Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200512
P. 28

                       Tuesday 12 May 2020

              France: Ex-president

              investigated for
              alleged sexual assault

              PARIS  (AP)  —  The  pub-  Le  Monde  and  German
              lic  prosecutor's  office  in  daily  Suddeutsche  Zei-
              Paris  said  Monday  that  tung.
              it  has  opened  a  prelimi-  German    broadcaster
              nary  investigation  of  a  WDR, the news outlet for
              sexual  assault  accusa-   which  the  December
              tion  against  94-year-old  2018  interview  was  con-
              former  French  President  ducted,  previously  re-
              Valéry Giscard d'Estaing.  ported that it had inves-
              The probe involves a Ger-  tigated  the  misconduct
              man  journalist's  allega-  accusation.
              tion that Giscard sexually  Giscard's  French  lawyer
              assaulted  her  during  a  said  last  week  that  the
              2018  interview,  the  pros-  former French leader "re-
              ecutor's office said.      tains  no  memory"  of  the
              The  journalist  has  assert-  alleged incident. Giscard   In  this  photo  taken  Monday,  April  13,  2020,  medical  students  test  a  self-designed  computer-
                                                                      controlled  ventilator  prototype  at  the  Chandaria  Business  and  Incubation  Centre  of  Kenyatta
              ed that Giscard grabbed  was  president  of  France     University in Nairobi, Kenya.
              her  buttocks  three  times  during 1974-1981.                                                                                Associated Press
                                         nalist initially filed a legal  African nations seek their own
              and  that  she  tried  to  News reports say the jour-
              push his hand away, ac-
              cording  to  reports  by  complaint with Paris pros-
              French  daily  newspaper  ecutors in March.q            solutions in virus crisis

