Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200723
P. 28

                     Thursday 23 July 2020

            South Asia floods displace millions, kill 550

                                                                      in  floods  that  have  sub-
                                                                      merged    Kaziranga    Na-
                                                                      tional  Park,  225  kilometers
                                                                      (139 miles) east of the state
                                                                      capital, Gauhati. More rain
                                                                      is expected in the next few
                                                                      In Bangladesh, experts say
                                                                      this  year's  monsoon  is  go-
                                                                      ing to last longer than usual
                                                                      because  more  waters  are
                                                                      expected  to  rush  in  from
                                                                      upstream    India,   which    In this June 14, 2020 file photo, a medical worker wearing per-
                                                                      shares  53  common  rivers   sonal protective equipment works in an intensive care unit for
                                                                      with  downstream  Bangla-    COVID-19 patients at a hospital in Sanaa, Yemen.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
                                                                      Arifuzzaman  Bhuiyan,  the
            In this photograph provided by International Federation of Red   executive  engineer  at  the   U.N. agencies warn of
            Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) shows IFRC volunteers
            reaching flood affected communities with drinking water and   Flood   Forecasting   and
            other support in Kurigram, Bangladesh, July 16, 2020.     Warning Center, said flood-  more food shortages in
                                                     Associated Press  waters were not expected
                                                                      to start receding before the   war-torn Yemen
            Associated Press             coming weeks. It said that  second week of August.
            DHAKA,  Bangladesh  (AP)  2.8  million  people  have  In  Kurigram,  one  of  the
            —  More  than  9.6  million  been  affected,  and  that  worst    affected   districts   CAIRO  (AP)  —  U.N.  agen-  the war that pits the coun-
            people  across  South  Asia  more than 1 million are iso-  in  northern  Bangladesh,   cies  warned  Wednesday  try's Houthi rebels against a
            have been affected by se-    lated.                       thousands  of  people  took   that  food  shortages  will  Saudi-led coalition fighting
            vere  floods,  with  hundreds  In  India,  over  6.8  million  shelter  at  higher  ground,   rise sharply in parts of war-  on the side of the interna-
            of  thousands  struggling  to  people  have  been  affect-  leaving  their  homes  and   torn  Yemen  in  the  next  six  tionally recognized govern-
            get  food  and  medicine,  ed by the flooding, mainly  belongings behind.              months,  mainly  because  ment.
            officials  and  aid  organiza-  in  the  northern  states  of  "Many people are not hav-  of  the  overall  economic  Economic  shocks,  conflict,
            tions said Wednesday.        Assam,  West  Bengal,  Bihar  ing  three  meals  a  day,"   decline and the pandemic  floods,  desert  locusts  and
            About  550  people  have  and Meghalaya bordering  Mizanur  Rahman  Soikat,            that has ripped through the  now  COVID-19  are  creat-
            died  in  India,  Bangladesh  Bangladesh, the IFRC said,  a  volunteer  for  the  Bidya-  Arab world's poorest coun-  ing  a  perfect  storm  that
            and  Nepal,  while  millions  citing official figures.    nondo Foundation, a local    try.  A  report  by  the  World  could reverse hard-earned
            have been displaced from  In India's northeastern state  charity, said by phone. "The   Food  Program,  the  U.N.  food  security  gains  in  Ye-
            their homes since the flood-  of  Assam  alone,  some  2.5  government and volunteer   Children's  Fund  and  the  men, the report said.
            ing began last month, said  million people were affect-   groups  are  trying  to  give   Food  and  Agriculture  Or-  "Yemen is facing a crisis on
            the  International  Federa-  ed  and  at  least  113  have  them  food  and  medicine,   ganization said the number  multiple  fronts,"  said  Lau-
            tion of Red Cross and Red  died, authorities said.        but  it  is  getting  harder  to   of people facing high lev-  rent Bukera, the WFP direc-
            Crescent Societies, or IFRC.  M.S. Manivannan, head of  keep track of the affected     els  of  acute  food  insecu-  tor  for  Yemen.  "We  must
            The organization warned of  Assam's  Disaster  Manage-    people  because  of  rising   rity is expected to increase  act now. In 2019, thanks to
            a  humanitarian  crisis,  say-  ment  Authority,  said  many  waters."                 from 2 million to 3.2 million  a  massive  scale-up,  WFP
            ing  that  close  to  one  third  rivers  were  still  flowing  Jagan  Chapagain,  secre-  in the country's south.   and partners were able to
            of Bangladesh has already  above the danger level.        tary  general  of  the  IFRC,   Yemen has been the site of  reverse  the  deterioration
            been  flooded,  with  more  More  than  100  animals,  said South Asia could face      the largest food crisis in the  in  the  worst  hit  areas  of
            flooding  expected  in  the  mostly  deer,  have  died  a humanitarian crisis.q        world,  mostly  because  of  Yemen."q

             Greece: Homes, camp evacuated due to wildfire near Corinth

                                                                      fanned  by  strong  winds  (50 miles) southwest of Ath-   the  sporting  competition
                                                                      that  raged  through  forests  ens.                       that  inspired  the  Olympic
                                                                      and forced the evacuation  But the aircraft were forced  Games, near Petalidi further
                                                                      of  six  settlements  in  south-  to cease flying after night-  south and on the southern
                                                                      ern Greece.                  fall.                        island  of  Crete.  The  blazes
                                                                      State  TV  said  more  than  Three villages, three smaller  at Ancient Olympia and on
                                                                      4,000  people  were  evacu-  settlements and a summer  Crete  were  under  partial
                                                                      ated.  No  injuries  were  re-  camp were evacuated as  control  by  early  Thursday,
                                                                      ported,  and  the  extent  of  a  precaution.  Firefighters  the Fire Brigade said.
                                                                      any property damage was  were  dispatched  to  the  Wildfires  are  common  dur-
                                                                      not immediately clear.       scene  from  other  parts  of  ing Greece's hot, arid sum-
                                                                      The  Fire  Brigade  said  10  Greece,  and  local  volun-  mers.  Massive  blazes  in
                                                                      water-dropping helicopters  teers as well as heavy ma-    2007 killed about 80 people
                                                                      and seven planes were de-    chinery  provided  by  the  in  southern  and  central
                                                                      ployed  Wednesday  to  as-   army and regional authori-   Greece.
            Fire burns near the village of Galataki as authorities evacuate   sist with the ground opera-  ties were helping in the ef-  The   Fire   Brigade   said
            the place near Corinth, Greece, on Wednesday, July 22, 2020.   tion in an area inland from  fort.                   Wednesday         evening
                                                     Associated Press   the  seaside  settlement  of  Firefighters   also   battled  that  a  total  57  forest  fires
                                                                      Kechries  near  the  town  of  smaller  blazes  near  an-  broke out in 24 hours, most
            ATHENS,  Greece  (AP)  —  were  struggling  overnight  Corinth in the Peloponnese  cient Olympia, the western  of  which  were  quickly
            More  than  250  firefighters  to  contain  a  large  wildfire  region,  some  80  kilometers  Peloponnese  birthplace  of  extinguished.q
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