Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200610
P. 28

                   Wednesday 10 June 2020
            Palestinians say they made counterproposal to Trump plan

            By JOSEPH KRAUSS                                                                                                    Shtayyeh  told  reporters
            Associated Press                                                                                                    that  annexation  is  an  "ex-
            RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP)                                                                                            istential threat" that would
            —  The  Palestinians  said                                                                                          mark  the  "total  erosion  of
            Tuesday  they  proposed                                                                                             our  national  aspirations."
            a  demilitarized  Palestin-                                                                                         The  Palestinians  want  a
            ian state in the West Bank,                                                                                         state  in  the  West  Bank,
            Gaza  and  east  Jerusalem                                                                                          Gaza and east Jerusalem,
            with  one-to-one  land  ex-                                                                                         territories  Israel  seized  in
            changes  with  Israel  as  a                                                                                        the 1967 war.
            counteroffer  to  President                                                                                         Shtayyeh  said  it  would  be
            Donald  Trump's  Mideast                                                                                            a "demilitarized state" and
            plan.                                                                                                               that the Palestinians would
            Prime Minister Mohammad                                                                                             accept    "minor    border
            Shtayyeh  declined  to  pro-                                                                                        modification"  and  the  ex-
            vide  further  details  about                                                                                       change of territory equiva-
            the  4  1/2-page  proposal                                                                                          lent "in size, in volume and
            but  said  the  Palestinian                                                                                         in value."
            position  on  major  issues  is                                                                                     He  said  the  Palestinian
            well-known.  He  said  the                                                                                          leadership  would  not  give
            plan  was  submitted  in  re-                                                                                       in  to  Israeli  demands  that
            cent days to the Quartet of                                                                                         they   resume    contacts
            Mideast  mediators  —  the                                                                                          in  order  to  facilitate  the
            U.S., the U.N., the European   Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh speaks during a press conference at the Foreign   monthly  transfer  of  some
            Union and Russia.            Press Association in the West Bank city of Ramallah, on Tuesday, June 9, 2020.   Associated Press  $150  million  in  taxes  and
            The  Trump  administration                                                                                          customs that Israel collects
            has  chastised  the  Palestin-  tiations in more than a de-  The  Palestinians  have  re-  Egypt,  Jordan  and  Saudi   on  behalf  of  the  Palestin-
            ians  for  rejecting  its  plan,  cade.                   sponded  to  the  threat  of  Arabia,  have  condemned    ians. That's a crucial source
            which sides with Israel on all  Israeli Prime Minister Benja-  annexation  by  cutting  all  the  annexation  plan.  The   of income for the Palestin-
            the most contentious issues  min Netanyahu has vowed  ties  with  Israel,  including  European Union, which has     ian  Authority,  which  gov-
            in the decades-old conflict.  to annex large parts of the  security  coordination,  and  close  ties  with  Israel,  has   erns parts of the occupied
            Israel  and  the  U.S.  have  occupied West Bank in line  saying  they  are  no  longer  also  warned  that  annexa-  West  Bank.  Shtayyeh  said
            long accused the Palestin-   with the Trump plan, which  bound by agreements go-       tion  could  have  negative   Israel  could  continue  to
            ians  of  failing  to  provide  would give the Palestinians  ing back to the early 1990s.  consequences for relations.   make the transfers without
            their own proposal. The Pal-  limited statehood in a clus-  They  are  also  seeking  to  It  has  urged  both  sides  to   any  direct  contacts.  He
            estinians say their demands  ter of disjointed enclaves if  rally  international  support  resume  dialogue  and  to   said if the transfers do not
            are  rooted  in  international  they meet a long list of con-  against  annexation,  hop-  avoid  unilateral  steps,  but   go through, the PA will be
            law and U.N. resolutions.    ditions. Israel is expected to  ing  to  pressure  Netanyahu  has  not  announced  any   unable to pay the salaries
            The two sides have not held  begin  the  annexation  pro-  to back down.               concrete planned respons-    of tens of thousands of civil
            substantive  peace  nego-    cess as soon as July 1.      Key Arab nations, including  es.                          servants and security forc-
                                                                                                                                es starting this month.
            EU urged to act against pesticides to fight insect decline                                                          "Our people are ready for

                                                                                                                                sacrifices,"  Shtayyeh  said.
                                                                      develop  organic  farming  month it wants to halve the    "We  are  not  ready  to  ac-
                                                                      is not enough, as one-third  use of chemical pesticides   cept  any  blackmail.  The
                                                                      of  all  inspect  species  are  by  2030.  It  also  wants  to   issue here is not money for
                                                                      threatened with extinction.  ensure that at least 25% of   politics."
                                                                      "The evidence is clear: pes-  agricultural land across the   He said the Palestinian Au-
                                                                      ticide  use  is  wiping  out  in-  27-nation  bloc  is  reserved   thority  would  continue  to
                                                                      sect populations and eco-    for  organic  farming,  com-  issue  medical  permits  and
                                                                      systems  around  the  world,  pared  to  8%  at  the  mo-  help  with  the  expenses  of
                                                                      and    threatening    food  ment. The commission also     Palestinians  in  the  West
                                                                      production,"   said   Mute  wants  to  plant  at  least  3   Bank  and  Gaza  who  re-
                                                                      Schimpf  of  Friends  of  the  billion  trees  over  the  next   quire  treatment  in  Israel.
                                                                      Earth Europe.                10 years. Barbara Unmüßig,   He also said the PA would
                                                                      The group said at least 1 in  the  president  of  Heinrich-  continue  to  "support  our
                                                                      10  bee  and  butterfly  spe-  Böll-Stiftung, said the loss of   people  in  Gaza  in  every
                                                                      cies in Europe is threatened  insects is so important that   single way possible."
                                                                      with extinction, raising fears  the  EU's  current  plans  are   Gaza  has  been  under  an
            In this file photo dated Monday, June 8, 2020, a man rides his   of  an  ensuing  impact  on  not  sufficient.  She  said  the   Israeli and Egyptian block-
            bike along banks of flowers on a small road on the outskirts of                                                     ade  since  the  Islamic  mili-
            Frankfurt, Germany.                                       crop  production.  Accord-   reshaping of the EU's com-
                                                     Associated Press  ing  to  figures  released  by  mon   agricultural   policy   tant  group  Hamas  seized
                                                                      the  European  Parliament,  (CAP) is required to ensure   power  from  rival  Palestin-
            By SAMUEL PETREQUIN          species  are  in  decline  be-  about  84%  of  crop  spe-  the promotion of an "insect   ian  forces  in  2007.  Since
            Associated Press             cause of pesticide use and  cies and 78% of wildflowers  and  climate-friendly  agri-  then,  the  PA  has  liaised
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  Environ-  industrial farming.          across  the  EU  depend  to  culture."                    with Israel to allow patients
            mental  groups  are  urging  Friends of the Earth Europe  some extent on animal pol-   Friends of the Earth Europe   to travel to Israel or abroad
            the European Union to take  and  the  Heinrich-Böll-Stif-  lination.                   and    Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung   for  treatment.  It's  unclear
            drastic  action  to  protect  tung, a think tank with close  As  part  of  its  goal  to  cut  are  also  campaigning  for   how it can continue to per-
            insects,  saying  in  a  report  ties  to  the  German  Green  greenhouse  gas  emissions  a  new  law  to  drastically   form that role without hav-
            Tuesday  that  more  than  Party, said the EU's strategy  to  zero  by  mid-century,   cut pesticide use by 80% by   ing  direct  contacts  with
            40%  of  the  world's  insect  to protect biodiversity and  the EU commission said last  2030. q                    Israel. q
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