Page 9 - FCEA Proposal For Airport VIP Concierge Service Concession 2022
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2. Company Description- The Evolution

            In 2016, the concept of FCEA was born out of the demand for concierge services catered to Affluent
            customers. The Affluent target market wants to be pampered and is looking for a service with all the fine
            details of an exclusive experience.

            In 2016, FCEA won the bid and launched itself as a premier concierge company providing signature
            service to exclusive and important passengers and guests at the Queen Beatrix Aruba International
            Airport. Since 2016, First Class Experience has served 16,432 Airport clients.

            In 2020, the Covid-19  pandemic disrupted         THEY SAY IT!
            travel in an unprecedented way. From March to
            June, the borders on Aruba were closed.
            During this time,  FCEA  focused on refining
            breakthrough luxury while keeping abreast of
            new regulatory  requirements awaiting the
            borders to re-open.

            In anticipation, First Class Experience reviewed
            all internal processes and details to include more
            digitalized touchpoints for our clientele. We also
            anticipated that travelers would be more nervous
            than ever.

            In light, hereof we focused on training our personnel knowing that we would have to continue to sell
            luxury and a piece of mind. With the re-opening of the borders, First Class Experience was ready to
            provide its customers with tailor-made services with the new health requirements in place.

            While the numbers were low in 2020, First Class experienced double-digit growth in 2021 compared to
            2019, indicating that the adopted strategic approach is successful.

            In 2022, FCEA opened First Class Experience 2.0, our on-prem Sales office at the airport. FCEA invested
            a total of Afl. 40,000 to serve our last-minute clients. The Sales office is focused primarily on generating
            last-minute sales. We requested AAA to give us the opportunity to show that with this initiative we can
            double our sales and we can proudly share that we have reached it already now in July 2022, after receiving
            additional badges as to May.

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