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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 12 May 2020
            As countries restart, WHO warns about lack of virus tracing

            By LORI HINNANT and                                                                                                 —  because  people  aren't
            NICK PERRY                                                                                                          allowed  to  travel  outside
            Associated Press                                                                                                    their  provinces  and  few
            PARIS  (AP)  —  A  top  world                                                                                       flights from overseas.
            health   official   Monday                                                                                          "Unfortunately  this  year's
            warned  that  countries  are                                                                                        business  is  lost  already.  It's
            essentially  driving  blind  in                                                                                     going  to  be  catastrophic,"
            reopening their economies                                                                                           said  Manuel  Domínguez,
            without  setting  up  strong                                                                                        manager  at  Seville's  Doña
            contact  tracing  to  beat                                                                                          María Hotel.
            back flare-ups of the coro-                                                                                         British  Prime  Minister  Bo-
            navirus. The warning came                                                                                           ris  Johnson  announced  a
            as  France  and  Belgium                                                                                            modest easing of the coun-
            emerged  from  lockdowns,                                                                                           try's  lockdown    but  urged
            the  Netherlands  sent  chil-                                                                                       citizens not to squander the
            dren back to school, and a                                                                                          progress made. Some peo-
            number  of  U.S.  states  con-                                                                                      ple,  however,  were  con-
            tinued  to  lift  their  business                                                                                   fused  as  the  government
            restrictions.                                                                                                       shifted its slogan from "Stay
            Fears  of  infection  spikes  in                                                                                    at  Home"  to  "Stay  Alert."
            places that have loosened    9th  grade  students  listen  to  instructions  at  an  elementary  school  in  Prague,  Czech  Republic,   Scotland, Wales and North-
            up have been borne out in    Monday, May 11, 2020.                                                                  ern  Ireland  stuck  with  the
            recent  days  in  Germany,                                                                         Associated Press  old motto.
            where  new  clusters  were                                                                                          At  the  risk  of  more  confu-
            linked  to  three  slaughter-  few months."               cal  areas.  Other  countries  with  tight  regulations  and  sion,  the  British  govern-
            houses; in Wuhan, the Chi-   Other  countries  are  far  —  and  U.S.  states  —  have  pent-up  demand  as  they  ment did an about-face on
            nese  city  where  the  crisis  behind   Germany.   Brit-  been  vague  about  what  reopened  across  much  of  masks Monday, telling peo-
            started;  and  in  South  Ko-  ain  abandoned  an  initial  would be enough to trigger  the  state,  save  for  some  ple  to  cover  their  mouth
            rea,  where  one  nightclub  contact-tracing  effort  in  another clampdown.           hard-hit  areas.  The  Fringe  and  nose  in  stores  and  on
            customer  was  linked  to  85  mid-March  when  the  vi-  The  U.S.  has  seen  1.3  mil-  Salon  in  Naples  was  al-  buses and subways.
            new cases.                   rus's  rapid  spread  made  it  lion  confirmed  infections  ready booked for the entire  People in jobs that cannot
            Authorities  have  warned  impossible. Now it is recruit-  and  about  80,000  deaths,  week,  its  capacity  limited  be  done  at  home  "should
            that  the  scourge  could  ing 18,000 people to do the  the  most  in  the  world  by  by  the  social-distancing  be actively encouraged to
            come  back  with  a  ven-    legwork  of  tracking  con-  far, according to a tally by  rules.                      go to work" this week, John-
            geance     without   wide-   tacts.                       Johns  Hopkins  University.  "It's  just  pure  chaos.  Every-  son said. He also set a goal
            spread testing and tracing  Britain  and  other  coun-    Worldwide, 4 million people  body's  excited  about  get-  of June 1 to begin reopen-
            of  infected  people's  con-  tries  are  also  developing  have been reported infect-  ting their haircut," said own-  ing schools and shops if Brit-
            tacts.                       contact-tracing  cellphone  ed and more than 280,000  er  Trish  Boettcher.  "People  ain can control new infec-
            Health  officials  in  the  U.S.  apps that can show wheth-  have died, over 150,000 of  are  just  randomly  calling  tions. Johnson himself is the
            will  be  watching  closely  in  er  someone  has  crossed  them in Europe. Health ex-  who are not our regular cli-  only  world  leader  to  suffer
            the  coming  days  for  any  paths with an infected per-  perts believe all those num-  ents."                      a serious bout of COVID-19.
