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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 21 June 2024
            ‘Teflon Mark’ Rutte set to bring consensus-building skills from Dutch

            politics as next NATO chief

            By MIKE CORDER                                                                                                      his office to a meeting eating
            Associated Press                                                                                                    an apple. When he handed in
            THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP)                                                                                         his government’s resignation
            — Over the course of more                                                                                           to King Willem-Alexander last
            than a dozen years at the                                                                                           year, he drove to an ornate
            top of Dutch politics, Mark                                                                                         royal palace in a Saab sta-
            Rutte got to know a thing or                                                                                        tion wagon.
            two about finding consensus                                                                                         On  Thursday,  he  posed  in
            among  fractious  coalition                                                                                         jeans, a white shirt and sun-
            partners. Now he’s on track                                                                                         glasses  for selfies with people
            to bring the experience of                                                                                          outside his office while sitting
            leading four Dutch multiparty                                                                                       on his bicycle.
            governments to the interna-                                                                                         While  he  was  Dutch  prime
            tional stage as NATO’s new                                                                                          minister, Rutte was a strong
            secretary general.                                                                                                  supporter of Ukraine and its
            On Thursday, Romania’s presi-                                                                                       right to defend itself after Rus-
            dent withdrew from the race                                                                                         sia’s 2022 invasion. Under his
            for the alliance’s top job, leav-                                                                                   leadership, the Netherlands
            ing Rutte the only remaining                                                                                        pledged military hardware to
            candidate and all but certain                                                                                       Kyiv including Leopard tanks
            to head the world’s biggest                                                                                         and F-16 fighter jets.
            military  organization  from   NATO  Secretary  General  Jens  Stoltenberg,  left,  greets  Dutch  Prime  Minister  Mark  Rutte  during   He said the war on Europe’s
            October.                     arrivals for a NATO summit at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Monday, June 14, 2021.    eastern flank was one of the
            Rutte’s appointment could be                                                                       Associated Press  reasons for seeking the job
            sealed by a meeting of NATO  been put to the test. Secur-  Rutte is a pragmatist and one  The Associated Press.     as NATO chief.
            ambassadors in the coming  ing  the  job  of  NATO  chief  of the few European politi-  From history scholar to business  “With everything that hap-
            days, or when President Joe  required all of Rutte’s diplo-  cians to have developed a  manager to politicsA history  pened  in  Ukraine  and  the
            Biden and his NATO coun-     matic skills as he convinced  good  working  relationship  graduate and former human  instability  in  the  world  and
            terparts meet for a summit  doubters, including Hungarian  not just with Joe Biden, but  resources manager at con-  a  number  of  people  who
            in Washington on July 9-11.  Prime Minister Viktor Orbán  also with Donald Trump. That  sumer products multinational  thought I could maybe do
            The secretary general chairs  and Turkish President Recep  could prove a key asset for  Unilever, Rutte became prime  it, you can’t just push that to
            meetings and guide some-     Tayyip Erdogan, to back his  NATO after the November US  minister of the Netherlands  one side,” he said. “And it is,
            times delicate consultations  candidacy.                  presidential  election,”  said  for the first time in October,  of course, an unbelievably
            among the 32 NATO member  “It took a very long time. It’s  Oana  Lungescu,  a  former  2010. He quit last July as his  interesting job.”
            countries to ensure that an  a complicated process, but  chief  NATO  spokesperson.  four-party coalition wrangled  Rutte’s political career hasn’t
            organization  that  operates  it’s an honor that it appears  Rutte “is seen as a safe pair  over how to rein in migration.  been all smooth sailing Rutte
            on consensus can continue  to have happened,” Rutte  of  hands  to  lead  NATO  in  Although he has been one  bounced back from a number
            to function. The NATO leader  told reporters in The Hague  turbulent times, just as Stol-  of Europe’s top politicians for  of scandals while in office in
            also ensures that decisions are  before riding his bicycle away  tenberg has done for the last  years,  Rutte  has  remained  the Netherlands. He was so
            put into action and speak on  from work.                  decade,” Lungescu, now a  down to earth.                  adept at preventing political
            behalf of all members.       A  former  NATO  spokesper-  Fellow with the defense and  He can often be seen riding his  stains sticking to him that he
            Even before taking over from  son said Rutte was a good fit  security think tank, the Royal  bicycle around his hometown  earned the nickname Teflon
            Jens Stoltenberg, Rutte has  for the job. “Like Stoltenberg,  United Services Institute, told  of The Hague, or walking from  Mark. q

            Climate activists arrested for spray-painting private jets orange at

            London airport

            LONDON  (AP)  —  Two  cli-   fire extinguisher to spray or-  lice said the pop star’s air-
            mate  activists  were  ar-   ange paint on at least two  craft was not at the airport.
            rested  Thursday  after  cut-  private jets.              Swift  is  doing  three  shows
            ting  through  a  fence  at  a  An  airport  spokesperson  at London’s Wembley Sta-
            London  airport  and  spray-  said the incident was three  dium  from  Friday  through
            painting  private  jets  or-  miles (5 kilometers) from the  Sunday.  The  arrests  come
            ange.                        main  terminal  and  police  a  day  after  two  of  the
            Essex   police   said   two  said  there  was  no  threat  group’s  activists  were  de-
            women  were  arrested  in  the public.                    tained for spraying orange
            a  private  area  of  London  The airfield, 30 miles (50 ki-  paint on Stonehenge.
            Stansted  Airport  on  suspi-  lometers) northeast of cen-  Just Stop Oil is one of many
            cion  of  criminal  damage  tral  London,  is  the  city’s  environmental     groups
            and  interference  with  the  third  busiest  airport  and  is  around  Europe  that  have
            use or operation of nation-  often used by government  received  attention    and
            al infrastructure.           officials  and  visiting  world  blowback    for  disrupting
            Environmental  group  Just  leaders including U.S. Presi-  sporting  events,  splashing
            Stop  Oil  posted  video  of  dent Joe Biden.             paint and food on famous
            someone cutting through a  Just Stop Oil said the airfield  works  of  art  and  interrupt-  In this photo released by “Just Stop Oil”, an activist poses next
            security fence followed by  was where Taylor Swift’s jet  ing traffic to draw attention   to private airplane sprayed with orange paint at the Stansted
                                                                                                   Airport, Britain, Thursday, June 20, 2024.
            a clip of a woman using a  was  parked,  but  Essex  po-  to global warming.q                                                   Associated Press
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