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WORLD NEWS Wednesday 10 June 2020
Confusion reigns as U.N. scrambles mask, virus spread advice
By MARIA CHENG Ryan, said "both symptom-
AP Medical Writer atic and asymptomatic
LONDON (AP) — It's an issue individuals are part of the
that's been argued about transmission cycle" but that
for months, both by ex- it was unclear how much
perts and by people stroll- each contributed to dis-
ing through parks all over ease spread.
the world: Can people DOES WEARING A MASK
who don't feel sick spread HELP?
the coronavirus, and if so Probably. Wearing a mask
should we all be wearing might not protect you from
masks to stop it? getting sick— your eyes are
Even the World Health Or- likely still exposed — but
ganization can't seem to health experts think that
get it straight. On Tues- it may prevent you from
day the U.N. health agen- spreading the disease un-
cy scrambled to explain knowingly by acting as a
seemingly contradictory physical barrier.
comments it has made in COVID-19 is spread via re-
recent days about the two spiratory droplets, so wear-
related issues. The confu- ing a mask will stop those
sion and mixed messages droplets from reaching
only makes controlling the others. While most spread
pandemic that much more Elderly women wearing face masks to protect against coronavirus, blow whistles, during a protest is thought to happen by
difficult, experts say. "If you at the Old Town Square in Prague, Czech Republic, Tuesday, June 9, 2020. Associated Press coughing and sneezing,
are giving them confusing Ryan said there is some
messages or they're not not maintain social distanc- said she was referring to a what scientists say and ex- suggestion that even acts
convinced about why they ing, if they were over age few studies, not the com- perts recommend based like singing or shouting
should do something, like 60 or had underlying medi- plete picture. "I was sur- on what is known: could spread the virus from
wear masks, they will just cal conditions. Part of the prised by the conviction of CAN PEOPLE WHO DON'T people who don't yet show
ignore you," said Ivo Vlaev, reasoning, WHO officials that statement because FEEL SICK SPREAD THE DIS- symptoms.
a professor of behavioral said, was to account for the there have clearly been EASE? WHY DON'T WE KNOW FOR
sciences at the University of possibility that transmission people who have trans- We don't know. WHO has SURE?
Warwick. The communica- could occur from people mitted the infection be- maintained for months that It's complicated, especial-
tions debacle highlighted who had the disease but fore they go on to develop the vast majority of COV- ly since the virus was only
WHO's change to its long- weren't yet symptomatic. symptoms," said Keith Neal, ID-19 spread is from people identified in late Decem-
standing mask advice — But when Maria Van Kerk- an infectious diseases ex- with symptoms like a fever ber. Some scientists said
a revision that was made hove, WHO's technical pert at the University of Not- or cough, and that trans- WHO's distinction between
months after many other lead on COVID-19 was tingham who has advised mission from people who people who are truly as-
organizations and coun- asked about the frequency the U.K. government on don't feel sick is not thought ymptomatic — those who
tries already recommend- of this kind of transmission outbreak control. to be a major driver of the are infected by COVID-19
ed people don masks. this week, she said "It still The details on how well the disease. At a hastily ar- but never show symptoms
On Friday, WHO changed appears to be rare that as- coronavirus spreads in dif- ranged social media event — and those who are pre-
its mask advice, recom- ymptomatic individuals ac- ferent circumstances is not Tuesday to try to clear up symptomatic and develop
mending that people wear tually transmit onward." well understood, and is still confusion, WHO's emer- symptoms later — is part of
fabric masks if they could On Tuesday, Van Kerkhove being studied. But here's gencies chief, Dr. Michael the problem. q
EU rejects any US attempt to invoke Iran nuclear deal
By LORNE COOK tions designed to cripple claim to have a role in it.
Associated Press Tehran under what the U.S. "The United States has with-
BRUSSELS (AP) — The Euro- called a "maximum pres- drawn from the JCPOA,
pean Union's top diplomat sure" campaign. and now they cannot
said Tuesday that since U.S. Secretary of State Mike claim that they are still part
the United States has al- Pompeo and U.S. Ambas- of the JCPOA in order to
ready withdrawn from an sador to the United Nations deal with this issue from the
international agreement Kelly Craft have said that JCPOA agreement. They
curbing Iran's nuclear am- extending a permanent withdraw. It's clear. They
bitions, it can't now use its U.N. backed arms embar- withdraw," Borrell said.
former membership of the go against Iran is now a On Monday, Russian For-
pact to try to impose a top priority for Washington. eign Minister Sergey Lav-
permanent arms embargo But speaking to reporters rov accused the Trump European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell addresses
on the Islamic Republic. Tuesday after talks with administration of unleash- an online press conference following an EU-China Strategic
The accord, which Iran Chinese Foreign Minister ing a politically motivated Dialogue video meeting with senior Chinese representatives at
signed with the U.S., Brit- Wang Yi, EU foreign policy campaign against Iran EU headquarters in Brussels, Tuesday, June 9, 2020.
Associated Press
ain, Germany, France, chief Josep Borrell insist- and he called for "univer-
China and Russia in 2015, ed that since the U.S. has sal condemnation" of the The EU sees the nuclear pressure. Borrell is tasked
has been unraveling since pulled out of the nuclear U.S. attempt to get the deal as a key pillar of re- with supervising the way
President Donald Trump deal, known as the Joint U.N. Security Council to gional and world security the pact is applied and to
pulled Washington out in Comprehensive Plan of impose a permanent arms and has struggled to keep help resolve disputes be-
2018 and reinstated sanc- Action, it can no longer embargo. the pact alive despite U.S. tween the parties.q