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Thursday 23 July 2020
Review: A Marie Curie biopic in 'Radioactive'
By JAKE COYLE fice, she's skeptical of him
AP Film Writer both professionally and ro-
It was dirty work, Marie and mantically. But he proves
Pierre Curie's discovery an equitable partner and,
of radium and polonium. besides, has something
To investigate uranium at special to offer: laboratory
their Paris laboratory, Ma- space.
rie acquired several tons of Their relationship and their
pitchblende, a black ore, historical discoveries make
and the industrial waste up about half of "Radioac-
product left over when ura- tive," and while it may be
nium was removed from it. the most dramatic period
They ground the rock and of Curie's life, it's the more
dissolved it in acid to sepa- inert piece of the film. His-
rate the elements and, in tory is sometimes exagger-
the process, discovered ated for effect. Marie quar-
polonium and radium. They rels with Pierre when he ac-
were working, up to their cepts their Nobel without
elbows, in poisonous radio- her; he, in fact, refused to
active materials. until they both could travel
"Radioactive," Marjane to Sweden, which they did
Satrapi's biopic of the re- two years later. Marie is also
nowned Polish-born French shown here as an outsider
physicist, is alive to the toil This image released by Amazon shows Rosamund Pike as Marie Curie in a scene from "Radioac- throughout, which minimiz-
of science. Not just its grub- tive." es her role in the scientific
by, physical labor, but the Associated Press community.
burden of a sexist, male- But "Radioactive" picks up
dominated field, the hard- "Persepolis," a striking com- screenplay, in which Curie But not since 1943's Oscar- after the death of Pierre in
ships of a public life and ing-of-age tale set against single-mindedly speaks of nominated "Madame Cu- a road accident in 1906.
the unrelenting tenacity the Islamic Revolution. scientific progress less like rie" has she had the full bi- There is scandal; Curie
of a pioneer like Curie. As "Persepolis" had a com- a person than a grade- opic treatment. As the first years later came to love
played by Rosamund Pike, pelling monochrome look, school teaching tool. person to win the Nobel Pierre's protege, a physics
Curie is as tough, prickly and Redniss' book a more Maybe there's not anything Prize twice — after which professor named Paul Lan-
and potent as that pitch- surreal, iridescent style. But so wrong with that. Female she saved countless lives gevin (Aneurin Barnard),
blende. "Radioactive" is bathed scientists are so frequently with mobile X-ray labs dur- who was married but sepa-
The film, which debuts Fri- in the more conventional underappreciated that ing World War I — she had rated. The French branded
day on Amazon Prime, gauzy glow of a biopic, "Radioactive" is worthwhile. the sort of huge life that her a homewrecker and
comes from Lauren Red- and clings disappointing- Curie hasn't been absent more than fills a movie. cursed as an immigrant.
niss' 2010 graphic biogra- ly to the genre's familiar from screens. There was, And "Radioactive" has en- (Albert Einstein supported
phy, "Radioactive: Marie & rhythms. With some nota- most recently, the 2017 deavored to capture a her in a memorable letter.)
Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love ble exceptions, this is a tra- international production full picture of Curie, start- Later, wartime scenes with
and Fallout." Satrapi, the ditional treatment of an ex- "Marie Curie: The Courage ing with her romance with her 17-year-old daughter
Iranian-French filmmaker, traordinary life, complete of Knowledge" and the Pierre (Sam Riley). Having Irène (the talented Anya
has her own roots in graph- with deathbed scenes that 1997 French drama "Les suffered the misogyny of Taylor-Joy) reverberate
ic novels. She co-directed bookend the film and fre- Palmes de M. Schutz," with colleagues and recently with electricity missing from
the adaptation of her own quent lines, in Jack Thorne's Isabelle Huppert as Curie. been turned out of her of- much of the film.q
Clint Eastwood sues CBD sellers over
use of his name, image
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Clint of CBD, a chemical de- advertisements they could
Eastwood sued several rived from marijuana often use which follow our very
companies that sell CBD sold as a dietary supple- strict guidelines and shut
supplements on Wednes- ment or included in creams down the ads immediate-
Clint Eastwood arrives at the AFI Awards on Jan. 3, 2020, in Los day, alleging that they are and ointments. ly after learning that they
Angeles. Eastwood sued several companies that sell CBD sup- falsely using his name and In the suits that seek millions used Eastwood's name
plements Wednesday, alleging that they are falsely using his
name and image to push their products. image to push products he in damages, Eastwood and likeness."
Associated Press would never agree to en- names as defendants The company said its guide-
dorse. nearly 20 small companies, lines prohibit using such
Two lawsuits filed in federal based in states including false claims in its ads and
court in Los Angeles include Arizona, California, Dela- has severed all relationships
allegations that companies ware and Florida, that sell with the advertiser, and it
have spread phony articles CBD, along with up to 60 urged others in the industry
reporting that the 90-year- anonymous entities that to do the same.
old actor-director is quitting may be named later. Other companies named
the movie business to focus One of the companies, in the suit, including Patriot
on a CBD business. Sera Labs, said in a state- Supreme and Norok Inno-
The lawsuits say Eastwood ment that it "worked for a vation Inc., did not immedi-
has no part in the manu- limited time with a publish- ately respond to messages
facture, sale or promotion er and gave them specific seeking comment. q