Page 7 - aruba-today-20240621
P. 7
local Friday 21 June 2024
Starting on July 1, 2024, a $20 Sustainability Fee will be charged to tourists
Through a post on the social me- Starting July 1, 2024, paid the fee earlier this year, Aruba As of yesterday, the post had more
dia platform Facebook, the page Aruba will implement a $20 sustain- students who can prove they are than 200 comments and 100 shares.
“Aruba” announced yesterday that ability fee for visitors arriving on the studying at a foreign educational Some commenters expressed their
starting on July 1, 2024, a $20 Sustain- island by air. This fee will support a institution, and those who have been approval of this initiative, saying, “I
ability Fee will be charged to visitors series of projects aimed at improve- residents for the past 8 years. The trust that the Government of Aruba
coming to Aruba. This information ments and sustainability efforts on sustainability fee will be collected will make good use of this for the
caused a stir on social media, where the island. Those exempt from this through the online platform (ED) benefit of the island. I have been
tourists began sharing and reacting fee are: residents, children under 8 while completing the entry card for visiting Aruba for 35 years and hope
to the news. years old, visitors who have already Aruba,” the statement noted. that costs will not rise.”q
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back or to me is ……. Send your picture or any other materials, you give Last but not least: check out our
still enjoying your vacation?... we with that text (including your permission to The Aruba Today website, Instagram and Facebook
would like to portrait you! By invit- name and where you are from) to: Newspaper, Caribbean Speed page!
ing you to send us your favorite and we Printers and any of its affiliated
vacation picture while enjoying will publish your vacation memory. companies to use said materials, Thank you for supporting our free
our Happy Island. Isn’t that a special way to keep as well as names, likeness, etc. newspaper, we strive to make
your best moments alive? Please for promotional purposes without you a happy reader every day
Complete the sentence: Aruba do note: By submitting photos, text compensation. again.q
Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!
like hurricanes and tsuna- These findings can certainly This research is also im-
mis. put things into perspective. portant for the future of
The ground on which we coral reefs on the island.
Through underwater and have walked many times By studying rising sea lev-
land surveillance, and 3D in the northern part of the els and climate impact on
models of the reefs, they island hold such rich history, these coral reefs, we are
were able to narrow down history that dates back to able to take concrete ac-
when these formations a time that most of us can- tion in protecting and pre-
started to take place. They not even imagine. As the serving our coral reefs. So, if
were also able to track the scientists themselves have you are ever visiting one of
fluctuation of sea levels pointed out, these fossilized the bocas or driving along
during the past hundred or reefs on the windward side the northern part of the is-
even thousands of years, are truly an incredible and land, please be conscious
and the effects that this rare remnant of geologi- to help protect our natu-
fluctuation has had on the cal history, as they provide ral historical remnant. Oh,
(Oranjestad)— If you’ve faculty at the University of coral reefs of the windward a clear view of how these and wear (coral-friendly)
been to the northern coast Bremen, Prof. dr. Alessio side of Aruba. reefs have formed. sunscreen!q
of Aruba already, you’ve Rovere from the Ca' Fosc-
probably noticed how the ari University of Venice and
ground differs entirely from Prof. dr. Gianfranco Scic-
the sandy beaches on the chitano, from the University
southern part of the island. of Bari Aldo Moro, present-
These hard surfaces, with ed their research on these
sharp bumps and holes fossilized coral reefs at the
are actually fossilized coral University of Aruba. Their
reefs, of which its growth focus for their research in-
and changes can be cluded studying the health
traced back to the last gla- and formation patterns of
cial period. these coral reefs, and to
investigate how these reefs
On May 30 2023, geosci- have responded and can
entists, Dr. Patrick Boyden respond to fluctuating sea
from the Marum research levels or extreme weather,