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A26    U.S. NEWS
                     Thursday 23 July 2020
            Powerful quake shakes Alaska towns, creates small tsunami

            Associated Press                                                                                                    "I  might  have  expected  a
            ANCHORAGE,  Alaska  (AP)                                                                                            little bit more water, but I'm
            —  A  powerful  earthquake                                                                                          happy  that  there  wasn't,"
            off  Alaska's  southern  coast                                                                                      said David Hale, the senior
            shook  sparsely  populated                                                                                          duty scientist at the tsunami
            coastal  communities  late                                                                                          center.
            Tuesday  and  prompted                                                                                              Tuesday's quake was more
            some  residents  to  briefly                                                                                        powerful  than  the  magni-
            flee  to  higher  ground  be-                                                                                       tude  7.1  earthquake  that
            cause of tsunami fears.                                                                                             caused damage in the An-
            There  were  no  immediate                                                                                          chorage area in November
            reports  of  damage  in  the                                                                                        2018.
            Alaska  Peninsula  and  the                                                                                         "This  earthquake  released
            tsunami  warning  was  can-                                                                                         about  15  times  as  much
            celed after the magnitude                                                                                           energy as that earthquake,
            7.8 quake offshore created                                                                                          said West, the state seismol-
            a wave of a less than a foot                                                                                        ogist.
            (30 centimeters).                                                                                                   More  than  a  dozen  after-
            The    earthquake    struck                                                                                         shocks of magnitude 4.0 or
            Tuesday at 10:12 p.m. local                                                                                         higher  were  reported  im-
            time  and  was  centered  in                                                                                        mediately  after  the  earth-
            waters 65 miles (105 kilome-                                                                                        quake,  he  said  from  the
            ters) south-southeast of the   Homer High School Principal Douglas Waclawski, left, stands at the entrance to the local high school   Alaska  Earthquake  Center
            tiny community of Perryville,   while residents show up in search of higher ground in the early morning hours of Wednesday, July   at  the  University  of  Alaska
            at  a  depth  of  17  miles  (28   22, 2020 in Homer, Alaska, after a powerful earthquake shook the region late Tuesday evening.  Fairbanks.
            km),  according  to  the  U.S.                                                                     Associated Press  "We  got  people  here  who
            Geological Survey.                                                                                                  are  going  be  working  all
            Residents  in  some  small  quake  was  centered,  the  Cobban Knagin took video  Chief  Petty  Officer  Timo-      night,"  West  said.  "These
            towns  within  a  hundred  local  high  school  and  the  of the parking lot scene at  thy  Daugherty  made  sure  aftershocks will go and go
            miles (160 kilometers) of the  Catholic  church  opened  Kodiak  Aleutian  Regional  the 18 officers he oversees  and go and go."
            quake reported very strong  their  doors  for  evacuees  High  School,  where  300  were OK.                        The earthquake happened
            shaking  and  some  shaking  and the school parking lot  or  400  other  people  were  "The last thing you want to  in  the  so-called  Alaska-
            was  felt  more  than  more  was declared a safe zone,  sheltering.                    do  is  work  on  getting  the  Aleutian  Trench,  where  a
            than 500 miles (805 kilome-  with  some  people  staying  By  Wednesday  morning,  aircraft in the air as a tsuna-  magnitude  9.2  quake  in
            ters)  away  in  the  Anchor-  in their cars with pets until it  she was ready to take part  mi hits," he said. "It's a great  1964 was centered.
            age  area,  said  Michael  was safe to go home.           in  the  intense  "Adjust  Your  drill  and  great  practice  to  That  remains  the  second
            West, Alaska state seismol-  "No  reports  of  any  dam-  Altitude  Challenge"  hike  in  prepare for when we might  most  powerful  earthquake
            ogist.                       age,"  said  Kodiak  police  Kodiak, the last in a series.  need  to  conduct  rescues  ever recorded globally. The
            The    tsunami     warning  Sgt. Mike Sorter. "No injuries  "We adjust quickly here. Life  resulting  from  an  earth-  temblor  and  ensuing  tsu-
            prompted coastal residents  were  reported.  Everything  is back to normal," she said  quake and tsunami."          nami  caused  widespread
            to  evacuate  to  higher  is nominal."                    in  a  Facebook  message  Officials  at  the  National  damage  and  killed  131
            ground,  with  social  media  Such tsunami warnings are  before heading out to Pyr-    Tsunami Warning Center in  people, some as far away
            posts showing long lines of  commonplace  in  Alaska  amid Mountain with friends.      Palmer, Alaska, began call-  as Oregon and California.
            people  fleeing  towns  like  coastal  communities,  simi-  At  the  U.S.  Coast  Guard  ing off the tsunami adviso-  Alaska  is  the  most  actively
            Homer  and  Kodiak  as  tsu-  lar  to  tornado  warnings  base  in  Kodiak,  officials  ries  and  warnings  after  a  seismic  U.S.  state.  Nearly
            nami sirens wailed.          elsewhere  in  the  U.S.  that  scrambled   their   planes  wave of less than 1 foot (30  25,000  earthquakes  have
            On Kodiak Island about 200  prompt  people  to  take  and  helicopters  into  the  centimeters) was recorded  been  recorded  in  Alaska
            miles (320 kilometers) north-  shelter.                   air  quickly  because  of  in  the  community  of  Sand  since  Jan.  1,  according  to
            east  of  where  the  earth-  On  Tuesday  night,  Gerry  the  tsunami  warning  and  Point.                        the center.q

            New Orleans musician offers kids trumpets for guns

                                                                      NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A New Orleans trum-     Allen  told  WWL-TV  that  his  life  changed
                                                                      peter, vocalist and bandleader is offering  when he was 12 or 13 and first played for
                                                                      kids trumpets in exchange for guns.        tips in the French Quarter.
                                                                      Shamarr  Allen  started  the  project  last  "I realized, 'OK, I can do this,'" he recount-
                                                                      week,  after  a  9-year-old  boy  was  shot  ed. "Now, I'm traveling the world, this is my
                                                                      and killed and two teens wounded, news  career because of that trumpet. So if it can
                                                                      agencies reported.                         do that for me, it can do that for someone
                                                                      "I have a 9-year-old son and I grew up in  else."  He quickly ran through trumpets he
                                                                      that  environment  so  I  understand  what  owned but wasn't using. Other people of-
                                                                      those kids are going through. They aren't  fered  to  help.  Then  he  started  an  online
                                                                      bad kids, they just don't have anything to  fundraiser with a $6,500 goal. By Tuesday
                                                                      do," Allen told WVUE-TV.                   afternoon  —  four  days  in  —  he'd  raised
            In this Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2009, file photo, musician Shamarr Allen   So — after checking with police to make  $8,800 for trumpets costing about $250 plus
            plays  his  trumpet,  signed  by  New  Orleans  Saints  quarterback   sure that he wouldn't get any kids in trou-  instruction books. He's also raising money
            Drew Brees, on the porch of his Ninth Ward home in New Or-  ble and would be able to give police the  by selling T-shirts with the slogan "Trumpet
            leans, where he recently recorded"Glory Bound," an anthem for   guns for safe disposal — he posted a note  is my weapon," WWL-TV reported.
            the  Saints  football  team.  Allen  is  offering  kids  trumpets  in  ex-  on his Instagram account: "To all the youth  Several  musicians  have  agreed  to  of-
            change for guns.
                                                     Associated Press   in New Orleans, Bring me a gun and I'll give  fer free virtual lessons to kids who get the
                                                                      you a trumpet no questions asked."         trumpets, he said.q
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