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BUSINESS Wednesday 10 June 2020
Millennial Money: How to stand out in this tough job market
By KELSEY SHEEHY of Nerd- fessionally," Kastor says.
Wallet "Start with who (you) know,
Dear Class of 2020: You articulate what (you) want
are graduating into one and always ask for the rec-
of the worst economies in ommendation of two more
history. But this isn't news to people to reach out to."
you. Many of you have al- TAILOR YOUR RESUME
ready felt the impact, with Understand what a com-
summer internships and pany is looking for in a
full-time job offers pulled candidate. Then, custom-
out from under you as the ize your resume and cover
depth and duration of the letter to that specific job
coronavirus pandemic truly posting. This is an impor-
sets in. tant step under normal
As a product of the last circumstances but it is criti-
recession, I'm here to tell cal now, as the economic
you that all is not lost. You upheaval of the pandemic
will eventually land a job. It has increased competition
might not be in your field, for available jobs.q
but if you're scrappy and
creative, you will get there.
My path looked like this:
A call center job (to pay
the bills), plus a freelance In this April 1, 2020, file photo, job fair specialist Kathy Zywiec, left, hands out bags containing
writing gig (to build my information about employers seeking help, during a drive-through job fair in Omaha, Neb.
Associated Press
resume), then graduate
school (to expand my net- "You don't have as much Look at profiles of people eventually become a more
work) followed by a tem- face-to-face opportunity, who are leaders in the in- active participant.
porary job with a textbook so it's important to optimize dustry you're targeting to You can, and should, also
company (again, to pay online visibility," says Debra get inspiration for what to make meaningful one-on-
the bills). Then, finally, a Rodenbaugh-Schaub, a highlight and how to pres- one connections. Not do-
reporting internship that career services consultant ent yourself in your own ing so will put you at a dis-
turned into my first full-time at the Alumni Association profile. tinct disadvantage, since
journalism job. of Kansas State University. NETWORK VIRTUALLY jobs are often filled via an
Your path may not look The place to do that: Linke- Social distancing hasn't employee referral.
like mine or your parents' dIn. killed networking; it's just Lisa Kastor, director of ca-
or your classmates', and it The professional network- made it virtual. reer planning at the Col-
will likely look different from ing platform is heavily traf- The usual players — trade lege of Wooster in Ohio,
what you planned. These ficked by recruiters and organizations, alumni recommends building a
tips from career coaches hiring managers, making it groups and professional "mentor map" with at least
can help you stand out crucial to put your best foot organizations — are all still three mentors who can
from the other newly mint- forward. meeting via webinars and help guide you and make
ed associate's, bachelor's Amp up your profile with video conferencing. introductions.
and master's degree hold- links to websites you've cre- Moving online can make "I coach students to identify
ers — not to mention the ated, articles you've writ- networking less intimidating a person who has at least
over 40 million newly unem- ten or presentations you've for newbies. You can ease 10 years of experience,
ployed workers. given. You can even up- into building connections, one that knows them well
BEEF UP YOUR LINKEDIN load recordings to highlight absorbing information and academically and one
PROFILE public-speaking skills. building the confidence to who knows them well pro-
Macy’s says reopened stores luring back customers
By ANNE D'INNOCENZIO month period ended May
AP Retail Writer 2. That would mark a 45%
NEW YORK (AP) — Macy's drop from the $5.5 billion in
said Tuesday that roughly the year-ago period and is
several hundred stores in line with its previous es-
that have reopened are timates released late last
performing better than month. Late Monday, the
anticipated as it disclosed department store chain
an update on its fiscal first- said it completed it debt-fi-
quarter results. nancing deal, raising about
Like many department $4.5 billion of new financ-
stores and other non-es- ing. The company said the
sential retailers, Macy's was move will give the compa-
forced to close its roughly ny more financial flexibility In this March 30, 2020 file photo, the entrance to a Macy's
800 stores in mid-March to navigate the pandemic. department store is closed behind barriers and storm shutters
and saw its sales evapo- As of June 1, Macy's Inc. remains closed in Orlando, Fla.
rate. The New York-based had about 450 stores re- Associated Press
company said Tuesday opened, with the majority CEO Jeff Gennette said feedback and its efforts
that it will likely report sales opened in their full format. that it's receiving positive to create a "safe and wel-
of $3.02 billion for the three- In a statement, Macy's feedback on curbside coming" environment. q