Page 8 - FCEA Proposal For Airport VIP Concierge Service Concession 2022
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1. Aruba Travel Landscape

            In 2019, the total number of passengers arriving, and departing was 2,707,122. Compared to 2018, the
            total number of passengers increased by 6.3%. In 2020, the world experienced a crisis never seen before;
            the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down, creating a new normal for years to come. In 2021,
            post-pandemic, the total passenger number grew to 1,842,864, representing a recovery of 68% (Source:
            Airport RFP Airport VIP Concierge Service Concession 2022).

            The following market shares were reported in the Aruba Tourism Authority Monthly report for June;
            83.3% of the visitors were from North America, 6.6% were from the Latin American market, and 7.6%
            were Europeans. When comparing the generations, the Millennials had a share of 27%, followed by Gen
            X (26.5%), Baby boomers (23.4%,) and Gen Z (21.1%).

            Insight FCEA: First Class Experience has a similar profile of clients, including top markets as reported
            by the Aruba Tourism Authority. Therefore, we find it critical to align with the island’s clientele. We will
            continue diving into the data to forecast our service's success and performance.
               D a t a sh ow s

                          Share by market                                Visitors by Generation
                     7.6%   2.2%



              North America  South America  Europe  ROW

              Source: A.T.A. Monthly Report June 2022

            In 2022, the Aruba Tourism Authority Corporate Plan, one of the priority areas described, is to recover
            high-value visitor arrivals sustainably. A.T.A. The US Segmentation Model consists of six segments of
            which three have a household income (HHI) above US$100K. The Affluent visitors are the visitors who
            spend more at the destination. Increasing the share of High Spenders to the destination continues to be
            one of A.T.A.’s objectives (Source: A.T.A. Corporate Plan 2022).

            Insight FCEA: Typically, the Affluent clientele has significant spending power, especially in the Luxury
            or commodity in the travel industry. Although the definition of luxury varies from person to person, we
            know that luxury is associated with a particular lifestyle, set of values or if it’s time consuming. The
            pandemic disrupted the travel industry and proved to be a catalyst for some beneficial changes. While our
            change was born out of necessity, we were able to guarantee our customers a safe and custom-made VIP
            experience worth the money.

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