              Maltese ambassador                                      By CARLEY PETESCH            ported.  Many  hope  that  the coronavirus test, which
                                                                                                   these  efforts  to  develop  can  give  results  in  10  min-
                                                                      Associated Press
              resigns after comparing                                 DAKAR,  Senegal  (AP)  —  A  ventilators,  personal  pro-  utes,  could  be  distributed
                                                                      loud  hiss  and  grunt  come  tective  equipment,  sanitiz-  across  Africa  as  early  as
              Merkel to Hitler                                        from a green bag pressing  ers  and  quick-result  anti-  June. Once a prototype is
                                                                                                   body tests will lead to more  validated,  the  test  kits  will
                                                                      air through a tube, as Sen-
              VALLETTA,  Malta  (AP)  —  ambassador  to  Finland      egalese  researchers  work  independent  solutions  for  be made in the U.K. and at
              Malta's  ambassador  to  for  six  years.  The  ministry   to  develop  a  prototype  future health crises.       a new facility in Senegal for
              Finland  has  resigned  af-  said  his  resignation  was   ventilator that could cost a  Although  the  quality  of  infectious  disease  testing,
              ter  writing  a  Facebook  accepted immediately.        mere $160 each instead of  some products won't meet  DiaTropix,  that  was  found-
              post   comparing    Ger-   In  the  Facebook  post,     tens of thousands of dollars.  as  high  a  standard  as  in  ed by Institut Pasteur.
              man  Chancellor  Angela  since  removed,  Zammit        The  team  is  using  3-D  the  U.S.  or  Europe,  Gueye  Workers in Dakar are using
              Merkel to Adolf Hitler and  Tabona  wrote:  "75  years   printed parts as it works to  said  there  is  excitement  laser cutters to make about
              saying  her  aim  was  "to  ago  we  stopped  hitler.   find  a  homegrown  solu-    that level can be reached  1,000 face shields per week
              control Europe."           Who  will  stop  Angela      tion  to  a  medical  shortfall  eventually,  with  enough  for  health  care  workers.
              The Maltese Foreign Min-   merkel?  She  has  fulfilled   that  has  struck  even  the  time and investment.      They also are creating key
              istry said Monday that Mi-  hitlers  dream!  to  control   richest  countries:  how  to  In Ethiopia, biomedical en-  chains with prevention mes-
              chael  Zammit  Tabona's  Europe."                       have  enough  breathing  gineer  Bilisumma  Anbesse  sages such as "Stay Home."
              comment  "was  not  rep-   Europe on Friday marked      machines  to  handle  an  is  among  those  volunteers  Alcohol-based  hand  sani-
              resentative of the friend-  the  75th  anniversary  of   avalanche  of  COVID-19  repairing  and  upgrading  tizers  are  being  produced
              ship  and  mutual  respect  the end of World War II in   patients who need the de-   old  ventilators.  While  the  in  Zimbabwe  on  univer-
              between Malta and Ger-     the  continent  after  Nazi   vices to help increase their  country  has  tried  to  pro-  sity  and  technical  college
              many."  Zammit  Tabona  Germany surrendered to          blood oxygen levels.         cure more than 1,000 venti-  campuses that have been
              had been a non-resident  Allied forces.q                Complicating  the  task  in  lators abroad, progress has  transformed  into  "COVID
                                                                      Africa  is  the  fact  that  the  been thwarted by the high  response  factories."  Higher
                                                                      peak  in  coronavirus  cases  demand. "U.S. and Chinese  Education  Minister  Amon
              Fire at nursing home                                    for the continent' is expect-  companies  that  produce  Murwira said the teams are
              in Moscow suburb                                        ed to come later than in Eu-  mechanical     ventilators  also producing face masks,
                                                                      rope and the United States,  are  saying  they  can't  ac-
                                                                                                                                gowns and aprons.
              kills 9, injures 9                                      well  after  dozens  of  other  cept  new  orders  until  July.  It's  not  known  whether
                                                                      countries have bought out  The same is true with other  these  projects  will  be  fin-
                                                                      available supplies.          medical items like PPE and  ished  before  the  virus  hits
              MOSCOW (AP) — At least  been hospitalized.              "Africans  must  find  their  gloves," Annbesse said, re-  its  peak  in  Africa,  but  ob-
              nine people have died in  Officials said the fire had   own solutions to their prob-  ferring to the personal pro-  servers say the longer-term
              a fire at a nursing home  apparently been caused        lems. We must show our in-   tective  gear  worn  to  mini-  impact  of  such  ingenuity
              on Moscow's outskirts, of-  by  a  short  circuit.  They   dependence. It's a big mo-  mize  exposure  to  health  is  substantial.  "Necessity  is
              ficials said Monday.       said  the  nursing  home     tivation  for  this,"  said  Ibra-  hazards.  Africans  also  are  the  mother  of  invention,"
              The authorities in Krasno-  was  registered  as  a  pri-  hima  Gueye,  a  professor  helping  to  develop  tools  Dr. Ahmed Ogwell, deputy
              gorsk on Moscow's north-   vate  house  and  lacked     at  the  Polytechnic  School  for disease prevention and  director of the Africa Cen-
              western  edge  said  the  fire  alarms  and  other      of Thies in Senegal, on the  surveillance.    Institut  Pas-  ters for Disease Control and
              fire at a private home for  mandatory equipment.        12-member team develop-      teur in Dakar is working on  Prevention,  told  The  Asso-
              the  elderly  erupted  late  Police  have  detained     ing  the  prototype  ventila-  a  rapid  test  for  COVID-19  ciated  Press.  "What  we're
              Sunday.  They  said  that  its  owner  on  charges      tor.  Their  efforts  are  being  in partnership with the Brit-  seeing in Africa is going to
              nine  patients  have  died  of  breaching  fire  safety   mirrored  elsewhere  across  ish  biotech  company  Mo-  change  the  way  medical
              and  another  nine  have  rules.q                       the continent, where medi-   logic,  which  developed  a  supplies  in  particular  are
                                                                      cal supplies are usually im-  rapid Ebola test. They hope  manufactured." q
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