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Fase 2 di revitalizacion a cuminsa # Special
Entrante awe lo cera — Call To Action Forum —
Discurso di un mayor di Aruba
parti di Wilhelminastraat Stephany van der Biezen-Croes
pa 30 dia largo
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Un di e personanan tribute to social isolation.
cu a hiba palabra na e foro di Call to Action Feeling excluded from social interactions
na Nacionnan Uni, tabata e mayor Stephany can have a profound impact on an individ-
van der Biezen-Croes. Un momento hopi ual's mental health and sense of belonging.
special y historico, pa un Arubiano ta hiba This can also lead to limited opportunities
palabra na e evento grandi aki, teni den sede for friendship and social learning and per-
di Nacionnan Uni na New York. Aki petuate barriers to inclusive education and
DIARIO ta presenta e discurso completo di community integration.
Stephany van der Biezen-Croes cu el a duna Peers who lack awareness or empathy may
na ingles: be more likely to engage
"The moment I learned teasing, exclusion or
that my child was on the other forms of bullying
autism spectrum was both behavior towards our
a revelation and a turning neurodivergent individu-
point. It brought a mix of als.
emotions - concern, Another aspect of partic-
uncertainty, fear and ipation that awakens
doubt, but above all, it deep fears about the
was a moment of pro- future is the educational
found love and accept- inequalities that children
ance. with developmental dis-
As I embraced my abilities face.
child's unique neurodiver- As parents, we worry
sity, I embarked on a jour- about whether they will
ney of understanding and receive the education and
advocacy that would support they need to
shape my perspective in reach their full potential,
ways I never imagined. pursue their goals, and
This marked the beginning of a transforma- lead fulfilling lives.
tive and deeply meaningful chapter in my I am already faced with questions about
life. In the five years since becoming a whether I will send my son to a "special
mother to a child on the autism spectrum, school" even though he has not shown a
my journey as a parent advocate has been need to go to a special school.
defined by pride, joyful and painful The global report states the importance of
moments. having inclusive educational systems that,
I am dedicated to ensuring that my child rather than segregate students, provide stu-
and others like him are valued, accepted, dents with developmental disabilities with
and empowered to reach their full potential. the necessary assistance in their classroom.
I strive to foster a world where individuals I have heard countless horror stories of how
with autism and other developmental dis- the absence of comprehension and system-
abilities are embraced, celebrated, and atic support within educational systems has
given the opportunity to thrive. led to verbal and physical abuse against
According to the WHO-UNICEF Global children with developmental disabilities.
Report, stigmatization occurs when a com- I can recount numerous examples, but I will
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Fase 2 di proyecto Revi- munity endorses prejudiced ideas, which share two particularly troubling incidents.
talisacion di Wilhelminastraat lo cuminza awe Di- typically manifest as negative emotional We understand that children with autism
may encounter challenges with speech, and
responses and devaluation. Children and
aranson, 10 di April 2024. Esey ta loke Elisa Chieh adolescents with developmental disabilities that speech regression is not uncommon.
Chen Lake di DOW a declara den un entrevista. are commonly considered to be "damaged" Despite this, a teacher once forced a child to
Entrante 9:00 am, y pa un periodo di 30 dia, Wil- "dependent" and incapable of participation. stand with their backpack all day simply
helminastraat na Playa lo wordo cera pa asina DOW They encounter barriers to participation, because they would not say good morning.
sigui cu Fase 2 di e revitalizacion di e area. as well as social, economic, educational and Is such treatment acceptable? In another
other forms of exclusion. Participation is a
school, there have been multiple reports of
E area cu lo cera lo ta for di e zona di “Taste fundamental right and necessity to all chil- children being physically restrained, even
My Aruba” (cu ta e T-weg net pabao di loke tabata dren, including children with developmental sat on, during meltdowns.
antes Brenchie’s Hardware) bay pabao te na Ma- disabilities. The UN Convention on rights of Persons
rio’s Sportshop. Lo bay kita e asfalt di e caminda, y Active participation empowers them to with Disabilities commits state parties to
haci’e completamente di klinker. play a vital role in their own development ensure inclusive education systems, and we
and to positively contribute to society.
must comply with this commitment sooner
Segun e funcionario di DOW, lo bay tin lugar pa The lack of understanding and awareness rather than later so stories like I just men-
staciona auto tambe den e parti aki di Fase 2. among the general population makes it very tioned do not have to repeat themselves.
Esaki nifica cu pa 30 dia largo, e caminda aki lo ta difficult for children with developmental I will continue to fight tirelessly for their
cera, incluyendo fin di siman. Ruta di desviacion lo disabilities to experience crucial parts of rights, acceptance, and inclusion in a world
ser indica cu borchi y baricada di aviso. living. that too often fails to see their worth. World
It deprives them of exploring their
autism month is about sharing our unique
E trabao lo bay mas rapido compara cu e otro area strengths, developing a sense of identity, perspectives and standing together as a
di Wilhelminastraat, como cu aki ta djis raspa y kita developing skills, expressing creativity and community to make a difference.
e asfalt y pone klinker na su lugar. experiencing enjoyment. For the sake of our children, I am demand-
According to a national survey done by the
Cambionan di ruta di desviacion lo tin di bay awor Aruba Autism Foundation 94.7% of the par- ing change!
via Ooststraat y tambe Irenestraat. Automobilistan- ticipants reported not knowing how to inter- Let's all stand together and advocate for
more services and support for those who
an ta ser pidi pa tene bon cuenta cu e cambionan act with autistic individuals. As a mother need it.
aki. this is concerning because this can con- Thank you.