Page 18 - ATA
P. 18

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 21 april 2018

            Aruba to Me

            ORANJESTAD  –  Aruba
            Today likes to welcome
            readers  to  participate
            in our newspaper. You
            can  see  that  in  our
            Honored     Guest-pub-
            lications,  specials  like
            on Valentine’s Day and
            on  other  occasions.
            Throughout  the  year
            you  are  always  wel-
            come  to  send  us  your
            vacation  picture(s)  to-
            gether with completing
            the  sentence:  Aruba
            to  me  is  ……..  (Email:

            For today’s newspaper
            we  received  a  great
            picture  from  Elizabeth
            Long  Branch,  NJ.  She
            wrote  to  us:  “Aruba
            To  Me  Is  …..  Although
            Aruba  to  me  is  a  ka-
            leidoscope  of  color,  in
            simplicity  I  find  seren-
            ity and Aruba is my es-
            cape from chaos.q
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