Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200512
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Tuesday 12 May 2020
The National Social Development Fund CEDE Aruba:
Happy to Give Back brings relief to those in need
one. Yet, we also know Vulnerable Groups who will
how many people love our fund local food banks and
island and would like to re- warm meals for Aruba’s
turn shortly. This is why we vulnerable groups, espe-
encourage you to make cially the elderly, people
a small donation. All do- in complete isolation, chil-
ORANJESTAD — On April nations will support volun- dren, and the thousands
9, 2020, CEDE Aruba teer projects and initiatives of people in the local com-
launched its “Happy to that will benefit our shared munity who have lost their
Give Back” relief initiative love; Aruba. All donations jobs due to COVID-19.”q
in response to the COV- go 100% to: Foodbanks &
ID-19 pandemic, which has
brought Aruba’s only eco-
nomic pillar of tourism to a
complete stop. CEDE Aruba
has joined forces with sev-
eral local influencers who
are helping to support the
The whole world has been
deeply affected by COV-
ID-19 and everyone every- der, tourism has come to a The Initiative
where is doing what they complete halt (roughly 1.2 CEDE Aruba, established
can to overcome these million visitors a year). As a in 1986, is a local commu-
difficult times. We hope result, thousands of peo- nity foundation that sup-
that you, reading this now, ple have already lost their ports many non-profits and
are well and safe. Aruba, jobs and many more will. volunteer projects on our
known as ‘One happy Is- According to projections island. With this #happy-
land’ and your ‘home (Standard and Poor’s), Aru- togiveback platform they
away from home’ is unfor- ba will be one of the most now reach out to all friends
tunately no exception. Af- affected economies in the of Aruba. “We know these
ter the closing of our bor- world. are hard times for every-
Arikok Park focusses on Happy Migratory Bird Day
them along their way? On Aruba, ways their migrations are being
Ramsar Site Spaans Lagoen is one tracked, from geolocations and
of the most important areas for banding to feather studies and
breeding, feeding, resting and surveys, examining the threats
overwintering. It is of great impor- they face along the way, and
tance to conserve, protect and highlighting the communities on
restore these fragile habitats. the ground that are working to
protect them.
World Migratory Bird Day is cel-
ebrated across the globe. In For more information: https://
2020, the focus is on the journeys www.worldmigratorybirdday.
of migratory birds, exploring the org.q
ST. CRUZ — The Arikok National ture generations, educating and
Park focused on the migratory creating environmental aware-
birds last Saturday, may 9th. World ness amongst citizens and guests.
Migratory Bird Day celebrates mi- Birds are an essential part of the
gratory birds and the actions you island’s nature. The World Migra-
can take to help them. tory Bird Day gives away some
useful tips: How can I make my
The park’s goal is to sustainably garden bird friendly? What kinds
conserve and manage a unique of plastic can I give up and what
park as part of the natural and are the alternatives? How can
cultural heritage of Aruba for I learn about a birds' migration
the benefit of today’s and fu- routes and how can I support