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                        Friday 21 June 2024
            As millions sweat out the heat wave, blocks of lake ice keep these

            campers cool

            Continued from Front                                                                                                state-run pools and beaches
                                                                                                                                opened early for swimming,
            On  Squam  Lake  in  central                                                                                        Gov. Kathy Hochul said. New
            New Hampshire, ice blocks                                                                                           York  City's  beaches  were
            about the size of microwave                                                                                         available and while its pub-
            that  had  been  packed  in                                                                                         lic  swimming  pools  don't
            sawdust  since  winter  were                                                                                        open  until  next  week,  the
            lifted from an insulated stor-                                                                                      city keeps a list of hundreds
            age  hut.  It's  been  a  tradi-                                                                                    of free air-conditioned sites.
            tion at the rustic Rockywold                                                                                        "The  humidity  is  pretty  in-
            Deephaven Camps for more                                                                                            sane," said Anne-Laure Bon-
            than a century, keeping fresh                                                                                       homme, a health coach who
            ice available throughout the                                                                                        was sightseeing in New York
            summer and into the fall.                                                                                           with her family.
            Angela Wilcox, who has va-                                                                                          Many school districts in New
            cationed at the camp for 16                                                                                         Jersey switched to early dis-
            years, took her children and                                                                                        missals  as  the  school  year
            nephews boating Thursday in                                                                                         winds  down,  and  at  least
            search of the lake's coldest                                                                                        two rescheduled their high
            swimming spot.                                                                                                      school graduation ceremo-
            "This  is  the  hottest  it's  ever                                                                                 nies due to concerns about
            been,  especially  in  June,"                                                                                       excessive heat and humidity.
            Wilcox  said.  "We're  kind  of                                                                                     With much of Indiana broil-
            shocked."                    Will McLane loads a block of ice onto a wheelbarrow at Rockywold Deephaven Camps, Thursday,   ing in the 90s, highway crews
            Heat  index  readings  com-  June 20, 2024, in Holderness, N.H.                                                     are starting shifts at 6 a.m.,
            bining  temperature  and                                                                           Associated Press  two  hours  earlier  than  in
            humidity were expected to  ing the Southwestern United  tremes  in  the  northeastern  ice cream topples out of the  cooler seasons, and taking
            surpass  100  degrees  (37.7  States, Mexico and Central  U.S.                         cone, but not all would listen.  more frequent breaks in air-
            C) in many locations across  America  this  month.  Last  It  was  already  nearing  90  "Everybody asks if we have  conditioned  trucks  in  be-
            the country, possibly setting  year, the U.S. saw the great-  degrees  (32.2  C)  in  New  AC.  We  do  not,"  she  said.  tween  filling  potholes  and
            some  all-time  records,  the  est number of heat waves  Hampshire as John Dupont  "It's  very  hot  and  we  get  other roadwork, said Kyleigh
            weather  service  said,  and  — abnormally hot weather  opened his kettle corn stand  long lines, so it can get very  Cramer, a spokesperson for
            because  record  overnight  lasting more than two days  at  Concord's  50th  annual  rough sometimes."              the Indiana Department of
            temperatures could prevent  — since 1936.                 Market Days Festival. He and  In Burlington, Vermont, Jack  Transportation.
            natural cooling, heat danger  Ocean waters are warmer as  his daughter set up two fans  Hurlbut said he's never been  "They're able to get in those
            could build up indoors.      well, particularly in the Gulf of  and were prepared to drape  so hot in his life. "I live in Ver-  trucks and cool off right then
            "Those  without  access  to  Mexico, where the season's  icy towels around their necks.  mont for a reason, you know  and  there  because  being
            reliable air conditioning are  first  named  storm,  Alberto,  "This year is a little challeng-  what I mean?" the 28-year-  out on the road is a little bit
            urged to find a way to cool  was dumping heavy rain and  ing because of all the heat.  old said.                    different than being in an of-
            down," the service said in its  flash flooding along a stretch  Our kettle gets up to 150,000  Hurlbut, who is experiencing  fice," Cramer said.
            forecast.                    of the coast from Mexico to  BTUs," he said.              homelessness, joined others  Some relief is coming: A cold
            In  a  study  published  Thurs-  Louisiana. Hurricane season  At  Johnson's  Dairy  Bar  in  in a shady spot on a lawn  front  is  moving  into  areas
            day,  a  group  of  scientists  this  year  is  forecast  to  be  Northwood,  Camryn  Hil-  outside  the  public  library,  near Lake Michigan on Thurs-
            said human-caused climate  among  the  most  active  in  dredth tried offer customers  which was serving as a cool-  day and Friday, the weather
            change  has  drastically  in-  recent memory.             an empty dish for that heart-  ing center.                service said. Chicago broke
            creased the odds of expe-    It's  made  for  an  unusually  breaking  moment  when  New York parks had free ad-    a 1957 record Monday with a
            riencing the killer heat bak-  early  start  to  summer  ex-  a scoop of rapidly melting  mission Thursday, and select  high of 97 degrees (36.1 C).q

                                                                      Robert F. Kennedy Jr. fails to qualify

                                                                      for CNN’s debate. It’ll be a showdown

                                                                      between Biden and Trump

                                                                      week's  debate  in  Atlanta,  in an attempt to lend legiti-  would be invited to partici-
                                                                      according to host network  macy to his longshot bid and  pate in the debate if they had
                                                                      CNN,  falling  shy  of  bench-  convince potential supporters  secured a place on the ballot
                                                                      marks both for state ballot  that he has a shot at winning.  in states totaling at least 270
                                                                      qualification and necessary  In a statement Thursday, Ken-  votes in the Electoral College,
                                                                      polling.                     nedy called his exclusion from  the minimum needed to win
                                                                      The  missed  markers  mean  the debate "undemocratic,  the presidency.
                                                                      that the June 27 showdown  un-American, and cowardly."    Biden and Trump have easily
             Independent  presidential  candidate  Robert  F.  Kennedy  Jr.   will be solely between Dem-  Both  the  Biden  and  Trump  cleared the polling threshold
             speaks  during  the  Libertarian  National  Convention  at  the   ocratic President Joe Biden  campaigns  fear  that  Ken-  but won't be certified for the
             Washington Hilton in Washington, May 24, 2024.           and presumptive Republican  nedy  could  play  spoiler  in  ballot until their parties for-
                                                     Associated Press  nominee Donald Trump. That  what's anticipated to be a  mally nominate them later this
            By MEG KINNARD               pendent presidential candi-  denies  Kennedy  a  singular  close general election.     summer. Both have secured
            Associated Press             date Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  opportunity to stand along-   According  to  the  criteria  enough delegates to lock in
            COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Inde-  has failed to qualify for next  side the leading candidates  set out by CNN, candidates  their nominations.q
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