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                  Saturday 21 april 2018

            Four times Italy

            We’re traveling to tasty Italy for Hadicurari’s Culinary Secrets

            PALM  BEACH  -  Italian  cui-  up  with  a  lovely  menu,  by veal cheeks in their own
            sine is not world-renowned  which will surely appeal to  gravy, spinach, mushrooms
            for  nothing:  it  turns  quite  you. Please don’t forget to  and  truffles  and  Tiramisu,
            simple, yet stunningly tasty  make  your  reservations  in  the  all-time  favorite  that
            dishes  made  with  fresh  advance!                       melts  in  your  mouth,  is  for
            herbs    and    vegetables                                dessert.    Just  a  tip  of  the
            into  feasts  for  kings  and  The  appetizer  of  the  spe-  curtain  of  Italian  cuisine
            queens.  Fresh,  top  notch  cial Secrets menu is home-   gets showcased at Hadicu-    surely give you a chance to  the  south  or  in  Piedmont.
            ingredients  are  key  –  your  made  ravioli  with  chick-  rari  during  April’s  Hadicu-  close your eyes and imag-  Travel  through  your  taste
            taste  buds  get  to  experi-  en,  eggplant,  Parmesan  rari Secrets dinner, but it will   ine  yourself  in  Toscane,  in  buds to Italy and enjoy!q
            ence the finale.  Four times  cheese  and  gremolata,  a
            Italy is the name of the next  mix of wonderful herbs and
            installment  of  Hadicurari  garlic.  Porcini  soup  with
            Restaurant’s  Culinary  Se-  grilled  scallops  and  green
            crets.  The  chef  has  come  asparagus is next, followed
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