Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200512
P. 31

locAl           Tuesday 12 May 2020

            United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC):

            Restrictions on the export of medical products hamper efforts to contain

            coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Latin America and the Caribbean

            PORT-OF-SPAIN,  TRINIDAD                                                                                            at  least  in  the  short  term.
            —  Latin  America  and  the                                                                                         Since March, however, ex-
            Caribbean is highly depen-                                                                                          port restrictions on medical
            dent  on  imports  of  medi-                                                                                        and  health  products  have
            cal  products,  as  less  than                                                                                      proliferated,  including  by
            4%  of  these  are  sourced                                                                                         some of the world’s leading
            within  the  region  itself.  To                                                                                    suppliers.  This  note  offers
            date,  more  than  70  coun-                                                                                        some  elements  to  gauge
            tries —including four of the                                                                                        the  likely  impact  of  these
            region’s  top  five  suppliers,                                                                                     measures  on  the  capacity
            of which the first is the Unit-                                                                                     of countries in the region to
            ed States— have restricted                                                                                          respond adequately to the
            their medical exports in re-                                                                                        COVID-19 pandemic.
            sponse to COVID-19. Export
            restrictions  are  hampering                                                                                        For the full publication go
            the  supply  of  products  es-                                                                                      to the link:
            sential for fighting the pan-                                                                             
            demic in the region.                                                                                                publications/45511-restric-
            Latin  America  and  the                                                                                            ucts-hamper-efforts-con-
            Caribbean  should  make  cording to the World Health                                                                tain-coronavirus-disease.q
            it  a  strategic  objective  to  Organization  (WHO),  as  of
            strengthen  its  productive  4  May  2020,  the  number                                                               ECLAC, which is head-
            capabilities  in  the  phar-  of  confirmed  cases  ex-                                                               quartered  in  Santiago,
            maceutical  and  medical  ceeded  3.4  million,  across                                                               Chile, is one of the five
            supplies  and  equipment  215  countries,  regions  and                                                               regional   commissions
            industries,  in  order  to  gain  territories.  These  include                                                        of  the  United  Nations.
            a  less  vulnerable  footing  the  33  countries  of  Latin                                                           It was founded with the
            to face health crises in the  America  and  the  Carib-                                                               purpose  of  contribut-
            future.  This  will  require  the  bean,  where  248,672  con-                                                        ing  to  the  economic
            combined  efforts  of  the  firmed cases were reported                                                                development  of  Latin
            public sector, business and  at that time. A prerequisite                                                             America  and  the  Ca-
            academia  in  a  mission-    for  adequately  addressing                                                              ribbean,  coordinating
            oriented  industrial  policy  this  pandemic  is  to  ensure                                                          actions  directed  to-
            framework.  Several  of  the  that sufficient medical and                                                             wards this end, and re-
            region’s  countries  have  health  products  are  avail-  especially  for  the  health  in  Asia.  International  trade   inforcing economic ties
            made worthwhile efforts in  able when needed in all af-   professionals most exposed  thus  plays  a  crucial  role  in   among  countries  and
            that  direction,  which  must  fected  countries.  This  cat-  to the virus. The production  ensuring  their  availability   with  other  nations  of
            be  sustained  beyond  the  egory  includes  medicines,  of  medicines  and  other  across  regions  and  coun-       the  world.  The  promo-
            current pandemic.            medical  supplies,  test  kits,  medical  and  health  sup-  tries,  especially  develop-  tion  of  the  region’s  so-
                                         mechanical      ventilators,  plies is highly concentrated  ing  ones,  which  today
            In  less  than  four  months,  masks  and  other  personal  in  industrialized  countries  urgently  need  them  but   cial  development  was
                                                                                                                                  later  included  among
            COVID-19 has spread virtu-   protective  equipment  for  and a small number of de-     lack  sufficient  productive   its primary objectives.
            ally  across  the  globe.  Ac-  the general population and  veloping  countries,  mainly  capabilities  of  their  own,

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