            resurgence  of  the  virus  son.                          bers understate the true toll  In  South  Korea,  the  gov-  At  London's  Waterloo  train
            two weeks after states be-   In the hardest-hit corner of  of the outbreak.            ernment  clamped  down  station,  not  everyone  was
            gan  gradually  reopening,  the  U.S.,  contact  tracers  With  Monday's  partial  re-  again,  halting  school  re-  convinced.
            and  efforts  to  assemble  in  New  York  began  online  opening in France, c rowds  openings  planned  for  this  "I am nervous about going
            contact-tracing  teams  are  training Monday, and Gov.  formed at some Paris metro  week  and  reimposing  re-      back,  because  I  have  a
            underway there and in Eu-    Andrew Cuomo said some  stations, but the city's noto-    strictions   on   nightclubs  family and they have been
            rope.                        upstate  areas,  including  rious  traffic  jams  were  ab-  and  bars.  It  is  trying  to  isolating  since  the  start.  I
            The World Health Organiza-   the  Finger  Lakes,  could  sent. Only half the stores on  track  down  5,500  patrons  feel  like  I  am  now  putting
            tion's  emergencies  chief,  ease  their  restrictions  after  the  Champs-Elysees  were  of  a  Seoul  nightlife  district  them  at  risk,"  said  Peter
            Dr.  Michael  Ryan,  said  Friday.                        open.                        through  credit-card  trans-  Osu, 45, who was returning
            that  robust  contact  trac-  The governor set a require-  Parisian      hairdressers  actions,  cellphone  records  to  work  at  a  construction
            ing  measures  adopted  by  ment  of  30  contact  trac-  planned  to  charge  a  fee  and security footage.        site.
            Germany and South Korea  ers  per  100,000  residents  for  the  disposable  protec-   Roughly  half  of  Spain's  47  India  reported  its  biggest
            provide  hope  that  those  for  areas  to  reopen.  That  tive gear they will have to  million  people  shifted  into  daily increase in cases Mon-
            countries  can  detect  and  translates  to  about  6,000  give  customers.  Walk-ins  looser  restrictions,  begin-  day even as it prepared to
            stop  virus  clusters  before  workers statewide perform-  will be a thing of the past,  ning  to  socialize,  shop  in  resume train service.
            they get out of control.     ing what he described as a  said  Brigitte  L'Hoste,  man-  small stores and sit outdoors  In  South  Africa,  authorities
            But he said the same is not  daunting task. Cuomo said  ager of the Hair de Beauté  at  restaurants.  Its  biggest  in Cape Town and the sur-
            true of other countries exit-  contact tracing is "a logisti-  salon.                  cities,  Madrid  and  Barce-  rounding  province  consid-
            ing their lockdowns, declin-  cal nightmare, never been  "The  face  of  beauty  will  lona, remained under lock-   ered reimposing restrictions
            ing to name specific coun-   done before."                change,  meaning  clients  down.                          because the area has be-
            tries.                       Contract tracing across the  won't  come  here  to  relax.  Spanish  hotels  reopened  come  a  hotspot  account-
            "Shutting  your  eyes  and  rest  of  the  U.S.  is  a  patch-  Clients  will  come  because  with precautions — but also  ing for about half the coun-
            trying  to  drive  through  this  work  of  approaches  and  they need to," said Aurelie  financial  bleak  prospects  try's 200 virus deaths.q
            blind  is  about  as  silly  an  readiness levels.        Bollini, a beautician at the
            equation  as  I've  seen,"  In  loosening  up  the  coun-  salon. "They will come and
            Ryan  said.  "And  I'm  really  try's lockdown, German au-  aim  at  getting  the  maxi-
            concerned  that  certain  thorities have spelled out a  mum  done  in  the  shortest
            countries are setting them-  specific  level  of  infection  time possible."
            selves up for some seriously  that could lead to the reim-  Across the Atlantic, hair sa-
            blind  driving  over  the  next  position of restrictions in lo-  lons  in  Florida  contended
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