. Online criminal complaints that
felony counts of tax eva- pressed his knee against court records didn't list at- the Chauvins failed to file
sion. Floyd's neck for nearly eight torneys for either in the tax income tax returns and pay This May 31, 2020, file photo
provided by the Hennepin
Derek Chauvin and his wife, minutes as Floyd pleaded evasion case, and calls to state income taxes, and County Sheriff shows former
Kellie May Chauvin, were for air. Chauvin is charged Kellie Chauvin did not go that they underreported Minneapolis police Officer
each charged in Washing- with second-degree mur- through. and underpaid taxes on Derek Chauvin, who was ar-
ton County with six counts der, third-degree murder Washington County At- income they earned from rested for the May 25 death of
of filing false or fraudulent and manslaughter. He and torney Pete Orput said various jobs each year. q George Floyd.
Associated Press