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Saturday 21 april 2018
Unique Safety App for the workplace
Continued from Page 13
The period of isolation in which
the harassment took place and
the emotional rollercoaster you
suddenly find yourself within
when you speak-up drove her
to her goal: to step up for other
victims. She wrote a book about
her experience and now she is
the founder of AWH, as well as
an international speaker about
the topic. She explains Aruba To-
day that discussion and political
debate need to raise the neces-
sary awareness thus are essential
to break the taboo that still rests
on sexual workplace harassment.
This App will for sure help future
victims and bystanders to step up
for their rights and get the neces-
sary help. For more information
contact Karin Bosman
Earth Day 2018: End Plastic Pollution
nerable to plastic pollution
because it can cause harm
to them in so many differ-
ent ways. Many marine
organisms don’t see the
difference between plas-
tics and food. Animals who
eat plastic often starve be-
cause they can’t digest the
plastic and it fills their stom-
achs, preventing them from
eating real food. Animals
often become trapped in
plastic bags, fishing line,
and other debris.
Plastic never fully degrades,
over time it breaks into
smaller and smaller pieces.
Eventually it becomes small
enough to enter the blood-
stream of marine organ-
isms. The organisms cannot
digest or process the plas-
ORANJESTAD – With Earth staple in our daily lives and tic and it remains present
Day right around the cor- for a long time we only per- inside the organism. Then
ner, Arikok National Park ceived the benefits of plas- each predator, fish or hu-
joins the movement in pro- tic and knew little of the man, will consume all this
moting this year’s theme damaging consequences plastic as well.
“End Plastic Pollution”. One for human health, natural
of the most important en- ecosystems and the cli- Plastic pollution is not only
vironmental problems that mate. Plastics are a prob- damaging the health of
we face today is plastic lem mostly due to their un- our planet. After decades
pollution. It impacts the en- biodegradable nature, the of producing trillions of oil-
vironment and our health. materials used for plastic based plastic items, the dis-
We are all contributing to production (hydrocarbon covered negative conse-
this problem and therefore molecules—derived from quences to human health body. Both chemicals are and see how you can con-
we should all be part of the the refining of oil and natu- are startling. Many plastics potentially harmful to hu- tribute to end plastic pollu-
solution. ral gas), and the challeng- contain phthalates (DEHP) man hormones and repro- tion. For more information
es behind properly discard- and the chemical bisphe- ductive systems. visit
Plastic was invented in 1907 ing them. nol-A (BPA), now recog- Visit the Park’s Facebook or send them an email at
and started a revolution. nized as a hazard to pub- page for more information info@arubanationalpark.
Soon plastic became a Marine life is especially vul- lic health and the human on their weekend program org.q