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                        Friday 21 June 2024
            As France reels from the rape of a Jewish girl, antisemitism comes

            to the fore in election campaign

            By OLEG CETINIC and                                                                                                 nounced that his party was
            ELISE MORTON                                                                                                        withdrawing support for one
            Associated Press                                                                                                    of its candidates over an an-
            PARIS (AP) — The alleged rape                                                                                       tisemitic message on social
            of a 12-year-old Jewish girl in                                                                                     media posted in 2018.
            a suspected antisemitic at-                                                                                         His predecessor as party presi-
            tack  has  sent  shockwaves                                                                                         dent and the National Rally’s
            throughout France, and thrust                                                                                       2022 presidential candidate,
            concerns about antisemitism                                                                                         Marine Le Pen, accused the
            to the forefront of campaign-                                                                                       “extreme left” of “stigmatiza-
            ing for the country’s legislative                                                                                   tion of Jews” and of “instru-
            elections. The National Rally                                                                                       mentalizing” the Israel-Hamas
            party, which has tried to shed                                                                                      conflict.  Leftist leader Jean-
            historical links to antisemitism,                                                                                   Luc Mélenchon denounced
            has its first real chance of form-                                                                                  “antisemitic racism,” though
            ing a government if it comes                                                                                        the France Unbowed party
            out on top of the two-round                                                                                         which  he  formerly  led  has
            elections that end July 7, as                                                                                       itself  faced  accusations  of
            polls forecast. It would be the                                                                                     antisemitism  linked  to  the
            first far-right force to lead a                                                                                     Israel-Hamas war.
            French government since the   Anti far-left protesters display a banner that reads, “antisemitism is not a campaign promise” next   Although the alleged rape
            Nazi occupation.             to the entrance where the media conference will take place of the leaders of France left-wing   has heightened tensions re-
            Far-left  figures,  meanwhile,   parties for the upcoming election in Paris, Friday, June 14, 2024.   Associated Press  garding antisemitism in France
            have faced accusations of                                                                                           before the June 30 and July
            antisemitism  linked  to  their  ing the attack. Politicians from  tion in western Europe, and  Attal wrote on X that the girl  7 two-round parliamentary
            response to Hamas’ Oct. 7  all sides were quick to com-   anti-Muslim acts have risen  was “raped because she’s  election, it is far from a new
            attack on Israel and the ensu-  ment on the attack, which  in recent years.            Jewish,” identifying it as an an-  issue in French politics.
            ing war. Concerns came to  elicited  widespread  shock  On  Wednesday  evening,  tisemitic attack, while French  More  than  180,000  people
            the fore after two adolescent  and concern, notably after  hundreds of people gathered  President Emmanuel Macron  across  France,  including
            boys in a Paris suburb were  a surge in antisemitic acts in  in front of Paris City Hall to  called on schools to hold a  100,000 in Paris, marched in
            given preliminary charges this  France since the start of the  protest  antisemitism.  Many  “discussion hour” on racism  November  to  protest  rising
            week of raping a 12-year-old  Israel-Hamas war.           in the crowd were holding  and antisemitism.              antisemitism in the wake of
            girl  and  religion-motivated  France has the largest Jew-  placards,  including  some  Jordan Bardella, president of  Israel’s ongoing war against
            violence, according to pros-  ish population in Europe, but  bearing the slogan “raped  the National Rally, said that if  Hamas in Gaza — the big-
            ecutors. Lawyer and Jewish  given  its  own  World  War  II  because she’s Jewish.”    elected he would “fight the  gest gathering to denounce
            leader Elie Korchia told French  collaboration with the Nazis,  Further protests are planned  antisemitism that has been  antisemitism in France since a
            broadcaster BFM that the girl  antisemitic acts today open  for Thursday evening at Place  plaguing France since Oct.  1990 demonstration against
            is Jewish and that the word  old scars.  France also has  de la Bastille.              7.”  In  the  wake  of  reports  the desecration of a Jewish
            Palestine was mentioned dur-  the  largest  Muslim  popula-  French Prime Minister Gabriel  of the attack, Bardella an-  cemetery. q

            Heat wave claims lives of at least 125 in Mexico this year, hitting

            country’s most vulnerable

            By FÉLIX MÁRQUEZ and ME-     with  the  mounting  human  sistent,”  said  María  Teresa  ple here in Veracruz.”     left scrambling to ease the
            GAN JANETSKY                 toll of the heat.            Mendoza,  director  of  the  At  least  125  people  in  suffering of her patients.
            Associated Press             “We  have  never  before  Cogra  nursing  home,  op-      the  Latin  American  na-    On    Sunday,    Mendoza
            VERACRUZ, Mexico (AP) —  experienced  a  heat  wave  erating for decades in the  tion  have  died  due  to  the  stood  in  front  of  a  group
            When  the  nursing  home  in  this  intense,  this  powerful,  port of Veracruz. “This heat  heat  this  year,  according  of  elderly  women  in  rock-
            southern Mexico began to  this pervasive and this per-    wave has killed many peo-    to data from the country’s  ing  chairs,  many  with  their
            bake  in  the  country’s  on-                                                          health  ministry.  More  than  heads nodding downward
            going heat wave, staff cy-                                                             2,300  more  have  suffered  due to the heat, which was
            cled  their  elderly  residents                                                        heat  stroke,  dehydration  hardly  pierced  by  a  set
            through  the  few  cooling                                                             and sunburns.                of  fans  rotating  in  front  of
            options they had.                                                                      The  heat  deaths  and  larg-  them.
            First, some would sit in front                                                         er  ripple  effects  in  Mexico  “We’re going to drink a bit
            of fans buzzing in the swel-                                                           have    underscored    the  of  water.  Sounds  good?”
            tering  heat  of  Veracruz.                                                            disproportionate    effects  she  said.  “Those  are  my
            Then  they’d  be  moved  in                                                            climate  change  and  ris-   girls.”
            front  of  the  building’s  few                                                        ing  global  temperatures  The heat has had cascad-
            treasured  air  conditioning                                                           are having on some of the  ing  effects  across  Mexico.
            units.  Then  it  was  back  to                                                        world’s most vulnerable.     Howler monkeys and tropi-
            the  record-breaking  tem-                                                             Victims  in  Veracruz  have  cal  birds  have  dropped
            peratures  roiling  the  Vera-                                                         made  up  nearly  a  third  of  dead from trees in southern
            cruz state.                                                                            the  deaths  as  tempera-    Mexico.  Residents  scram-
            Anything  to  get  through                                                             tures  have  reached  100  ble  to  fill  up  jugs  of  water,
            the climate change-fueled    Pedro  Murillo,  a  diver,  jumps  into  the  sea  amid  the  heat  in   degrees in the humid Mexi-  concerned about the heat
            heat  wave,  which  has  left   Veracruz, Mexico, Saturday, June 15, 2024.             can  gulf  state.  Caregivers  compounding     ongoing
            much of Mexico grappling                                              Associated Press  like  Mendoza  have  been  drought. q
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